
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Komik
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82 Chs

Aki’s Awakening; Infernal Wrath..

Tokyo, Japan....

Walking down the streets of Shinjutsu, a black haired youth in an all black suit admired his surroundings with a cigarette in his mouth, while in deep thought.

'Sigh. Is it possible for me to retire from the Devil Hunter's HQ and run away from all this? That way, I would truly be free from all the threats and destruction.'

Hoisting his sword to his back, he placed his hand in his pocket, while he thought.

Ever since their little escapade within the world of the Darkness Devil, something had changed within the young man. Something he didn't really notice at first.

After a bit of contemplation, he had finally come to the conclusion that mankind was doomed for destruction one way or the other and there was nothing they could do but to await said destruction.

The darkness devil, a primal fear, had badly injured humanity's hope as he liked to call him, the strongest devil hunter, Gojo Satoru, after a brief collision. The only reason why they had been able to escape was because he had caught it off guard with a tricky technique.

Although he didn't show it on the outside, he had lost all hope for mankind, and his faith in the Devil Hunter's Association, and most important of all, he loathed himself for being completely powerless. Against normal devils, he might prove to be quite the opponent, but against a devil on even Makima or Reze's level, he would die without even knowing what happened.

It seemed Satoru was right after all, fighting devils with the abilities of devils was indeed troublesome. The only way you could absolutely be sure of your survival in such a world was to have power of your own.

'Maybe I should kill myself? Escaping would do me no good...'

He walked in front of an abandoned building and sat in silence, weighing his options.

'Since when did I become a coward?! Why am I so weak?!!!'

He picked up a small stone and flung it with all of his might in anger, as he watched it crash into a car window.

Taking a deep breath after, he calmed himself and continued his journey, unsure of himself and his destination.


The outskirts of the town of Shinjutsu was a busy area, filled with multiple industries and buildings, as the folks rushed to their workplaces, bathed in the glow of the scorching sun.

Meanwhile, walking by the road, the dark haired devil hunter continued to admire the beauty of humanity. Human beings were many things, but they wouldn't have been the creators best creation if there was nothing special about them.

He mused, as a sad smile unconsciously formed on his face. Growing up, he had a family, a little brother whom he loved dearly, who he had lost during the gun devil's raging debut.

The gory scene of destruction and blood still continued to haunt him even in his sleep. Was it his fault? Could he have been able to even do anything if he had attained his current level of strength back then? Probably not. Would he be able to exact revenge on their behalf or even try to appease their souls by eradicating the gun devil with his bare hands? The probability was even less than 0%.

"Someone help!! My boy!!!"

As he was musing in his weakness, a shrill voice reverberated, drawing him out of his mindscape. Returning to his senses, he saw a middle aged woman shouting in terror, seeing her 3 year old boy running across the street, chasing a small balloon that kept evading him every time the boy tried to catch it.

Without hesitation, he bolted across the street, before he corkscrewed over a speeding truck in slow mo and rapidly chased the little boy.

'Where's the kid? I saw him come here...."

Aki mumbled to himself and rapidly walked through the uncompleted building that he found himself in, choosing the ignore the thick negative energy that perfused the atmosphere from deep within the building.


Suddenly, a shrill voice reverberated forth, accompanied by a burst out dense negative energy which hurled Aki back a few meters.

He immediately unsheathed his new blade and readied himself, ready to summon his contracted devils to do battle.


However just then, a shrill laughter rang out, one that looked like it originated from the depths of hell itself.

Raising his head fearlessly, Aki looked ahead only to see the figure of what looked like a devilish clown the height of a human, dressed in a dirty white dress, who was gripping onto the terrified little boy by his head.

Behind the clown, were the disembodied and decapitated bodies of little children splattered all across the ground, painting a cruel and gory scene which caused an experienced devil hunter like Aki himself to feel sick to his stomach.

"Who knew I'd catch such a big fish today. A strong devil hunter....Hehehehehe. You've done good little boy, now let me give you your...reward!"

Speaking in a devilish voice, the clown let out a shrill laugh, before it grabbed onto the neck of the terrified little boy and disgustingly bit off little boy's head, spraying blood all over , despite the child's screams and weak protests.

"Bastard!!!! Kon!!!!"

Fueled by immense rage, Aki immediately summoned a gigantic wolf behind the clown and blasted forward at his full speed with his contracted weapon that connected him to the curse devil.

After experiencing the power of RCT in the darkness devil's domain from Satoru, not only did his arms recover, but his nigh depleted lifespan was immediately replenished as well, which shocked him to the core.

"Hehehehehe! Come to Papa!"

With a chuckle, the clown immediately leapt into the sky, dodging a fierce slash from claw of the ginormous wolf which ripped through the building.

And right then and there, a large number of disgustingly long tentacles coated with an extremely potent negative energy as well as a mysterious energy, with an extreme pointed edge erupted from the the back of the clown and pierced right through the head of the wolf devil. Without even wasting much time, the tentacles squirmed and instantly the head of the ginormous wolf exploded, as blood sprayed all over.

Aki's face was completely riddled with shock, despair and fear, and before he could even realize, the clown appeared before him in a burst of speed, as a fist smashed into his body, completely shattering his blade and his nose in tandem, hurling the poor body of the youth through multiple walls.

"Hehehehehe! Pitiful!!!!"

The clown spat out in disgust before it bit onto the leg of the body of the little boy still in its hand and relished the exquisite taste.

From the rubble, Aki's figure arose and puked our blood, before his face contorted in fear.

In a single exchange, he had lost two of his contracted devils.

Although other Devil Hunters has chosen to get contacted to even more devils, he had chosen to stay with the two he originally had, and trained day and night in assimilating their abilities and using them in a battle, and now they were gone.

Before he could even realize, a tentacle suddenly pierced his shoulder and dragged him through the ground, as he grunted, feeling enormous pain overpowering his senses.

"Pitiful worm!" The clown pulled on its tentacle, bringing Aki's body in front of him, before spitting in his face. The next moment, it instantly smashed the decapitated corpse of the little boy right into the face of the dark haired devil hunter with so much force that he felt his mind go blank for a second, as his facial bones creaked.


Continually smashing the bloody corpse into the head of the youth, the clown seized its attacks, seeing as the originally fierce devil hunter was almost done for.

With a simple toss, Aki was hurled flying, as he crashed into the ground pitifully with a bloodied appearance.

"You're no fun! I thought you'd at least entertain me a little!!"

The clown stomped its foot in anger, before it advanced towards Aki's figure, walking step by step.


Groaning in pain, Aki forced himself to his feet, puking blood in the process. He knew he was going to die, but at the very least, he wanted to go down fighting. Just like Satoru always said, maintaining your reputation was extremely important.

Thinking about this, a small sad smile flashed on the face of the dark haired youth, as he readied himself for another bout.

However, was the clown going to give him another chance?


Before he could even move, two large tentacles ripped through his body, as a wild wind exploded forth, before his body was hoisted into the sky.

"Playtime's over..."

The clown let out an evenly chuckle, seeing the blood of the youth pool on the ground rapidly.

'Sigh. Is it over?' Feeling the deathly stillness around him, his consciousness voiced out.

'Negative energy stems from humanity. However for a human to be able to have access to that energy, it would have to be in extreme amounts. Now tell me Aki, are you ready to embrace your dark side?....'

Recalling Satoru's words, he mumbled to himself in his last moments, feeling an extremely potent presence within his body that blazed like a raging inferno.

Gently scraping on the foreign presence, he felt overwhelmed by a plethora of emotions, mostly anger. Pure and unbridled anger. Anger towards the gun devil for taking his family, anger towards devils for killing his teammates and most importantly, anger and hatred for his own self for being powerless, in the face of it all.

"Damn it all!!!"

His consciousness instantly roared out in anger and instantly, as if stirred by an unknown force, the raging energy within his body was immediately stimulated, as nigh endless amounts of pure negative energy burst out from within his body.


In the outside world, the deathly stillness was immediately overcome by an immense pressure and heat stemming from within the body of the dark haired almost unconscious youth.


Feeling the immense heat burning up its tentacles, the clown roared out in fear, wanting to end everything in one attack, however in the next moment, a reddish black overwhelming flame burst out of the body of the youth, as a powerful explosion set off, with the flame burning through anything in its way.

The dust settled, revealing the Aki's shirtless figure bathed in the reddish black flame, as he walked forward towards his opponent. His every step cracking and burning the ground beneath his feet.

"You?!!!!" Seeing the figure akin to a flaming devil walking towards it, the clown couldn't help but back away, feeling an immense fear towards the flames that gently bathed the body of the youth.

"Oi. It's my time to play now..."

Flashing a bloody smirk, Aki instantly blasted forward, with his body empowered by endless negative energy, propelled by his flames.


He appeared before the clown in a split second, as his fist smashed forward with immense force covered in wrathful flames. The clown's figure was instantly catapulted through multiple buildings at rapid speed, and before it could even land, Aki's figure appeared before it like a flaming angel hurled a blast of Hell flames towards it figure, as it roared and cried out, feeling parts of its body turn into ash instantly.


Aki wasn't done playing however, grabbing onto the body of the clown, he unleashed blow after blow, empowered by his hell flames, onto its body, as shockwaves exploded forth, along with the cries of the devil.

'As for a cursed technique, I don't know whether it would be possible for a human to awaken one, although it won't say its impossible either. You never know..'

Feeling Satoru's words flash pass his mind again, Aki calmed himself and took a deep breath, calling forth a natural phenomenon from within his body.

*Infernal Wrath; Hell's Kiss...*

Holding up his index and middle fingers, the raging inferno that bathed Aki's figure immediately coalesced into the a raging flaming reddish black orb, the size of a tennis ball that pulsated with immense power.



Exploding and incinerating every single thing in a 2km radius to complete cinders, Aki stood in the middle of the rubble, feeling the immense power coursing through his veins.


"Hahahaha!! You lose!"

Meanwhile within Makima's office, Satoru sat in a small couch, watching Aki's figure on a small screen as he laughed in joy, seeing the sigh from Makima.

"You even dare to bet on the kid of your teammate? Tsk."

Out of nowhere, Makima shot back, peering into his eyes with ridicule.

"Hehehe. I knew he would be able to do it. He's smart after all. But of course, I wouldn't have let him die.."

Satoru chuckled and spoke. "At the very least, we have a new powerhouse now and I believe his abilities would be very helpful to us.."

He smiled, before watching Aki one last time and teleporting away in a flash.

A/N: Sorry for the long chapter. Also please ignore any mistakes, I spent two hours on this chapter for crying out loud🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️Also please donate some ideas on how you guys think Aki's technique should work. Already have one in mind, but many heads are better than one😏