
Sweet dream (1)

At least as they neared the swamplands the number of undead decreased correspondingly which allowed them to take a break.

The dead trees started clearing up which gave them better visibility, if Sam's calculations weren't wrong then it would take only an hour to leave this cursed place.

They decided to take a break here before getting into the swamp because it could easily lead to them being attacked when they were exhausted.

'This place between the two zones was the best place to rest up. Of course none of these losers would know to thank me for my wisdom. Tch.'

Sam's anger burned hot once again, these ungrateful bastards will get a beating later on.

They were sitting on some rocks and sharing the last of their water, when something caught Sam's eye. Tara was drinking from the water skin and some of the water slid down her delicious lips and rolled down her chin and into her robe to a place that made his imagination run wild.