
Reborn as Hades In PJO

An OC-insert into the Greek God of the Underworld in the Percy Jackson universe.

TheGreekMythosGuru · Derivasi dari karya
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33 Chs

Tales From The Titanomachy...(Part One)

Unknown Author (Modern Times) POV

On the Island of Crete, a tearful Rhea would greet her newly freed children; after a cheerful reunion, a council of the gods (That would be dubbed the Olympian Council by Zeus) would be swiftly formed consisting of all the Kroneids as well as Metis and Rhea. Despite initial resistance from Poseidon, the council would vote for Zeus as their leader. A unanimous vote would be cast to wage war against their tyrannical father.

Overnight, the cosmos erupted into conflict; the forces that made up creation warred among themselves. Sea versus Sky and Light against Dark, concepts such as Death and Time battled for superiority, and the Immortal world once more fell into Khaos.

For the first Time since the war between the Protogenoi, the order of creation was broken...

Zeus and his brother Poseidon joined forces to create storms made from both the Sea and Sky to ravage Gaea, leveling mountains and bringing destruction to the lesser Titans. Hades, with his connection to The Underworld, summoned The Walls of Erebus, the ever-expanding walls of the Underworld, to enshroud Gaea in a fog of darkness, a fog so thick that not even the Light of Helios could pierce its boundaries.

With her dominion over agriculture and seasons, Demeter culled the world in a heavy winter that rotted all life from Gaea. Hera and Hestia, despite their more pacifistic divinities, proved invaluable in drawing allies to the Olympians' cause. Titans such as Helios, Selene, and the Goddess Styx would swiftly join the Gods in rebellion after the Goddesses persuasion.

The twin children of Hyperion would be valuable allies holding control over the celestial bodies that orbited Gaea and made the Gods more aware of the Titan's actions. For their support, Zeus made them members of his newly formed Olympian council.

And while the Goddess Styx may have been bound to the Underworld and Tartarus, her four immortal children were not Zeleus the Zeal, Nike the Victorious, Kratos the Strength, and Bia the Force became a part of Zeus' honor guard capable warriors as well as attendants. In gratitude, Zeus would make Styx the Keeper of Oaths to honor her.

With the element of surprise on their side, the Gods made quick work of any of the Titans' initial resistance; from their headquarters of Mount Ida, Crete, the Gods would make significant gains along the coast of what would today be considered Greece and Turkey and seize control over a lot of the Aegean islands. 

However, despite the overwhelming might of the Olympians and their allies, their initial success would quickly grind to a halt; the experience and numbers that the Titans held and the cunning and power of Kronos would prove more than a catch for the Olympians. While Hades' shroud would block the Gods from the Titan's gaze, Kronos' control of Time made taking the Titans by surprise nearly impossible.

Even with the desertion of the younger Titans and the neutrality of the Sea King Oceanus, toppling the Titan's dominion over creation was proving to be far more complicated than the Gods first believed.

Through the strategies of Metis and the versatility of the nature spirits, the Gods were forced into a state of guerilla warfare, with clashes between the Gods and Titans being few and far between; the battle of Rhodes would find a clash between the three sons of Kronos and the Titans general Atlas, Despite their superior power and numbers the Gods pride would take a mighty blow when they were forced off the field by a far more experienced Atlas. Zeus would be especially inflamed after having his physical form gravely wounded by Atlas's spear.

This battle would show that while the Gods were prestigious in their might, that didn't make up for thousands of years of experience. It was only through the intervention of Helios, the Sun God, that the Gods would make a successful retreat.

The aftermath of this battle would see the Gods far more careful in their deployment in the field of battle, deciding to use their power to manipulate creation to wipe out their enemies from afar rather than engaging in single combat. This decision would prove to be wise during the battle of Lemnos; here, the Titan Krios would find himself at the end of Hades' shadows. While Krios is the Titan of Stars and Constellations and the Lord of the South, he is arguably the weakest of his brothers, and his temporary defeat had little to no effect on the war effort as a whole; the defeat of one of the Elder Titans however did wonders for the Gods morale.

In conclusion, the beginning stages of the Titanomachy were both slow and grueling, with a variety of minor conflicts emerging within a far greater clash of the concepts of the world.

The longer the war went on, the stronger the Gods became, and with more experience and control over their divinities, the weaker and less influential the Titans became over their own. A victory for the Gods was almost a guarantee.

Of course, with his control over Time, a being like Kronos could foresee this and try everything in his power to curb the God's growth by attempting to meet them in battle and damaging their domains. Despite this, the Gods were wise enough not to try yet to challenge their father so directly.

Kronos's fearsome strength and cursed Scythe were still feared across existence, and even the ancient Protogenoi thought twice before challenging him, so despite how much they wished, the Gods were forced to flee at the sight of their father. Even the hot-tempered Poseidon's spirit was culled at the sight of his raging father.

Unfortunately, the Titanomachy would prove disastrous for Gaea. The constant clash of the forces of nature would severely damage the world. Prometheus, the Titan of Forethought, and Themis, the Titaness of Divine law, Justice, and fairness, would see the Titanomachy's damage on the creation and remove their neutrality to join the Olympians.

This act would be the deciding factor of the Titanomachy as Prometheus would alert Zeus to his imprisoned uncles, the Cyclopes and Hekatonkeres, in the depths of Tartarus and their great strength and legendary forging abilities. With this knowledge, Zeus and his brothers would begin their journey into Tartarus to free their monstrous uncles...