
reborn as the black panther

when a young black man is killed by a crush plans He gets 3 wish by the god for his reincarnation and he choose to become the black panther with some bonus ;) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… this is my first ever time writing so it might have mess ups but injoy

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2 Chs

chapter 1 (edited)

Oh Hi. You see that little black dot in the white void of nothing? Well,that's me.

Let's rewind so I can tell you how I got here and how my life went to shit, all because I trusted some random bitch I had a crush on.

...….FLASH BACK...…

beep beep beep

The shrill ringing of my alarm wakes me against my will. I groggily reach for my phone on the other side of my bed and silence it. Rolling back over, I shut my eyes and pray for even a few more minutes of sleep after a long night of studying. The bed feels so, so soft, and the blanket is oh, so warm.



"Get your ass up, school won't wait for you!" My mom's voice projects from downstairs. I slither out of bed with all the effort of a dead snake and hiss painfully after stubbing my toe on the nightstand next to my bed.

Stumbling into the bathroom, I stare at my reflection in the mirror and observe my tired features. The curtain of wool-like dreadlocks covering my forehead and onyx colored eyes. A scruffy beard growing from full, round cheeks and deep brown skin.


"I hear u ma!" I call back down the hall, half yawning and barely awake. In those few moments, I hear the familiar sound of my mom in the kitchen and the sweet smell of bacon motivates me to hurry up. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and think about the day ahead of me. Today is the last "normal" day of school before spring break, and my last chance to ask Ellie out on a date. If not today, it won't happen at all.

I throw on a white hoodie, black jeans, and black and white Nike's and make my way downstairs into the kitchen, where my mom is blasting oldies and dancing while pulling biscuits out of the oven.

"Good morning," she chirps.

I grab an empty plate and bowl from the table and meet my mom by the stove while she loads them with fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon.

"Last day before break," she starts as I thank her with a hug, "Do you have plans this time? Or are you gonna bury yourself in your room as usual?" I look at her with a smile and give her a sarcastic laugh

" Hahaha yes I have plans this time around" I say with sarcasm and playfulness. She rolls her eyes with a smile

"Mhm your plate's at the table and you better not be late you know I hate when your damn school calls me."

Once I got done eating and checked the time I yell "Fuck!!" then running out the door to my car I hop in and start it up with a loud "roar " of the 2023 Dodge Challenger . Driving to the crazy place they call a school I turn on my rnb playlist to one of my favorite songs " Best Part" by Daniel Caesar.

Pulling into school I notice how uninterested everyone is so I think to myself "This just might be a easy day." Rushing I grab my glass out of the console of my car and start to walk to class with my headphones in, ignoring the chaos of high school.

Once I get there, I sit down and tune everything out except for the music blasting in my ears. After a while everyone walks into the classroom and I see Ellie and my heart skips a beat as she looks at me with a smile but before I can get up and ask her anything, one of my closest friends came to me and began to talk to me about the last anime he watched.



When I started to get up and get ready to leave I notice Ellie alone so I walk to her and say " Hey Ellie are you busy tonight?"

She looks up at me and says "No. Why?" I blush with a smile

"Well, wanna go out to dinner tonight?" I say with a happy tone in my voice. She looks me up and down then says with a smile

"Of course, come to my place and we can go to a seafood restaurant." After as she said that she walked with a swing in her hips that I watched from far away.


I pull into Ellie's house to see her coming out in a red fitting dress, meanwhile I'm wearing a black button down shirt and jeans with a gold chain. I get out to hold her door open while she gets in, shortly after I get in, then begin to drive to the seafood restaurant. Suddenly out of the blue she asks

"Do you own this car and is everything you got on real?" looking right at me with her smile that makes my heart fly.

After a while of driving I answer " Yea it's all mine because of my job and family ties.'' She giggles as I blush.

Soon we pull into the restaurant and get seated, then we start talking about school and eating all the way till closing time . We start to head back to her house as I begin to get a really bad feeling the closer we get to the house but she says in a very sexy voice

"Pull over into that parking lot because I'm in the mood" after she said that, my bottom half started to act up but something told me not too. Against my better judgment I pull into the parking lot then I park. She started to kiss and rub on my chest but after a few moments of it the feeling I felt came back like a truck hitting an animal. What made it worse was the smile and look in her eyes when we stopped, I turned my head to look out my window just to see the end of a pistol, then


nothing but white.


Yep I fell for the most easy shit in the book, like damn near died before losing my v card but its been boring here in the white void. It's bringing me a feeling of peace, during this experience I see a tall bald black man walk to me with a white three piece suit on with a fatherly smile and he said in a voice that felt like it could shake my soul " Hello my son"