
Perfect Rinkaisha

Just a few seconds before Shin's arrival

Rei was clad with red aura all around his body, he was trying so hard to maintain his breath, but the injury all over his body wouldn't allow him.

Domiel on the other hand seems like he was dominating, he hasn't used any special skill or attack, he just maintained he normal swordsmanship and hand combat style

"Key-kun, my original plan was just to retrieve you but you have made me to waste a lot of time here, so taking a small amount of people's lives will be a replaceable factor for my time right"

Domiel laughs maniacally and then continued

"Ah forgive my antics that was unholy of me. But seriously though I'm gonna shed some blood before leaving and I'm gonna start with that one over there"

Domiel laughs lightly, he clads his right hand with spiritual energy and dash toward Maria

Rei who hasn't processed everything could only watch and see as his student will be killed

(Rei POV)

My leg and hands were stiff, it was almost as if I was a tree I couldn't feel anything. I could only watch and see as one of my student will be killed.

"I refuse to admit it" I said loudly and the next moment I was in front of Maria. I looked at Maria's face and it was filled with utter fear it almost made me laugh because that's not a face you see every time. I saw as blood splattered around Maria's face I then knew I was going to die.

My consciousness began to fade but at that dieing moment I decided to turn and see Domiel, he was utterly disgusted, then finally I fell asleep

In my Mindscape

I sat down in an empty space there was no floor no wall just white surroundings and hologram like TV where I saw what was going on outside my body

Louis was beside me in her human form and also watched what was going on

"You couldn't even land a blow on him left alone to scratch him"

Louis scolded me

"Well it ain't your fault he was just too strong for you..."

Louis stops and looks at domiels's face

"...but I'm sure I've seen him somewhere. So what's gonna happen, are you going back?"

Louis asks me. I look at my body in disgust while realizing how weak I am

"Even if I wanted to go back I can't, my body can't keep up, my left lungs as been torn apart I can't even breath, it's a miracle I'm still alive"

Just after saying that Shin appears in the battle field, he looks at me and without thinking dash toward Domiel

"No, Shin"

I tried to call out to him but nothing happened, all I could do was talk to Louis and watch what is happening outside of my mindscape.

Shin engaged Domiel into a furious sword fight, he was so fast but still didn't make any impact. Shin dodge all Domiel's attack because blocking it will just give the same result as receiving it head on.

As Shin fought he yelled my name loudly and angrily, this only made the anger within me boil. And that was then an idea came to my mind.

"Louis, is it possible for me to fight him without breathing. I know that's kind of a foolish question but us it?"

I asked Louis while looking at my body

"Boy not breathing while fighting us not the problem, the main issue is can you wake up? Because you coming here was not of your own will, you were forced here..."

"Then I have to force my way back"

I interrupted louis before she could even finish. I then stood up looking around for an imaginary exit door but couldn't find any. I released huge fire balls but all seemed as if it was traveling an unending distance.

"Do you want to destroy your own mind?"

Louis asked me with a type of expression like 'what's this fool up to'

"Nope, I want to escape out of here"

I began to gather all the energy I have left in me and began to release it, it was a difficult task but I kept on doing it. It was almost as if my body was being sapped off my energy but I didn't stop until...

(Rei POV ends)

Outside Rei's mindscape

Shin lunch attack upon attack yelling and screaming

"You'll pay, you'll pay, you'll pay"

Domiel effortlessly blocks all of them, non was worth dodging

Domiel looks at Shin and was about to land the one and only blow on Shin to end his life

Domiel uses his left hand to hold Shin sword at a place and raises his sword with his right hand


Domiel was stopped mid way. Blood drips from Domiel's left chin

"Ohh?And here I thought you were dead, that attack was meant for my head right? But guess what you missed"

Rei didn't even answer him. He kept quite and gave Shin a sign language to take Ana and leave immediately cause she wont survive what's coming next. Shin was was keeping quite and trying to conserve him remaining breath to fight

As planned Shin carries Ana who just knelt down in a shock and opened a portal and teleported out of there

Rei was totally different his eyes were pitch black his face showed no emotions and a deep black aura of lighting and fire covered him, his blade was pitch black in color as pitch black fire it. His clothes were a mess dirty, bloody and sweaty.

Domiel uses his finger to clean his blood and licks his finger clean

"Human you have some guts to make me see my blood over a thousand years and get me you'll pay for that"

Domiel releases a burst of white aura, his top robe was ripped to shreds and revealed his sturdy muscles, the nearby trees and houses flying and the ground cracked roughly

'Thanks to Shin the people around have been evacuated safely, but I still need to reduce the damage cost'

Rei thought in his mind

"Now human prepared to be...."

Rei appeared in front of him and landed a punch in his gut which sends him flying 500km into the sky, giving him no chance Rei appears kicks again in his gut, this time he vomited a mouth full of blood and was thrown 700km outside the kingdom almost close to the neighboring village called Einratch

Rei fully knew were the village was located so he appeared at the flying Domiel and smashed him down with his fist to stop him from heading there

Domiel smashes on the ground and forms a huge crater the size of a whale. Rei was still floating on the air. As Domiel tries to stand up Rei swings his katana three time and three dark energy shaped as blades zooms rapidly toward Domiel But Domiel uses his sword to counter them

Rei knew he won't last long so he wanted to end this as soon as possible

Domiel kicks the ground and throws himself upwards to Rei and with that momentum slashes downwards

Rei does the same


Their Swords clashed, It cursed an earthquake, place places that were 10,000km from them felt it, the ground underneath them cracked open and a steam began to come out from it rapidly, the trees were uprooted from the source and flew to another place entirely, the clouds rumble and lightning spark flashed the rain continued to rumble

People from the nearby villages thought that this was the end, some religious ones thought that it was gods terror training down from heaven,Over cautious men and women who came out from the village to see what was going on this late in the night were sent to their maker either by the flying debris of building, trees or rocks or by the mere sharp wave of their clash, It was utter chaos for them. House were crushed and lives were lost.

'Shit.. '

Rei cursed in his mind not far enough

'we have to go higher than this'

"You worry too much about others that you seem to forget about yourself"

Domiel moves backwards and points at Rei's left hand. It was no more, Rei was too focused on the well being of the people below that ge forgot about taking precautions against other certain attacks

Blood gushes out of his left hand but Rei looks at it as if it was nothing

Rei could easily manipulate the rain water around him but he needed his breath to do so, so he relied on brute strength

Rei dashes toward Domiel and swings his katana upwards, Domiel blocks the attack but he was still sent miles upwards into the sky.

Now the Rain was more furious the thunder was very loud to the point of bursting a normal person's ear drums

Domiel tries to reduce the momentum by flipping around and he did that

"I see you are now strong, time to end this fight"

Domiel forms a very huge hot fire ball as big as 8 storey building that even with the strong Rain and strong wind it could not quench down but rather made the could rain a boiling hot water, and hot steam surrounds them

Rei skin was burning off and pedaling due to the steam and water but he didn't care at all, all he wanted was to kill domiel by all means

"Hey, boy, you're gonna die if this continues"

Louis speaks in his mind

'Shut up'

Domiel places his sword in his scabbard and uses his other hand to to cast another spell

~Perfect Clone~

Other five huge fire balls were formed

"Now human find the real one"

'That a joke all of them are real let me see you burn to shreads'

Domiel says in his mind

Domiel throws the 6 huge fire balls at Rei, Rei dashes forward bursting through the fireballs and destroying them and trust me he didn't destroy them untouched, he paid the price for it. All his body hairs were burnt his head hair were ruined his skin was a mess but that didn't stop him destroyed all six of them

Domiel didn't stop at that he summoned a barrels of lightning but this time Rei dodged all of them swiftly, Rei approaches Domiel and swings his sword but Domiel forms a huge ice wall to block the attacks but Rei's attack destroyed it easily

Domiel had no other choice than to engage him in a sword fight, Domiel brings out his sword and both of them engaged in a fierce sword fight.

Even as far as they were from the ground it still affected the people below as rapid winds flew all around, the rain was very hot, but the wind was cool nobody knew what was going on, Shin and his classmates lost the signal the moment they went to high into the sky, the king ordered that nobody come our to avoid unnecessary death

In the warlford livingroom

The atmosphere was very dull and heavy everyone were seriously worried and praying for Rei's safety. Maria was still unconscious and Cecily was taking care of her, Aug and Thor were looking after the children(Rei's students) while the others just sat down and plundering what to do.

"Hey, Shin-kun, How was he like?Rei?"

Cecily asks Shin who just stared at the orb with a teary eye full of anger. He kept quite for sometime before answering.

"I hate to say this but if he can survive then it's a miracle, he was so bloodied I could see his organs with my bare eyes, and then there was his transformation. He became another beast all together, he told me to pick Ana and run I didn't even think twice and I did so..."

The sound of raging thunder and wind interrupted him

"....I was so afraid of him that I ran away, his aura, his eyes, his entire being all screams death and I ran away"

Rei punches the table and breaks it in halves so with the orb. Immediately the rain stops which made everyone suprise that the raging storm will stop

Immediately all of them ran out only to see two burning figures falling from the sky, Shin began to trace their fall to the likely possible area they will land


After tracing it Shin signals some of his classmate to follow and Some of Rei's Students Shin, Aug, Alice, Tony, Williams and Yumi will go and search while the rest should stay behind, and so they set off.

Inside a thick bush close to a cliff Rei fell close to the cliff while Domiel fell inside the bush. After some seconds both of them stood up Rei was finished, his body was mess he had almost a thousand injuries his eyes were colored red due to blood which gushed out from him holding his breath for too long and not to forget he had lost one hand and a foot, he used his sword to keep his balance

Domiel was no different he right hand was chopped off he lost one eye and had alot of injuries but not as much as Rei.

Rei looks behind and sees the cliff end and noticed that the river was very far from the top

'Falling from here will result to certain death, so I should avoid...'

Domiel pushes himself and Rei down the cliff, Rei saw this as a very stupid and shocking move he decide to take his last breath by force

Rei inhales deeply which made his lungs ache and he vomited a mouth full of blood it was so painful but at least he got what he wanted

He gathers natural energy in both hands and uses one to forms a huge ball of fire and coated it with earth and then inserted it to Domiel body through his mouth and then uses his other hand and place on domiel's body to suck out the energy from him

Domiel was still struggling with what was choking him that he didn't notice that his enemy was dead.

That's right Rei died while trying to suck out the small amount of energy from Domiel

'You fool do you think that you can suck out my energy and still remain alive'

As domiel cursed he exploded and Rei's body was blown away into the water while Domiels body was blown to bit and pierces