
chapter 4

In the depths of the celestial realm, where time bends and chakra flows like rivers, a soul from another era found itself bound within the immortal form of Kaguya Otsutsuki. But unlike the ancient goddess's hunger for power, this soul harbored a different desire.

As Kaguya's consciousness stirred within her cosmic sanctuary, the foreign soul rejected the notion of consuming all chakra. Instead, it sought to rewrite the destiny of the world according to its own beliefs.

With a decisive act, the Infinite Tsukuyomi shattered, freeing the world from its dreamlike grip. But amidst the chaos of liberation, Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, witnessed Kaguya's extraordinary power.

With tears in her eyes and a tremble in her voice, Tsunade begged Kaguya to resurrect her lost loved ones. But Kaguya's response was stark and uncompromising.

"They are weak," she declared, her voice echoing through the celestial expanse.

Unmoved by Tsunade's pleas, Kaguya turned her attention inward, focusing on her own ambitions. With the boundless power at her disposal, she sought to create new tailed beasts, beings loyal to her alone.

In her secluded sanctuary, removed from the affairs of mortals, she began her experiments, each creation born from the depths of her own chakra.

But as whispers of her actions reached Orochimaru and Kabuto, drawn by the promise of power, they sought her out. And in a wary alliance, Kaguya offered them sanctuary on her sky island, far from the turmoil of the ninja world.

As the wheel of fate continued to turn, the shinobi world grappled with the aftermath of war. And amidst the uncertainty, Kaguya, now inhabited by a soul untouched by remorse or regret, stood as a silent observer, her cynicism guiding her every action.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a single voice rang out, a plea from a young man burdened by loss.

"Can you revive my mother?" Naruto Uzumaki asked, his eyes brimming with hope.

But Kaguya's response was swift and resolute.

"What can she do against the Otsutsuki?" she countered, her tone tinged with bitterness.

And with that, the fate of Naruto's mother was sealed, lost to the annals of time and the whims of a goddess reborn.

Gathering the five kage, Naruto, Sasuke, and the Sage of the Six Paths, Kaguya unveiled her plans, her words laced with cynicism.

In a solemn exchange with the Sage, Kaguya revealed the truth behind her rebirth, casting doubt upon the toad who had once manipulated him.

With no grand designs for the shinobi world, Kaguya chose to remain a distant observer, content to let fate unfold as it may, guided by the echoes of her cynical wisdom.
