I am just a newbie to this whole , since I noticed that many of people do search for fanfic so I thought why not write one . I do not own any of publication reference of the source material .
Present, 2023
It was 6 am in the morning. One could hear the whistle of the train from afar. The rhythm of rain droplets along with chirping of little birds picturing a scenery of immense beauty.
But what less can be expected of land of Kashmir who immense beauty had attached the eye of history itself . One that it hold the title of heaven in mortal world.
Currently recovering from chaos due to conficts of mankind on basis of religion divided an ancient civilizations, brothers who shared same ancestor in two parts.
Looking from the balcony is our very protagonist, meet Shrivastav Chaterjee, currently in his 70s is on an expitation on the ancient archeological site of Sharda University remains with two of his companion in their mid 40s.
After retirement from his former job as Marcos commander and latter job in nuclear department in DRDO as Technical associate in weapons manufacturing and testing. Due to leg injury and over his age limit leading to his retirement, to only recently taking interest in archeology. To him who is unmarried and had an habit of keeping himself engaged in work, it was refreshing timepass.
As he loves to study and learn more , it was a way of continuing his life with a meaningfully. So when he was been offered to be an archeologist , he was about to decline but after engaging himself to this field he liked it more and more becoming a psueodoarcheologist. Some day ago he visited the controversial site of Gobekli tepe and to say the truth it was fascinating. After attending conference on the site , he got news of a site in India near Sharda University remains that on testing with carbon dating , it is been around the same time span of Gobekli tepe .
Due to some of his connection back in the days he recieved permission to visit and enter site .
So here we are ,with is companion dropping his luggage to visit it only to be stopped by the rain .
After having his supper , looking at the cloudy sky he sighed. Recently he got himself Bhagvat Gita unedited old version from library, after reading several times he noted that the have many historically geographical evidence along with astronomical and season pattern which actually dates Mahabharat to atleast more than estimated time frames . To clear his doubts, he took refrence from the book that are dedicated to his query such as " when did Mahabharat happen?" by Nilesh oak and many others.
He also looked in Vedic numbers of kala chakra ( yuga time line ) within ancient remaining scriptures and notice connections between numbers (found in geometry, measurement systems and ancient texts) and ancient astrological calendars and archaeological sites.
In a nutshell:
a) Base 12 numbers such as can be seen in time units (seconds, minutes etc) and the Imperial system (12 inches to 1 foot etc.) and their multiplications are presented as being inherited from ancient knowledge used by astrologists and monument builders. These numbers are explained to be very important, hard-coded into the human mind and thus easy and intuitive to use.
b) these numbers seem to appear over and over in weird places with added or removed zeroes. (for example: the radius of the moon is 1080 miles, 108 is the inside angle of a pentagon, 108 is the atomic number of silver (which in astrology is linked to the moon) - take the diameter of the sun (presented as 864'000 miles) and multiply by 108 and you get 93'312'000 miles which is the distance between the Earth and the Sun)
c) the hypothesis is famous that the Great Pyramid is a model of one of Earth's hemispheres at a 1:43'200 scale (there are 43200 seconds in 12 hours - or 43'200'000'000 years in 1 Kalpa = 1000 maha yugas (Vedic calendar time units) which equals the age of the Earth or about 4.5 billion years.
d) It attempts to show that all those numbers are contained within ancient texts in the form of numerology etc...
The conclusions is this: those numbers are allegedly important and meaningful because they help us locate our position in the scheme of a great calendar of 25920 years, which supposedly equals a Platonic Great Year or one cycle of the precession, and thus would allow us to predict catastrophes.
After having a talk with Randall, it seems he also agree with the theory .
Currently he was writing a book on his own analysis and prospective on Mahabharata that it may be influenced by younger dryas and is much older than we think due to lack of physical evidence.
Next Day
It's afternoon, sky is clear and currently he is walking around the edges of site along with the chief of the project, Rahul Subramaniam (68) .
Reaching the the site Rahul said " This is the site we are working on day and night ,our pride. We have recently excavated this site and discovered Shikhara of the monolithic structure. By sonar scaning we are presuming it to be an temple which may have drowned in soil due to flooding of glacier ice and submerged underground. But what facinating is that upon carbon dating of organic matter we collected upon successful digging a tunnel with harming the structure from small gap between eroded stone wall of unknown composition. We deposited it in lab for testing and a week ago got the report stating that the structure is aleast around 12,000 years old ."
Srivastav - "Fascinating!! So is the excavation still under process. Can we enter the site ??"
Rahul- "Sure your group can enter but we may not take you near it to much . Due to rain, soil is still muddy , so prevent accident we may area near the turnel."
Srivastav - " We have no problem "
Soon the group began to follow reaching their destination, looking upon the site one may see the exposted top of shikhara covered to prevent it from damaging along site experience skilled workers uncovering the structure. Walking up to the shikhara, it have carving precisely sculpted eroded over time . Taking pictures and notes on the structure individually surely can to an end .
Regrouping again they sat near a small tea stall little far away from the location, each ordering a tea .
One of the companion, Vivek(44) said "It seems that coming to this site was quite fruitful isn't it"
Second one Rajendra(48) agreeing commented " Yes , it was if not coming my self I won't have believed that their is a place in India that hold such site . Once the news of the site comes out it would be flooding with archeologist all over the world "
Srivastav - " We are lucky that we were able to visit the site. The news has not been yet published to International Beauru of Archeology . This place will become more lively than it already is "
While the conversation kept on continuing, one lead to another. In meantime Rahul return and conversation as well.
Srivastav asked whether their been any more excavation done around the area or not , getting a reply from Rahul in form of yes.
Rahul- we do have a site which is unexplored and we're about to do it today. It is near turnel area.
After continuous request by Rajendra, they we're allowed to enter. Observing the site to normal eyes it may seem unparallel earth but for experienced eyes they quickly spotted bulges of building that may have been the part of temple main chamber.
Just as they we're about to go further and give an hand to the workers , heard a loud scream putting them to halt.
I also recommend to Nilesh oaks books on Mahabharata and ramayan, if any thing they are interesting . Also I some references from Randall Carlson works as well. Through in realife is a villain but for fanfic sake he is the hero.
(A/N : Please readers subscribe to my fanfic and vote me with power stone or gold ticket as an encouragement to keep posting.
Enjoy it and don't forget to comment below 👇)