
Reborn as Skarbrand

"Blood God," " the "Lord of Murder", the "Lord of Skulls," and "Hunter of Souls". Do you Wish to have the power to a chosen and be a paragon of violence, a whirlwind of bloodshed and destruction. l don't own Warhammer, dm me if you wanna join my Discord server

Valentino_666 · Derivasi dari game
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: His Search for Power

Skarbrand's journey southwards into the heart of the desolate Badlands was a pilgrimage of pain and determination. A relentless pursuit of power that was more spiritual than physical. The barren landscape mirrored his desolation, a stark tableau etched with the scars of his past and the promise of his future.

The Badlands sprawled ahead, a wild, untamed wasteland punctuated by boulder-strewn stretches and decayed remnants of a once-thriving land. The arid soil crunched under Skarbrand's determined steps, each footfall echoing like a drumbeat in the throbbing silence. It was a silence pregnant with the echoes of an era long gone, a time of prosperity, swallowed by the sands of time and the cruel wheel of fate.

Towering ruins jutted from the parched earth, skeletal remains of a forgotten civilization. Silent barrows and cairns marked the resting places of warriors past, their honor long corroded by the ravages of time. Skarbrand could almost hear the whispers of their brave spirits, a spectral chorus guiding him towards hidden wellsprings of ancient power.

This odyssey was a crucible, each hardship tempering Skarbrand's indomitable spirit. He welcomed the searing desert sun, the treacherous terrain, the bone-deep fatigue that gnawed at his resolve. Every obstacle he overcame, every step he took towards the heart of the Badlands, brought him closer to the promise of immense power.

His first encounter with life in this hostile wilderness came not in the form of Men, but Greenskins. Savage tribes of Orcs and Goblins warred amongst themselves, their brutal battles splattering the arid terrain with fresh, steaming blood. Their encampments sprouted like noxious weeds across the landscape, a stark testament to their fierce survival instinct.

Skarbrand watched from a distance as they fought, their brutality a crude ballet of blood and violence. Picket lines of spiked skulls and gruesome trophies marked the borders of their territories, grim reminders of their savage might. Gigantic symbols, crudely carved into the rocky outcrops, shouted their tribal allegiance to the barren sky.

Sinister effigies of their deities loomed over the desolate plains, casting long, monstrous shadows. Some were hewn from unyielding stone, others assembled from piled bones, each as grotesque and intimidating as the next. In their grotesquery, Skarbrand sensed the raw, unadulterated power he sought, radiating from these effigies like heat from a blazing furnace.

As Skarbrand ventured further into this wild domain, he could almost taste the power that lay in wait. It was a palpable force, seeping from the land, the ruins, the effigies, and the Greenskins themselves. He knew he was close, close to unlocking the dormant might within himself. And with each passing moment, Skarbrand felt a growing anticipation, a keen edge of excitement that cut through his exhaustion. He was ready. Ready to seize his destiny and wield the power that would cement his legacy in the annals of Chaos.

The Greenskin encampments sprawled across the heart of the Badlands like a malignant growth, their formidable walls standing as an arrogant challenge to any who dared to breach them. Skarbrand surveyed the scene, his mismatched eyes flickering with a hellish light. Here, among the raw savagery of the Greenskins, he would unleash his fury.

The encampments were fortified, thick walls of bones, stone, and crudely hammered metal. They bristled with spear tips and creaking watchtowers, while the surrounding land was scarred with trenches and moats of filth. Amid the chaos, Skarbrand saw an opportunity. A chance to test his mettle, to confront his destiny head-on.

He stepped forward, the crunch of his hooves against the parched earth a clarion call of war. His breath ghosted through the air, a stark contrast to the sweltering heat of the Badlands. His heart thundered in his chest, the rhythm as intoxicating as the promise of battle. The distant roars and guttural cries from the Greenskin camps added fuel to his determination.

With a roar that shook the Badlands, Skarbrand charged, With his axes clutched tightly in his hand. The ground beneath him shuddered, matching his primal ferocity. Dust clouds rose in his wake, the storm of his fury blanketing the sun-scorched plains.

A phalanx of spears met Skarbrand's onslaught, a forest of gleaming points ready to impale. Yet, they were mere thorns against the storm that was Skarbrand. His body, scarred from countless battles, was hardened against such threats. His spirit, born from the primordial chaos, thrived amidst the lethal ballet of war.

From the tumultuous crowd of Greenskins, the shaman stepped forward. His eyes blazed with savage magic, and his voice rang out in a guttural chant that filled the air with an arcane charge. With an upward thrust of his staff, he invoked the Fist of Gork.

A colossal, ghostly green fist materialized above the battleground, an ethereal manifestation of the Greenskin deity. The magic pulsed with raw power, the air around it distorted, rippling like a mirage. Then, with a terrifying speed, the spectral fist slammed down, a crushing force aiming for Skarbrand.

But Skarbrand was relentless, a juggernaut of chaos and carnage. He met the magical assault with a bellowing roar, raising his own weapon high. The collision between the Fist of Gork and Skarbrand's might was cataclysmic, sending shockwaves of power that swept across the barren landscape, making the very ground tremble.

Skarbrand's strength was more than physical; it was an indomitable force, a testament to his resolve. He met the Greenskin's brutality with his own, matching their savage bloodlust with his primal rage. His charge continued, a seemingly unstoppable onslaught, driving him deep into the heart of his enemies.

Each blow he delivered was a dance with death, each parry a flirtation with oblivion. Skarbrand moved with a feral grace that belied his massive form, tearing through the Greenskin defenses like a tempest. His roars of defiance and the satisfying crunch of bone under his blows were a symphony of war that echoed across the battlefield.

Skarbrand's onslaught was relentless. He scaled the walls, his hooves cracking the rough stone, his hands pulling him up, tearing through anything or anyone that stood in his way. The Greenskins fell before him like wheat before a scythe, their cries of fear and pain swept away by the storm of his fury.

Inside the encampments, the battle raged on. Skarbrand moved like a force of nature, unstoppable in his quest for power. His presence, an inferno in the heart of the Greenskin camps, consumed everything in its path. His laughter was a mocking echo that danced with the screams and howls of the dying.

As Skarbrand carved his bloody path through the encampments, he revelled in the chaos, the bloodshed, the intoxicating taste of violence.

The battleground was in a frenzy, a swirling tempest of violence and bloodlust. The Orc shaman stood against Skarbrand, the two of them a stark contrast amidst the sea of warring Greenskins. A primal challenge was in the air, the tension building, culminating in an explosive confrontation.

The shaman, his tusks gleaming under the cruel sun, began another guttural chant. The words, ancient and potent, echoed across the plains, seeping into the earth and reverberating in the very bones of the world. Around him, the air crackled with arcane power, a tangible force of raw, uncontrolled magic that whipped about like a raging storm.

And then, with a resounding shout that tore through the cacophony of the battlefield, the shaman thrust his staff skyward. Above him, reality seemed to tear, rippling as a burning core of energy formed. The essence of the sun itself appeared to be harnessed, coalesced into a leering, fiery visage. Its radiant gaze swept over the battlefield, and then, with a dreadful inevitability, it began to descend.

Skarbrand, though confronted with this onslaught of raw power, did not falter. He faced the fiery onslaught, his features twisted in a grimace of defiance. Every ounce of his being screamed resistance, a refusal to bow to any force. He was the embodiment of chaos, the physical manifestation of the indomitable will that defied the gods themselves.

The burning sun descended, a cataclysmic entity of destruction that threatened to consume all in its path. Its heat was intense, the air around it shimmering in a haze of incandescent fury. Yet Skarbrand met it head-on. With a bellowing roar that was equal parts challenge and defiance, he charged, his weapon raised high.

The impact was monumental, a clash of power that resonated across the wasteland. The very fabric of reality seemed to strain under the weight of their confrontation, the earth beneath their feet trembling. The blazing entity fought to press forward, to consume and obliterate, but Skarbrand stood against it, a bulwark against its destructive advance.

The battle raged on, a dance of destruction and power that marked a turning point in Skarbrand's journey. The Orc shaman was formidable, his magic potent and destructive. But Skarbrand was a force of chaos, and in his heart raged a storm of power that refused to bow, refused to yield. He fought on, fuelled by the promise of the power he sought, his path illuminated by the burning sun of the Orc shaman's creation.

Despite the Orc Shaman's formidable power, Skarbrand remained undeterred. He had weathered the cataclysmic onslaught of the fiery entity, his resolve unyielding. The fireball, a monstrous sun of verdant flame, pulsated with malicious intent, its luminous gaze fixed upon Skarbrand. But he met its gaze without flinching, the embodiment of defiance and unyielding resolve.

Battered and bruised, yet still brimming with indomitable rage, Skarbrand rallied. He was a creature of chaos, a being born from the primal forces that shaped the cosmos, and he would not be bested. He summoned his strength, feeling the raw power surging through his veins, fuelling his resolve.

With a blood-curdling roar, he charged towards the shaman, his weapon raised high, his entire being aflame with defiant fury. He moved with a startling speed, a red streak against the verdant blaze of the looming fireball. Every muscle, every fiber of his being, was focused on one purpose: to end the shaman.

As he closed the distance, the fiery sun seemed to pause, as though it could sense the formidable challenger that approached. The blazing orb pulsed, its radiance flickering momentarily, as though reflecting the shaman's sudden trepidation.

With a final leap, Skarbrand was upon the shaman. His weapon descended with a savage ferocity, a wrathful storm contained in a single, decisive blow. The shaman's magic could not shield him from the onslaught, his protective wards shattering like brittle glass against Skarbrand's unrelenting strength.

The shaman's death scream echoed throughout the Badlands, a chilling lament that punctuated the end of the fierce battle. His body crumpled, falling lifeless to the scorched earth. And with his demise, the fiery sun, once a threatening specter of destruction, flickered out, its existence snuffed out as abruptly as its creator's life.

The battlefield fell into an eerie silence, the Greenskins looking on in stunned disbelief at the sight of their fallen shaman. Skarbrand, standing victorious amidst the carnage, felt a surge of triumph. He had emerged victorious, his path to power now unobstructed.

In the aftermath of the shaman's demise, Skarbrand was a whirlwind of rage and power. His wrath was a palpable entity, sweeping across the battlefield in a maelstrom of violence. He struck down the greenskins with brutal efficiency, his weapon reaping a bloody harvest. Their death cries echoed throughout the Badlands, a grim symphony to Skarbrand's unstoppable advance. When the dust settled, the battlefield was a gruesome tableau of carnage, a testament to Skarbrand's ruthless determination.

In the quiet that followed the massacre, a glint caught Skarbrand's eye. There, amidst the scattered remnants of the Greenskin horde, lay an object that pulsed with power. It was a horn, exquisitely crafted, and bearing the unmistakable craftsmanship of the Dwarfs. This was the Horn of the Ancestors, a fabled relic believed to possess the power to summon the spirits of long-deceased Dwarfs.

Skarbrand picked up the horn, its cool surface humming with energy under his touch. The artifact thrummed with a potent magic, a beacon of untapped power. If the legends were true, then corrupting the horn could offer him a formidable advantage. A corrupted Horn of the Ancestors could be a gateway, a means to summon not the spirits of deceased Dwarfs, but bloodletters, demons from the very pits of Chaos itself.

Summoning his chaotic energies, Skarbrand began the process of corruption. He forced his will upon the horn, the air around him pulsating with the raw power of his intent. The horn bucked under his grip, its intrinsic magic resisting his efforts. It was a maelstrom of conflicting powers, the horn's inherent energies clashing with Skarbrand's relentless corruption.

But Skarbrand was a being born of pure chaos. He knew the ebb and flow of such forces, the dance of domination and submission that played out when one sought to corrupt an artifact of power. His will was indomitable, his power insurmountable. And so, he pressed on, his chaotic energies seeking to permeate the horn, to reshape its essence and bend it to his will.

The Horn of the Ancestors was a symbol of the Dwarfs' history, their legacy. Its corruption would be a monumental shift, a perversion of its original purpose. Yet, for Skarbrand, it was another tool in his relentless pursuit of power. A means to unleash a new kind of chaos upon the world, to summon forth entities from the very heart of the abyss.

As the energies of the Horn of the Ancestors clashed with the taint of chaos Skarbrand forced into it, a clash of power reverberated throughout the desolate plains. This was no ordinary battle; it was a test of wills, a clash of fundamental forces that underpinned the very fabric of existence.

Skarbrand poured more of his chaotic essence into the horn, his grim visage set with an iron resolve. He could feel the horn bucking in his grasp, feel its latent energies seeking to reject his corruption. But he did not relent. With each wave of resistance, he pushed back harder, his power a tidal surge against the stubborn barricade of the horn's innate magic.

The air around them seemed to pulsate with the struggle, the energies unleashed from their clash making the very atmosphere shudder. It was a battle unseen by the naked eye, yet its effects were all too palpable. The ground around Skarbrand started to crack, the ruptures spidering outwards as though the earth itself was bearing witness to the cataclysmic battle of wills.

Then, with a final surge of his chaotic essence, Skarbrand shattered the horn's resistance. The clash of powers reached its crescendo, a final, overwhelming wave of energy that swept across the battlefield. When the wave subsided, Skarbrand stood victorious, the Horn of the Ancestors pulsating with a newfound power in his grip.

The horn had transformed under the influence of Skarbrand's corruption. Its once pristine surface now bore a sickly sheen, its power now a perversion of its former self. It was no longer a beacon of ancestral spirits but a gateway to entities far more sinister. With the horn, Skarbrand now possessed the ability to summon entities from the very depths of the abyss, beings forged from the essence of chaos itself.

The corrupting of the Horn of the Ancestors marked another milestone in Skarbrand's journey. His relentless pursuit of power had led him to desecrate a relic, twist it to his purposes. Yet, for Skarbrand, this was a necessary step, another hurdle crossed in his relentless pursuit of power.

As he stood amidst the carnage, the corrupted horn in his grip, Skarbrand knew he was one step closer to his ultimate goal. The power he sought was within his grasp, the path illuminated by his triumph. His journey was far from over, his thirst for power yet unquenched. But he was undeterred. For in the realm of chaos, only the relentless survive.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Here is another chapter, Please enjoy it!

I was having a break for a bit and got sidetracked, I apologise.


From Valentino

Valentino_666creators' thoughts