
Uneventful Day

Back within the forest, Hiroto and Rumi chose another part of the hillside that wasn't destroyed from their fight previously. Around them were multiple boulders on course rough dirt surrounded by forest with them standing within an opening.

With both of them still in their Hero costumes, Rumi went over to a rock and reached for a bag that was stashed behind of it. Beckoning for Hiroto to come over, she took out 4 small ceramic white plates and explained to him. "You might have amazing reaction times and incredible speed, but your techniques are sloppy. Although your strength more than makes up for me, imagine how much cooler it would look if you were able to dodge every attack with perfect form!"

"So…" Hiroto rubbed his chin and said, "It's just about trying to act cooler in the end?"

"Well for you, yea." Rumi said as she rolled her eyes, "For others, it's quite an effective training method. You would strap the plates onto multiple parts of your body, and if a plate breaks then you will get a penalty."

"Are those for me then?" Hiroto asked her, to which she shook her head and gave a sly grin.

"No, you'll have something even better!" Rumi then fished deeper into the large backpack and took out a large white ceramic plat that was bigger than Hiroto's head. "This will be yours! Just strap it onto your chest." She handed him the large plate and a white sash.

Hiroto stared at the plate as he held it in his hands, then towards Rumi who was already placing the 4 plates on her arms and legs. "This doesn't feel quite fair."

"The world isn't a fair place Hiroto, you never know what sort of disadvantage you could be at when facing a Villain who has an unknown quirk while they know what your's is." Rumi said with a shrug, asking him, "So, when you face that situation, what do you do?"

"Punch it," Hiroto said, tying the plate on his chest, making him feel that it was restricting his movements as well, causing him to glance at Rumi as she merely smiled innocently.

"Hahaha! Good answer, that's what I like about you! Short and straight to the point!" Rumi laughed "So, are you going to start complaining before we even begin?" Rumi said, hopping backward a dozen feet as she got into her ready stance.

Hiroto narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, if you want to play it that way…" he then immediately disappeared from his position, causing Rumi to immediately take action, but the moment she started to move she heard the sound of plates breaking.

"I win." Hiroto's voice rang out, as he stood back in his original position with his arms crossed.

If you were to look at the fight from Hiroto's perspective, what he did was just run extremely quickly and used his finger to jab at the plates before returning back to his position.

Rumi blinked and glared at him with a toothy smile, ignoring the 4 plates that were broken on her body as she lunged forward with a forward kick towards Hiroto's midriff. Hiroto merely caught her foot and then started to spin her around above him extremely quickly.

Immediately, Rumi started to lose focus as she was becoming more dazed from being spun at an extremely high speed. Using her spare foot, she tapped the heel of her right, causing the metal plating that she wore to be dislodged, which also sent her spirally straight into a rock, but before her back impacted it, a hand stopped her momentum from behind.

"That was dangerous, you could've seriously hurt your back there," Hiroto said from behind her, with a hand on her back. Rumi turned her head towards Hiroto, staring into his eyes.


Hiroto was confused for a moment, but then Rumi smiled and said, "I also win." He looked down and saw that the plate was broken from Rumi's elbow when he wasn't paying attention.

"Well, I guess you're right. It's a tie then?" Hiroto asked as Rumi moved away from him towards the backpack once again.

"Sure, why not. This time, I'll be the attacker and you the defender. You spread the plates around the area and your job is to protect them from me smashing them up." Rumi said, tossing the bag towards Hiroto.

Nodding his head, Hiroto spread the various plates around the rough area, putting them on top of rocks, behind them, on some trees, and various other hidden places.

'Although his fighting technique can definitely use work, with the amount of strength he possesses it doesn't matter to him. I'm not even sure who can even pose a threat to him at this point. Although… that still won't stop me from beating him!' Rumi thought, and with that, she started.

Once Hiroto was done, without warning Rumi had already jumped towards a plate that was attached to a rock. However, before she reached it she felt a tugging sensation from the back of her collar, stopping her momentum completely as she was suspended in the air.

Turning her head back, she saw Hiroto holding her up, saying, "I just have to stop you from getting to the plates right? Well, then, let's take a short nap."

Before Rumi could respond, she felt a soft impact on the side of her neck, knocking her out completely. (A/N: She dead lmao JK)

Moving over to a shaded area under a tree, Hiroto leaned her against it as he sat beside her and said to himself, "I wonder what the others are doing. Well, probably doing training to try and get stronger. Will my presence push them to become stronger? Well, we'll have to see."

He then fished out a manga that he was in the middle of reading the night before and continued from where he left off, without realizing Rumi's head falling to his arm, breathing lightly on it.


An hour or so later, Rumi started to stir awake, sitting up and stretched her arms, only for it to hit something.

"Do you mind moving your arm from my face?" Hiroto's voice rang out beside her. Swiveling her head, she saw Hiroto's eyes still being blocked by her arms as she smacked into it.

"Well, sorry about that but you should always be ready for an attack anyways!" Rumi shouted out and hopped to her feet, performing a back heel kick towards Hiroto's head.

In turn, Hiroto merely dodged his head sideways as it passed by his head, destroying the tree that he was leaning on as it splintered apart, bouncing off of his head. The whole time his eyes were on his manga.

"Well, you're full of energy for someone who just woke up for a nap," Hiroto said, closing his manga and standing up, also stretching in the process.

Rumi glared at him and said, "I'm supposed to be your teacher here for the rest of this week, so what's the big idea?"

'But I haven't learned anything.' Hiroto thought, which caused Rumi's ears to twitch from an unknown feeling as she narrowed her eyes staring at Hiroto.

Hiroto coughed and said, "Well, it's getting late so we should move on to our evening patrol. At least you can blow off some steam that way." Hiroto said.

"Why would I use them to blow off some steam when you're right here!!" Rumi shouted and was about to begin another attack until Hiroto interrupted.

"If you come to the patrol with me we can have a full fight tomorrow," Hiroto said.

"Deal." Rumi immediately said, landing back on the ground and walking away as though nothing happened. The two then proceeded towards the city, but unluckily there was no one that they encountered who would be considered a criminal or Villain.

With an uneventful evening, the two returned back to Rumi's apartment and after having a shower each ate their dinner. On the television, there was a news reporter who seemed to be in a forested area that was destroyed.

"As you can see behind me, the entire forest and hillside were leveled completely, uprooting the trees along its path and creating a deep pit that spanned for hundreds of meters ahead.��� The reporter said as the camera panned to the destruction behind them. "The Police still don't know what could have caused this, with scientists having attributed this to a meteor crash, however, no signs of meteorites have been found."

Hiroto turned to Rumi who was laying on the couch above him as he leaned against it on the floor, saying, "Maybe we should find another place to train."

Rumi rolled her eyes and said, "And just where can we find that would allow you to train with wrecking the whole place up? At least I've never encountered this sort of problem before."

"Maybe it's because you're too weak to cause that amount of damage." Hiroto taunted her, which caused her to wrap her legs around his head as she tried to suffocate him.

"What did you say brat? I'm the strongest female Pro Hero there is! You can't be measured by normal standards, you freak of nature." Rumi said, jesting with him as Hiroto grabbed her legs and pried them off his face.

"Yea yea, whatever you say," Hiroto said, switching the channel to the entertainment channel instead. The two continued watching the TV for sometime before calling it a night and heading off to sleep.

However, in the middle of the night, Hiroto had to incapacitate Rumi again as she tried to perform a double ax kick towards his jugular when he was sleeping, knocking her out and throwing her to her bed once more.

All in All, an uneventful night.

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