
1.void and wishes

narrator pov

in the absolute void where there is suppose that there's nothing that can live in there, you can see a lump of light floating there.

mc pov

I don't know for how long I have been floating in this place, I lost count after reaching 9,999,999 years of drifting in hir.at the beginning I felt normal then as time past I felt lost then anger sadness ..... and many others until my emotions started to disappear.

the only thing that was comforting me was my memories of the anime, manga, and novel that I read in my life by watching them again and again in my mind liftin my boredom, until one day I heard a voice talking to me.

[what are you doing in this place child ?. and how could you survive in this place while being amortal]

(A/N: in my novel, I won't be using anything like supreme god or creator for personal reasons and I will be changing it with "high/powerful entity)

high entity pov

while I was doing my job and bord to the death I received a message from *HIM* saying that I have a job to do when I reach the absolute void as for my so-called job I will know it soon and to tell the truth after seeing it I wish I never came hell I even wished I was dead because I received another message saying that the small soul in front of me was HIS son.fuuuuuuuuck this shit if I made a mistake then I am dead.

getting over my fear I approach him while remembering what the message said:

[treat him like a normale mortel and reincarnate him granting him all his wishes(PS: if anyone of you tries to do some of your usual bullshit to him then you are in an ETERNITY OF PAIN, HELL I MIGHT EVEN SEND YOU TO THAT GUY) so that was my warning I hope you don't forget it] and I felt shivering from those words so yeah I did what I was asked for.

mc pov :

seeing the old man in white coming toward me and asking me.

mc said sadly for the first time since unknown time:" first who are you? as for your question I don,t know I stopped counting when I reach it 9,999,999 years as for how I survived I don't know".

hearing his answer the high entity pretends it to ponder for a moment then opened his mouth and said: "I am what you call a high entity seeing you have staid hir for so long let's make a deal shall we".

mc:" what kind of deal and what do you have to gain from this".

the high entity:" let's say that I am bord as for the deal I will reincarnate you in a world of you your choice and I will grant you all your wishes without a limitation so what do you say?" while saying that he thought inside his mind ( i have to do this right or I am dead)

mc: "this is really the jackpot so let me think..... I have a question can I ask for more wishes to youse them later".T.H.E: "you can".

mc: "alright my wishes for now are:

1. I want a system with all the functions like in those novels and allow me to buy anything and everything I want and also have the world's travel function in it.

_granted but only after you become the strongest in the current world that you are living in it.

2. I want to have to instantly master any skills or abilities to the perfection level

_granted but to youse them to perfection in battel you need to train.

3. I want a personal dimension where I have full control over everything and give it the ability to manifest any enemy I wish to fight them.

_granted but you will be able only to manifest enemies that have less same or slightly stronger battel power than you (hell I better put this limitation or else I will die If something happens to you).

4.i wish to have a perfect immortality

_soory cant do there's nothing like that in the existence

mc: " alright then give the closest thing to my wish"

_alright I am gonna give you a bloodline of a dragon that will give you a terrifying amount of powers and abilities but you need yo unlock it little by little and will give the immortality that you want as a passive skill you will be able to live for an infinity amount of time and once you reach a certain age you won't grow anymore.

m: " thank you that's great

5.i want to have 7 wishes for me to youse when I see fit

_granted but there will be a cooldown of a year until you use the next one unless you are in death or life situation (yeah like there will be anyone in the highest realm that will let that happen to you).

6. I want to look like the king of heroes I don't remember his name but I want to be more handsome than him and before you ask why because I like that aura of authority that gash from him and also want to be born as laxus little brother without anyone knowing about me until I declare my identity and want to be born in a harsh environment of danger and abuse so I can grow stronger will.

granted if that all then you are...

mc cut him down:" wait I still want to have an infinity amount of sp"


mc: "yeah I know the answer will be.... what did you say....."

T.H.E: "it is time hir you go"

mc: "wai....." and before finishing his words he blacked out.

T.H.E sighed and said:" finally he left a little bit longer and I was going to collapse of the stress but for my life, it is worth it lets hope nothing happens to him or we are dead. now I need to warn the other to never touch him or it will be our doom hahaha.... shit I need to hurry"