
Side Chapter: The Bounty Change (VIII).

Side Chapter: The Bounty Change (VIII).

"We have many rules of jousting- each hit will come into a point! It all differs to where you hit them and we have many audiences as our witness including the light goddess herself!" The announcer hyped up the crowd some more as horses with red and blue lapels were led inside. "However, the knight that will take off the other knight's helmet and make them fall into the ground will gain extra points!"

"First our two knights shall fight, then the winner may proceed to the next round! May we have the Gallant Sir Max and the Iron Lady of Fleur, Irish!"

The two knights waved their hand as they entered into the ring, holding their helmets and smiling looking at the top of the stands where the royal family was sitting.

"It's starting!"

The three of them inside the private room leaned in closer.