
Reborn as shin's twin brother: Kenja No Mago

A renowned martial artist who reached the pinnacle of strength in his world only wanted nothing but death later found himself in a world full of magic and absolutely nothing on martial art Will he carry on his lagecy as a martial art and eventually also reach the peak of this world? Or will he learn the magic way which never suits him and his ideals? …………………………………………………………………………………… Please this is actually my first novel so don't be too harsh with the reviews and make comments on any thing you find insulting or unreasonable or uninteresting Please do enjoy

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26 Chs


Few minutes before the crash(More detailed)

Over a hundred miles in the sky Rei and where floating

Both Rei and Domiel were in a serious bad shape Rei was almost cooked up by the heat of Domiel's previous spells

Rei staggered on the air while fighting to maintain consciousness due to no oxygen intake, while Domiel on the other hand was already out of energy  he used his wings to maintain flight on air

Rei and Domiel were at their limit nothing else to do than stare at each other.

Both stared at each other not knowing what to do, not that they didn't know what to do but their bodies couldn't take it anymore, even a slight movement dealt a huge blow on them, most especially Rei

At the course of staring at each other their conciousness slept for a second and the next thing they knew, was that they were descending at a very high speed

They were just to tired to try any tricks to reduce momentum so they just had to let it flow

After a long minute or two of descending they crashed on the ground. It felt like hell, it was worst than a regular torture, if a regular human being was to be in their shoes they would had chosen death

Even after experiencing all this their fight instinct still told them that they need to stand, that anyone who looks away for a second is gone.

After a life time struggle, both stood up. Rei knew that he was in the worst position ever, he was backing a cliff and any wrong move can cause him his life, not like he cared but he didn't want to due without killing Domiel. He tried to look down for a bit and in that instant Domiel wrestled him down the cliff

While falling down the cliff he knew this will be the his final struggle, he mustered all the strength he had, inhaled a huge amount of air causing his lungs and heart even his head to ache, he converted it to energy circulates round his body and formed an artificial hand with earth magic

He gathered a moderate amount of energy in his right hand and a huge amount of energy in his artificial left hand, he used the energy in his left hand and made two elements fire and earth. He compressed the fire in his hand(left) into a ball sized and used the earth to cover it but before covering it he infused his energy into the fire

The reason he thought of this idea was because he knew that his end was at that spot. Knowing that his very energy will ho BOOM after his death he decided to go down with Domiel and decided to fuse his raw energy with fire increasing the damage.

After this process he threw the ball into Domiel's mouth. Looking at Domiel's expression he was a little satisfied, them he proceeded with his final plan.

Having a little bit of hope Rei decided to suck in Domiel's energy and use it to replenish his own. Rei releases the energy in his other hand into Domiel's body to gather up all the fragments of energy from him and suck it up all at once

After gathering all the fragments he began to take it in and after taking it just only one of the thousand remaining fragments his body... crashed down and at that Instant Rei Warlford was mo more

After his death the terms and conditions for the bomb was already met and at that instant Domiel followed him. Domiel was destroyed to bit and pieces. And this made Rei a hero indeed.

Few hours later when the sun was now up the search for the great hero of Earlshide was now officially announced by the king. The entire army of knights and mages were dispatched to look for Rei while the the abled working men and students were left behind to be in charge of the rebuilding of the destroyed houses

As for Shin and his colleagues they had already been gone for at least an hour or two leaving behind Maria who had already woken up an hour ago just immediately after Rei's death due to the explosion of the ring Rei gave her, the explosion was very light though. Cecily who was in charge of keeping Maria at bay, Traumatized Ana and Mike who was in charge of keeping Ana at bay. The rest were out looking for Rei

Maria and Ana were in a huge mess, nobody could recognize them anymore, the vibrant and bossy Ana was now seen in a state almost similar to someone who had lost all hope and will to live on. The joyous, cheerful and vibrant Maria just laid in Rei's bed crying herself out, no form of consolation could stop. She just laid there trying to perceive the familiar nice smell of Rei and that was her only consolation. 'If only I was strong I'm sure this won't happen' those were the words that ran through her mind

Ana on the other hand just kept on muttering 'Sensei' endlessly. Words about Ana's predicaments reached the king's ears and he made an order for her to be moved to the hospital for mental treatment 

Now back to the searching groups. The knights and mages were split into mixed four groups exempting Shin's group. The four groups were sent to go East, West, North and South. As the search was going on Shin's group were already close to knowing what had truly happened

In the woods on that same cliff that Rei and Domiel passed away Shin's group had already arrived and searching for clues about Rei's whereabouts.

"I've lost track of him, it seems like he just vanished"

Williams says while looking around looking at the destroyed trees

"So you can't find any clue"

Aug asked

And Williams answered with a negative nod

Just immediately a shout was heard, it was Yumi and immediately everyone rushed to her location. When they arrived they saw Yumi kneeling down in tears looking at something in her hands. Shin tried to console her and also went close to see what had made her cry like that.

As Shin opened her hands to his greatest surprise he saw the left hand of his dearly beloved brother. He can't say it's not it because he recognized the bangle him and Rei wore as the sign of their brotherhood, they both knew that they were from different parents but that didn't stop them from being brothers. Shin tried to hide the tears and urged Yumi to stand so they can head back, but rather than standing Yumi just kept on crying on her knees

"Oi, oi, oi, Yumi!!!"

Williams shouts out her name calling the attention of everyone toward him

"Is this how sensei wants you to feel at this time, is this the type of ugly face sensei will want to see, Eh Yumi? Get a grib of yourself and act like a strong woman which you are"

Williams shouted at the top of his voice

"Like your the one to talk Will, tears are coming out from your eyes"

Yumi says as she sobs

"This are tears of joy"

The group burst into laughter and tears at the same time

Two months later

Two months later after the attack. The flow of event have returned back but the search for Rei still continued . The kingdom was now fully reconstructed and both the knight and mage school had continued. It was easy for the senior class S to recover from the incident due to the funny nature of one of them, Alice. Although the class S were back in shape one of them wasn't still not fully recovered and that was Maria. She couldn't just bear the logic of Rei was no more.

Now coming down to the junior class S, non of them had recovered maybe it was because they saw Rei as a Teacher, brother and father at thesame time so them not recovering was much expected.

Ana had recovered fully but she was less active as usual, Mike still had his touch and tried his possible best to push everyone along, Yumi was just Yumi vut unconsciously cried sometimes them William's was just his usual self but rather he became more hard working, he trained everytime, he had this idea that one day Sensei will come back and when he does he should see a significant change in him. That was his only drive. 

At that same time in a distant, land deep inside the sea a human figure was seen visible as light and  white as the snow and it glowed with pure and beautiful light ilot was like it was going through a  rebirth a metamorphosis. Will this be the rebirth of good or will this be the rebirth of choas himself