
Chapter 16 Incursio

[11th Floor of the Dungeon]

"When is this thing going to spawn?"

Mordred had descended down to the 11th floor once she had woken up. On her way down she was once again being observed but the penetrating gaze went away once she reached the 9th floor. 

Now she has been on the 11th floor for more than three hours waiting for the infant dragon to spawn. She killed any monster that spawned near the area so that once the infant dragon spawned she doesn't need to worry about being attacked by other monsters.

Besides the money from drops was always worth the hassle. 

Mordred sat down on a rock and set her sword next to her. She then brought out a sandwich from her inventory and began eating. Once she finished it she brought out another and then another and then another. How many did she have in her inventory? Unknown.

As she bit into her 20th sandwich she heard a loud noise of rock breaking. She looked up and saw a large crack in the ceiling of the dungeon floor.


A large creature had fallen from the ceiling and into the ground causing a cloud of smoke to arise.

"About time" Mordred stored her sandwich into her inventory and readied herself. 

A creature emerged from the smoke. A large reptile with brown scales, it was far taller than Mordred and walked on four legs. However unlike an actual dragon the infant dragon had no wings or anyway of flight. It is also incapable of breathing out fire like most dragons could. The infant dragon was estimated to be around level 2 in strength making it deadly for adventurers.

 The infant dragon spotted Mordred and look at her with glowing red eyes filled with killing intent. It let out a piercing roar and then charged at Mordred, its maw open to devour Mordred.

Mordred reached into her cloak and took out a flash-bang made using Dust and tossed in front of the dragon, she then ducked behind the rock she was sitting on.


The flash-bang went off, blinding the wingless dragon.


It let out a roar and began swinging its body, especially its tail.

Mordred brought out her rifle and took a few shots at the dragons scales on its back to test the strength of her gun. The bullets had only left dents in the scales. She was a bit disappointed but expected it, she guessed that she would need to aim at a soft spot in order for the bullets to pierce into the dragons flesh.

The dragon recovered and charged once more. Mordred threw another flash-bang but this time the dragon knew better. It pushed its head into the solid ground.


The noise from the flash-bang did stun it a bit, but the dragon wasn't blinded. It brought out its head from the ground and got close to Mordred who now switched to her sword.

'Is this thing supposed to be this clever?'

She questioned as she dodged the head of the dragon trying to bite down on her. Using this opening she swung the sword down onto the dragon neck.


Her sword was stopped by its scales and the dragon once again went to bite her.

'I guess this sword isn't good enough. I could probably penetrate the scales if I used mana burst on the sword'

The dragon attacked once more only for Mordred to disappear in a burst of red lightning. She jumped onto the dragon's back and channeled her mana burst into the sword.

'A shame. I really liked this sword'

With the sword now covered in a red aura and letting out red sparks she stabbed the sword into the monster's neck.


It let out a painful roar but Mordred wasn't done. She started to carve open the dragon's neck. She used her sword to burrow deeper into its neck, she held onto her sword as support to prevent herself from being tossed off as the dragon tried to shake her off.

'Not as deep as I wanted but good enough!'

She pulled out a Dust grenade from underneath her cloak. Unlike a normal grenade that relies more on the shrapnel to kill, this grenade focuses on exploding power. Despite its small size the grenade is packed with fire Dust and is capable of letting out a sizable explosion that you wouldn't expect from its size.

She armed the grenade and shoved it into the gash in the dragon's neck. Mordred jumped off it's back using mana burst to give herself distance and jumped behind a boulder.


 A large ball of fire enveloped the dragon's neck, launching its head and bits of flesh flying in all directions. It's body went limp as it fell, it's head landing nearby. Mordred got out of cover and approached its corpse. The dragon's body began to evaporate into a black mist leaving two items. A large claw and a large magic stone.

Mordred looked at the items with greed in her eyes.



The black sword in her broke as the blade shattered into several pieces. Leaving only the hilt of the sword with a broken guard and what little remains of the blade.

'I will forever remember you as my first sword'

She put the broken sword into her inventory. She then picked up both drop items and examined them.


[Congratulations for completing the mission]


-500 points

-5 low grade healing potions

-Teigu: Incursio

"Double jackpot!"

Mordred set aside the drop items into her inventory and then pulled out Incursio.

She held a dark metallic short sword. Its guard had a deep crimson gem on it and there was a chain tassel at the end of the hilt.

[Teigu: Incursio]

[A teigu created from the flesh of a super class danger beast. The sword is Incursio's sealed form, once released the sword becomes a full body armor that envelopes the user. The armor will enhance the user's physical abilities such as strength, speed and agility. The armor is also capable of rapid adaption and evolution, it will evolve with every battle]

[Warning: This item is alive]

'Well it's definitely alive. I can feel it starring at me'

She held the sword firmly in her hands and reluctantly put it back into the inventory.

'I really want to activate it but this isn't a good place. I don't want to possibly be seen by any adventurers and I also don't know how the dungeon will react to a powerful monster that it doesn't control suddenly popping up'

'I'll go outside of Orario and use it'

She nodded at her decision then pulled out the next reward item. A small glass container with bright red liquid inside it.

[Low grade healing potion]

[Mends minor wounds and alleviates fatigue. Ideal for quick recovery during brief rests or in the middle of combat]


Putting it away Mordred began her ascend to the surface. She will cash in her magic stones besides the one she got from the infant dragon. She no longer needs armor as she now has Incursio but she will still get a better sword. Once she gets her money she will go to the Hephaestus familia to find a smith that is willing to forge her a sword.

She will give that smith all of the drop items that she hasn't sold yet, especially the infant dragon's claw and magic stone.

Arriving at the surface she began to feel that piercing gaze once again.


Mordred ignored it and went straight to the guild. As she entered she went to Rose's counter. She expected to see a bored Rose at an empty counter but she was surprised to spot two individuals. A short boy who looks like a child with blonde hair. The boy held a spear that was much taller then himself and next to the boy was a little girl also with blonde hair. 

The girl turned around and spotted Mordred. Mordred saw the girl's golden eyes that looked somewhat lifeless.

'Finn Deimne and Ais Wallenstein'

Rose had also noticed Mordred and her appearance brightened, though she controlled herself and hid it so well that anyone wouldn't notice especially Mordred.


However Finn had noticed this sudden change and turned to look at where Rose was looking and he to spotted Mordred.

Seeing the three of them look at her Mordred did an awkward wave then proceeded to sit down on one of the couches while she waits for Rose. She set down the duffel bags that were carrying her loot on the ground in front of her.

Finn focused his attention back to Rose.

"Someone you know?" He was a bit curious.

"She's one of my assigned adventurers" Rose stated.

Finn just nodded and continued the conversation from before Mordred showed up. After finishing up his business with Rose, he and Ais walked out of the guild. However Finn made sure to remember Mordred's appearance, he had a strange feeling about her. It wasn't a bad one but still strange.

With them gone Mordred walked up to Rose with the duffel bags. Rose walked with Mordred to the side room where they always conducted their business.

"How was your time in the dungeon?" Rose asked. She was always curious of how well Mordred did, after all she is Mordred's guild advisor.

"It was great. Well besides the fact that my sword broke but I planned to get a new one anyway"

"It broke?"

"Yep, I pushed it passed what it was capable of so that I could kill an infant dragon"

"I see"

They walked until Rose suddenly stopped and turned to look at Mordred.

"You what?!"

What followed was a brief scolding from Rose before she processed Mordred's loot and gave her the money.


The sun was beginning to set once again. After leaving the guild she sought out the Hephaestus familia and found a smith willing to forge a sword for her using the infant dragon's claw and some other materials she obtained in the dungeon. It was quite expensive since the smith was working with some quality materials, he would also have to buy some other materials for the sword.

Now Mordred had left the city, she was looking for a secluded spot far away from the city so that no one would see what she was about to do.

Once far enough away she brought out Incursio. Right away she felt a hostile gaze from the sword. She understood why it was like this, it appears that Incursio didn't like being put inside the inventory, who knows what the inside of the inventory looks and feels like after all it wasn't made to store living beings.

"Haha sorry about that" She let out an awkward laugh.

She waited a bit for the sword to calm down. Then she planted the blade into the ground as she firmly held the hilt.

'This is gonna feel cringy but I really want to do it'

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her eyes burst open with confidence.

"INCURSIO!" She screamed out its name with raw emotion.



Nothing happened.


She looked down at the sword and could feel that it was laughing at her. Her face became red from embarrassment.


"Let me have my moment!"

She started over again after calming herself down from her embarrassment.

'Its a good thing no one is watching, especially that pervert that has been watching me recently'



"Ara~ It seems someone is thinking of me. I wonder who~"


Mordred steadied her breathing once again.


The gem on the sword shined a bright crimson and the guard shifted. The ground trembled as a flash of red energy burst from the sword. A large armored figure emerged behind Mordred as chains flew around.

The face guard of the helmet on the armored figure broke and revealed a monstrous face befitting of a super class danger beast.

The monster brought its hands around Mordred who was surrounded with an intense red aura.

The energy was becoming more and more intense as Mordred screamed out. The red energy completely covered her figure. The monstrous figure disappeared in the smoke that erupted. Chains flew out of the smoke and dispersed it and revealed Mordred now clad in a full suit of silver gray armor, deadly curved horns sprouted from the helmet and a gray cape on her back. The armor resembled a knights armor.

Mordred clenched her fist as she felt the power flowing through her body.

'This amazing!'

She approached a pond of water near her and looked at her reflection.

'Hmm, it looks different than what I saw in the anime. It looks more familiar with Mordred's armor in the fate series'

'I'll think about that later, for now'

Mordred summoned a red halberd like weapon. This was called Neutote.

'I wonder, can I change this into a sword? It wouldn't hurt to have more swords. I'll have to test that out later. I'm satisfied with this'

She removed the armor and was about to store Incursio in the inventory, but stopped when she heard it growl at her. Only she would be able to hear it.

"Right no inventory" 

She tied the sword to her side and began walking back to Orario. She wasn't worried about the city gates being closed, she could easily scale the city walls and its not like anyone watches over the walls at night as inside the city is complete chaos.

So she took her time walking back.

(A/N) Two things I want to mention. First thank you all for 800 collections, well technically 797 as I'm writing this. I didn't think that my story would get so much attention. It motivates me greatly.

Second thing is that updates for this story will be slowing down. My college classes will be starting soon so I won't have as much time as I did. Also because I want to work on my other stories that I have been writing but haven't posted yet.

That's all, have a great day.

New chapter brought to you at 5AM.

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