
Reborn As Sakura's Little Sister

Suddenly one day a boy was hit by a truck "wait where am I and who are these people?" "Hold on I'm Sakuras little sister? God, have you truly abandoned me? Why can't I get three wishes like other people!" Reborn in the horrible world of Naruto gender bendered and reincarnated as the little sister of a hopless fool how will our he/she? survive? Find out in the next chapter of "Reborn As Sakuras Little Sister"

ChocoMintIce · Komik
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28 Chs

Chapter 18

A/N { Sorry everyone this chapter will be short because I'm trying to stack chapters so that you guys can get daily updates even when a problem oucurss with me. So to all my readers I apologize}

"Today we are going to learn how to use ninjutsu!" Iruka said excitedly. The class immediately became quiet and most of the class tilted their heads in confusion. The silence was suddenly dispelled by a question.

"Iruka-sensei umm what is ninjutsu?" A random classmate of mine asked. I looked at him as if he were an idiot. 'I know the kid there is a civilian but how doesn't he know what ninjutsu is? Is it because he is a civilian? Is it because we are currently in a time of peace?' I wondered as Iruka answered my classmate's question.

"Well Baku ninjutsu is a ninja technique that uses chakra to allow the user to perform actions that normally, shouldn't be possible"

"What does ninjutsu look like?" another classmate wondered aloud.

"Well, why don't I show you?" Iruka replied with a confident smile. Immediately he performed complicated gang signs, then suddenly in a puff of smoke three Iruka's appeared. The class cheered in awe and excitement. The three Iruka then said with a proud tone.

"This is the clone Jutsu, one of the three academy jutsus you will learn here" Most of my classmates continued to shout in wild excitement and joy. However, all of our joy was cut short by Iruka's next words.

"But you won't be learning about those today instead you will be learning how to use hand signs, what hand signs to use for ninjutsu or genjutsu" The entire class groaned in disappointment, I gave out a slightly upset sigh. 'That's a bit disappointing but it's also important to learn about hand signs since they help you with manipulating chakra to perform jutsus right?'

"Don't be so dispirited, everyone learning about hand signs will greatly benefit you in the future!"Iruka said enthusiastically. Suddenly an annoyed voice shut down Iruka's enthusiasm.

"But Iruka-sensei, we don't want to learn about lame hand signs! We want to do the thing you did!"

I glared at the blonde class clown. 'I think I can understand why most people dislike Naruto despite him being the class clown. Naruto is quite the brat. Damn, it looks like I need to help improve his personality somehow. That's going to be an annoying task'

Iruka sighed. "It's understandable that most of you don't see the point in learning about hand signs but once I explain you should understand"

"Then what is it?" Naruto shouted impatiently. A vein visibly popped out of Iruka's head as he took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Naruto, this will be your final warning about asking a question without raising your hand, do you understand?" Naruto gulped and replied fearfully.

"Yes, Iruka-sensei" Iruka clapped his hands, snapping everyone's attention to himself.

"Alright let's get back on topic, shall we? Now it's important to learn about hand signs because hand signs help us manipulate and bring out our chakra from our bodies so we can use ninjutsu or genjutsu in battle"

"How many hand signs are there?" Sakura asked with curiosity invading her voice. 'Woah I didn't expect Sakura to ask a question here I thought as Iruka grinned.

"I'm glad you asked Sakura! There are only twelve hand signs everyone needs to remember"

"What are they?" An impatient classmate asked politely. Iruka held his breath, likely attempting to prevent himself from screaming at the child. Then in an irritated tone, Iruka answered the child.

"I was getting to that now I'm going to show you the twelve hand signs. Please pay attention and watch my hands okay?" He said as he began to slowly move his hands. I paid my utmost amount of attention to Iruka's hands as if to carve the hand signs he was performing in my memory.

Once he was finished with a bright smile Iruka spoke. "Alright class since I'm feeling a bit generous I'm going to teach you all the clone Jutsu"

The entire class exploded in joy.' Yikes everyone is loud! I need to either create a Jutsu that stops myself from hearing things or I need to buy earplugs' I thought as I plugged my ears with my fingers. Iruka calmed the class down and demonstrated the clone Jutsu.

"Remember class, you need to make the ram, snake, and tiger hand signs to perform this Jutsu now please practice for 10 minutes before presenting your progress to the class"

I gulped in nervousness. 'I hate presenting anything in front of the class! I feel pressured when I'm in front of the class and it feels like everyone wants me to fail! Meh, who cares if I fail, I fail what happens, happens.'

I desperately used those ten minutes given to practice the clone jutsu and so far... I don't think my clone is the best… I think I now understand how Naruto felt when he had to use the clone jutsu for his graduation test.

"All right class! When I call you names please come up to the front and perform the clone Jutsu" Iruka bellowed. 'No! I need more time! I can't look like an idiot in front of my sister or the entire class! Wait, actually I can… To be fair my expectations are pretty high since it should be difficult for any six-year-old to use the clone Jutsu perfectly right?'

I wondered as Iruka called my classmates one by one. Eventually, after waiting for nearly an hour I heard my name. "Aika Haruno! Please come up to present" Iruka commanded. I walked to the front of the classroom and with each step I took, I thought about how terrible my clone Jutsu would be.

"Alright, Aika please begin" I moved my hands making the ram, tiger, and snake hand signs. I felt my chakra leaking out of my body, then suddenly in a cloud of smoke, I saw it. My clone.

A/N {Wahaha! You guys shall not know what the clone looks like until the next chapter! I'm So evil! Anyways I have seen a few types of readers...There are some that are just toxic, there are others that are supportive, there are a few that just say exp but I just need to say...Why do I get readers that bully me! I keep telling you guys that I'm not a tsundere but you guys call me one anyways! Stop calling me a tsundere!}