
Reborn as Chara in the Multiverse

Have you ever woken up in an Anime world in the body of an Andragynous genocidal Child. Well That happened to me and now i am neither man or woman, Folliw me as i rage my way through the Multiverse. Ps:i won’t abandon this one…Maybe

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6 Chs

The End of Undertale


Name:The Ultimate Loli Genocidal Genderless child,Chara

LV: 1

HP: 20/20

ATK: 5

DEF: 5

Abilities: World Traversal, Fate Severing, Weapon Forging

Soul: [Fragmented]

Current Status: [Identity Stable]


Karma Stats

Karmic Debt: 10

Fate Extinguished: 1 (Undertale World)

Karmic Chain: In Progress

Sub-skills Unlocked: 0/3

Current Alignment: Neutral


Weapon Creation Stats

Current Weapon: Knife

Weapon Rank: 1/10 (Basic)

Creation Energy: 50%

Upgrades Available: 0

Soul Fragment Used: 1

Potential New Materials: None

Notes: Soul-fragment-forging causes high pain levels, recommended to use sparingly.


Dimension Travel Stats

Accessible Worlds: 1 (Undertale)

Dimension Energy: 60% (Recharge rate: 5%/hour)

Anchor Points: Anti-Void

Current Status: Severed Fate detected, further travel will require dimensional stabilization.

Notes: Traveling between dimensions while Karma is above 50 will trigger a Karmic Ripple, potentially dangerous consequences.


As i gently played with my knife, i long realized the absence of the player's means the game system of Undertale is gone. and everything has become self aware.

San's was an interesting find, but i might have to kill someone today, Well then even if time itself ends, i will always be determined.

"Hello there Asgore, how long has it been since we last met, 10 or even 30 years, who knows who cares, i don't hate you monsters…but almost all of you attack poor innocent me for no reason, So Asgore breaking the barrier wont get rid of any of your wrongs" Asgore didn't reply. His silence was a testament to the weight of the burden he carried, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and resignation. The only response he offered was a firm grip on his trident, the weapon glowing with the same determination that burned within him.

The air around me thickened, crackling with the energy of a fight about to erupt. The faint glow of my knife pulsed in my hand, the fragmented state of my soul urging me toward the inevitable conclusion.

*He's going to attack soon, the UI warned. Be ready.

Asgore lifted his trident and pointed it at me, his deep voice echoing through the chamber. "I'm sorry, Chara… I wish things could have been different. But I cannot let you take the souls."

With a single, fluid motion, he lunged forward. His massive frame moved faster than I expected, the ground quaking with each of his steps. But I was ready.

I darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the arc of his trident as it sliced through the air where I had stood just moments before. The force of his swing sent a shockwave through the chamber, but I kept my focus. My fragmented soul pulsed again, feeding energy into my movements.

*Asgore's power is immense, but his speed is limited. Use that to your advantage.

I smirked at the UI's advice, already several steps ahead. I rushed forward, closing the distance between us. My knife gleamed in the dim light of the throne room, and I slashed toward his side. But Asgore was no novice; he twisted his body, deflecting my attack with the shaft of his trident.

"You're strong," I muttered, gritting my teeth. "But you're not fast enough."

I pressed forward, launching a flurry of quick, precise strikes. Each time my blade met his defense, sparks flew in the dim light. Asgore's face remained stoic, but I could see the weight of his hesitation in every move. He didn't want to fight me. That much was clear.

But I wasn't here for mercy.

With a swift pivot, I aimed a slash at his exposed leg. He stumbled, just for a moment, but it was enough. I could feel the knife sink in, drawing blood—a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Asgore grimaced, his resolve hardening as he pulled back. "I don't want to hurt you, Chara," he said, his voice strained. "But I will do what I must."

"Then stop talking and fight," I growled, my patience wearing thin. I could feel the pressure building—the Karmic Debt, the weight of this world's fate—all bearing down on me. The souls were so close. I could practically feel them.

Asgore's eyes flared with determination. He raised his trident once more, the energy around him intensifying. Fire flickered at the edges of the chamber, the heat searing the air.

*Careful, the UI hissed. He's preparing his strongest attack.

But I wasn't afraid. My hand tightened around the hilt of my knife as I locked eyes with Asgore.

This was it. The moment where everything would change.

"Let's end this," I whispered, rushing forward.

As I charged toward Asgore, time seemed to slow. The heat of his fire magic washed over me, singeing the edges of my clothes. His trident, now burning with a fiery intensity, swung down toward me in a wide arc, promising nothing short of devastation if it connected.

But I wasn't going to let it.

I dodged to the side, feeling the heat of the flames lick at my skin as the trident crashed into the ground behind me, sending a tremor through the chamber. The floor cracked under the force of his strike, but I used the opening to close the gap once more.

My knife flashed in the dim light, aiming directly for his heart. Asgore raised his trident just in time, deflecting the blade with a desperate block. The impact reverberated through my arm, but I didn't let up. I kept pressing forward, attacking with swift, relentless strikes, each one driving him further back.

*He's faltering, the UI noted. His hesitation is his weakness.

I knew the UI was right. Asgore's heart wasn't in this fight, and I could feel his hesitation with every move he made. His strength was undeniable, but he was holding back.

"You can't win if you don't fight me seriously," I snarled, slashing at him again. My knife grazed his arm this time, drawing blood. "If you want to protect this world, then stop pulling your punches!"

Asgore's eyes flared with a mix of regret and determination. "I don't want to kill you, Chara," he said through gritted teeth, his voice heavy with sorrow. "But I can't let you take the souls."

"Then I'll take them by force!" I shouted, lunging forward with renewed fury.

This time, I aimed low, feinting toward his legs before pivoting sharply and slashing upward toward his chest. The move caught him off guard. He tried to block, but my blade found its mark, cutting deep into his side. Asgore let out a pained grunt, stumbling backward as blood stained the stone floor beneath him.

I didn't relent. I surged forward, my knife poised for the finishing blow, ready to end this once and for all.

But just as I closed the distance, something shifted in the air. A sudden pressure, a force far stronger than anything I had felt before, washed over me. My body froze, and for the briefest moment, it felt like time itself had stopped.

*Karmic Ripple detected, the UI warned, its tone sharp. Consequences incoming.

Before I could react, a brilliant light filled the chamber, blinding me. I stumbled back, shielding my eyes as the overwhelming energy surged around me. It wasn't just Asgore's magic. This was something else—something far more powerful.

When the light finally faded, I blinked, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Standing between me and Asgore was a figure I hadn't expected to see.


His usual laid-back demeanor was gone, replaced by something far more dangerous. His single glowing eye burned with a fierce, unyielding light, and the atmosphere around him was heavy with an immense power.

"you've gone far enough, kid," Sans said, his voice cold and low. "this ends here."

I grit my teeth, gripping my knife tighter. Of course, Sans would show up now. The Karmic Ripple had summoned him, a force of retribution against the chaos I was about to unleash.

*Warning: Karmic Debt rising. Combat with Sans will be dangerous.

I smirked despite the situation, my heart racing with adrenaline. "So, you finally decided to show your hand, huh?"

Sans didn't respond. He simply stepped forward, his glowing eye locking onto mine. I could feel the weight of his gaze, the sheer determination radiating from him.

This wasn't going to be easy.

But I had come too far to back down now.

"Alright then, Sans," I said, raising my knife once more. "Let's finish this."

With a flash, the battle began.

Sans was faster than I had anticipated. His attacks came from every direction—bones, blasters, and a barrage of projectiles that seemed to warp space itself. I dodged and weaved through the onslaught, my knife flashing as I tried to get close enough to strike.

But every time I thought I had an opening, he would teleport, appearing behind me or to the side, launching another attack before I could react.

*Sans is a master of Karmic Retribution. His attacks are linked to the sins you've committed. Be careful.

Yeah well i didn't do any sins. Right?

*…you have the potential to become every and all chara and currently you are genocide route chara…sooo.

I gritted my teeth. So that's how it was. The UI's cold assessment rang in my head. Sans wasn't fighting me as me—he was fighting the idea of me, the culmination of every dark possibility I could embody. Every potential I had to become the genocidal maniac who could destroy entire timelines. In his eyes, I was already guilty.

And maybe, somewhere deep down, he was right.

But I wasn't going to let that stop me.

"Potential doesn't matter," I muttered, dodging another barrage of bones. "What I am now is what counts."

Sans teleported again, appearing behind me with one of those glowing blasters already charging up. I barely had time to twist out of the way, the energy beam scorching the air just inches from my head.

"You think it's that easy?" Sans asked, his voice calm but edged with cold fury. "you think just 'cause you ain't done the worst yet, that means you're off the hook? nah. that ain't how this works, kid."

The barrage intensified, Sans's attacks becoming more erratic, more unpredictable. His ability to warp space and time made every moment of the fight feel disjointed, as if I were struggling through the very fabric of reality itself. It was relentless.

But even through the chaos, I could feel the new power coursing through me—the Soul Distortion skill that had unlocked during my fight with Asgore. My fragmented soul had started to knit itself back together, granting me access to abilities I didn't fully understand yet.

Activate Soul Distortion?

The UI's prompt flashed in my mind.

I didn't hesitate.


Time itself bent around me, the world around us freezing as the skill took effect. I could feel the weight of it—the distortion of reality folding in on itself as I gained control over the flow of time within a limited radius.

Sans's movements slowed to a crawl, his blasters hanging in mid-air, bones frozen in place. For the first time in this fight, I had the upper hand.

"Let's see how you handle this," I growled, rushing forward.

With time on my side, I closed the gap between us in an instant, my knife gleaming as I swung it toward Sans. My aim was perfect—his defenses were down. This should have been it.

But as the blade came down, something strange happened.

My knife met resistance, but not in the way I expected. It was as if the air itself had thickened around Sans, preventing my blade from making contact. My hand trembled as I pushed harder, but the resistance only grew stronger.

Sans's single glowing eye flickered with an eerie light, and slowly—impossibly—he turned his head to look at me, even as time remained distorted around us.

"nice try, kid," he said, his voice echoing through the frozen air. "but you ain't the only one who can mess with time."

Before I could react, everything snapped back into place. Time resumed its normal flow, and I was thrown backward by an unseen force, slamming into the ground with a painful thud. My knife clattered away, out of reach.

I gasped for breath, the impact knocking the wind out of me. Sans stood over me, his eye still glowing with that strange, terrifying power.

"you don't get it, do you?" he said, his voice low and dangerous. "this ain't about what you've done. it's about what you're capable of. and i'm not gonna let you become that monster."

He raised his hand, bones and blasters materializing around him in a deadly circle.

"i've seen too many timelines end because of you, kid. it's time to stop this, once and for all."

Suddenly i grinned. "Well it's already too late, While we were fighting, Frisk has already freed the souls which fused with Flowey's soul which is inside the chaos saber, So agent of so called fate of this world, i may hale lost the battle but i won the war"

Sans' eye flared with alarm as my words settled into the still air. His grip tightened, but I could see the hesitation creeping into his movements. He knew exactly what that meant—Flowey, with all the human souls, was an uncontrollable force. The battle was no longer between just the two of us.

"you're bluffing," Sans growled, though the doubt was clear in his voice. He looked toward the throne room's exit, as if sensing the shift in the very fabric of the world around us. The faint hum of reality warping echoed through the walls.

I struggled to my feet, wiping the blood from my mouth. "Bluffing? You're smarter than that, Sans. You know I've already set everything in motion. You were just too late."

The glow of his eye dimmed for a moment, the weight of the situation finally sinking in. He didn't need confirmation—he could feel it. The world trembled beneath us, the fragile balance tipping into chaos.

"you…" Sans whispered, his usual laid-back demeanor replaced by something far darker. He closed his eyes, as though calculating his next move, trying to piece together some way to stop what was already inevitable.

The Karmic Chain within me pulsed violently, almost as if it was anticipating what came next. I glanced at the UI.

*Karmic Ripple intensifying. Dimensional collapse possible. Time-anchoring required.

Of course. Everything was unraveling—my fragmented soul, the severed fate of this world, the fragile timeline held together by mere threads of reality.

"Well, Sans," I began, taking a step forward, feeling the chaos swirl around us. "Looks like your little retribution spree has run out of time."

Sans clenched his fists, his gaze still locked onto me. For a brief moment, there was a flicker of something—regret, sadness, maybe even understanding. But it was gone just as quickly as it had come.

"i won't let you destroy this world, kid," he said softly, his voice carrying the weight of every timeline, every possibility he had witnessed. "not again."

But it was too late. Far too late.

With a final surge of chaotic energy, the world around us began to distort, reality warping and tearing apart at the seams. The souls were free. Flowey, or what remained of him, was fusing with something far greater—a weapon of unimaginable power.

The throne room shook violently, cracks spider-webbing across the floor, the ceiling, as if the entire Underground was about to collapse in on itself. The light from Flowey's fusion pulsed through the walls, casting eerie shadows everywhere.

"you think this is over?" Sans said, his voice strained, the calm demeanor he held crumbling as the world crumbled around us. "it's never over."

I smirked, letting the weight of the Karmic Debt, the chaos, and the inevitable destruction sink in. "It's over for you, Sans."

And with that, the final wave of chaotic energy surged, swallowing us both in a brilliant, blinding light, as the fate of this world unraveled completely.

The game had been set. The pieces had moved. And now, the outcome was inevitable.

What came next… would be a new beginning.

Or an end no one could foresee.

Not for me that is or my companions.


As i opened my eyes, i found myself back in the Anti-Void, my head was laying in frisks lap's

Flowey was glowing like a rainbow as he was embedded on the geound.

*Welcome back reckless Master, your maid dress is ready~.

Stop teasing me UI, anyways the undertale world i was in wasnt the original, i'll just think of it as doing Error a favor and destroying am AU.

Hey UI show me my level and the tabs.

Name: The Ultimate Loli Genocidal Genderless Child, Chara

LV: 2

HP: 25/25

ATK: 6

DEF: 6

Abilities: World Traversal, Fate Severing, Weapon Forging, Soul Distortion (New)

Soul: [Fragmented]

Current Status: [Dimensional Anchor Required]

Karma Stats

• Karmic Debt: 20

• Fate Extinguished: 2 (Undertale AU)

• Karmic Chain: In Progress

• Sub-skills Unlocked: 1/3

• Current Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Weapon Creation Stats

Current Weapon: Chaos Knife (Upgraded)

Weapon Rank: 3/10 (Enhanced)

Creation Energy: 40%

Upgrades Available: 1

Soul Fragment Used: 2

Potential New Materials: Fragmented Souls, Chaos Residue

Notes: High-tier soul forging available. Extreme pain levels continue to rise. Recommended to balance usage.

Dimension Travel Stats

Accessible Worlds: 2 (Undertale, ???)

Dimension Energy: 50% (Recharge rate: 5%/hour)

Anchor Points: Anti-Void, Unknown

Current Status: Dimensional collapse avoided, stabilization needed.

Notes: Karmic Ripple effects will persist. Further travel risks catastrophic consequences without stabilization.

"Great, I guess I leveled up, but at what cost?" I muttered, glancing at Flowey, who was radiating with chaotic energy from his fusion with the human souls.

*Well, at least you didn't turn into dust, UI chimed in cheerfully.

"That's some comfort, I suppose," I said with a grin, though the weight of the Karmic Debt lingered heavily on my mind.

*By the way, with that new soul skill, you're not just any Chara now—you're a Distorted Chara. Think of it as unlocking some of your… extra potential~.

Fuck you.