
Reborn as Apollo The God Of Light

A modern soul is reborn as Apollo, the God of Light.

TheGreekMythosGuru · Derivasi dari karya
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Life On Delos...

No Pov:

The forest was quiet, devoid of any signs of life. It was as if the trees themselves were holding their breath, waiting for something to happen. And then, a small blonde boy appeared, darting in and out of the trees with an unnatural grace and speed. He was no older than fourteen, yet he moved with the ease of a seasoned hunter. The way he blended in with the forest was almost magical as if he had lived there his entire life. Despite the strange silence, the boy seemed completely at home in the forest as he continued his fluid movements between the trees. Watching him, it was impossible not to feel a sense of awe at his skill and agility.

The boy stood there, holding a beautiful handcrafted bow in his hand. The delicate weapon seemed to glow with a golden light that illuminated the boy's face. He held the bow with such ease and confidence as if he had been training with it for years. The craftsmanship of the bow was apparent in every detail, from the intricate carvings to the perfectly polished wood.

As the young boy came to a halt in a small clearing, his features came into clearer view. Despite his young age, his physique was impressive, with well-defined muscles and a tall, lean frame that suggested he was no stranger to physical activity. His skin had a warm, golden hue as if he had spent his entire life basking in the sun's rays. His eyes were a vibrant blue, reflecting the clear sky above, and seemed to twinkle with a mischievous glint. His hair was a cascade of luscious, golden curls, flowing down to his shoulders in wild abandon. 

The young male was of such breathtaking appearance, possessing a quality of otherworldliness that seemed to exceed human nature. Because he was, in fact, not human, but the magnificent God Apollo himself, who presides over light, music, poetry, and much more.

The boy, now recognized as a god, looked self-assured as he drew back the bowstring with all his divine strength. A beam of pure light materialized on the bowstring, forming a glowing gold arrow. The godly being's smile was both handsome and impish as he took aim, ready to unleash his otherworldly power.

In a sudden burst of action, Apollo let go of his bowstring, causing the arrow to emit a sharp and distinct sound as it moved through the air with lightning speed. The velocity of the arrow was so great that it was impossible for any human or mortal to perceive it, and even the gods themselves struggled to catch a glimpse of it. Without warning, the arrow struck deep into the heart of the far-off forest, disappearing from sight as quickly as it had appeared.

The atmosphere was tense, and a heavy silence hung in the air. Apollo, holding the bow in his hands, gazed around uncertainly, as if waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an ear-splitting roar reverberated through the forest, causing the trees to sway violently and the ground to tremble beneath their feet. It was as if the sound had come from the very depths of the earth.

As the young God stood still, the rays of light seemed to warp and twist around him, almost as if they were trying to conceal his presence. Meanwhile, a terrifying monster slithered its way into the clearing, its scales glinting in the remaining bits of sunlight that managed to penetrate the dense foliage. The once lively and vibrant space now felt eerily empty and abandoned, save for the looming threat of the creature that had just entered.

The monster appeared massive and capable of enveloping the entire forest with ease. Its upper body was that of a beautiful woman, featuring striking green eyes, hair-like moss, and porcelain skin; however, the illusion of beauty was shattered by the serpent-like lower body with thick green scales, which looked as though they could be as big and sturdy as tiles. The creature's body writhed and slithered, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. 

Jutting out of a prominent ridge amid the scales, there was a strikingly bright arrow made of pure gold. The arrow had inflicted a deep wound, causing the thick green blood to ooze out slowly from the injured spot.

Her flawless features contorted into a vicious snarl, as her piercing gaze scanned the surrounding clearing with an intense fury. She seemed determined to find and unleash her wrath upon the object of her anger.

Python Delpyne, a monstrous serpent born of the Earth, was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Apollo, who materialized only a few feet away from her. The god wore a mischievous grin on his face as if he were enjoying the look of shock on the serpent's face.

The monstrous creature, which was once brimming with confidence and determination to annihilate its adversary, now seemed to falter and hesitate upon seeing the sheer magnitude of divine power emanating from its foe. The intimidating aura surrounding the opponent was so overwhelming that it left the monster feeling uncertain and apprehensive about the outcome of the impending battle.

Python, the colossal serpent, watched helplessly as Apollo charged towards it with a fierce determination in his eyes. The God showed no fear as he tackled Python with all his godly might, the force of the impact sending them both crashing through a multitude of trees. Apollo didn't let up, driving Python into the forest floor with such force that the ground shook beneath them. Despite Python's massive size, it was no match for the strength and power of the mighty God.

In a display of immense power, the god Apollo unleashed a series of thunderous blows upon the colossal serpent. The force of his strikes battered the serpent's massive body and shook the entire world with their might. With a mighty heave, Apollo lifted the serpent high above his head and hurled it across the world with incredible force. The serpent flew through the air until it crashed down onto the land of Delphi, the home of Gaea's oracle and the dwelling place of the fearsome Python. The impact of the serpent's landing reverberated through the earth, shaking the ground and sending shockwaves across the land.

Python lay motionless on the ground, battered and bruised from the fierce battle it had just endured. Apollo stood nearby, gazing on with an impassive expression as the serpent struggled to rise. Finally, with great effort, Python managed to lift itself up. But before it could take a breath, a volley of a thousand arrows descended upon it, striking with deadly precision and leaving nothing visible of the great monster's body. The once powerful creature was now reduced to nothing more than a lifeless heap on the ground.

Apollo watched as Python's body slowly disintegrated into a fine powder of shimmering gold. Without wasting a moment, he cupped his hands together, catching the essence of the fallen serpent. Then, he spread the golden dust across his bow and infused it with a potent green glow that seemed to pulsate with a life of its own.

As Apollo's body started to transform, his once innocent and youthful appearance began to take on a more mature and imposing form. His entire being was now surrounded by a radiant aura of brilliant golden light, which seemed to be emanating from his very core. Slowly but surely, his limbs started to elongate and his muscles grew in size, giving him a powerful and commanding presence that demanded attention.

His skin, had a warm and healthy golden hue, as if he had been kissed by the sun itself. His eyes, which were once wide and innocent, reflected the clear blue of the sky as if they were windows into the heavens above. His hair, which was previously a mess of unruly curls, now flowed down his back in luscious golden waves, framing his chiseled features perfectly.

As the transformation came to an end, Apollo now stood as a picture of perfection. His tall, muscular form exuded strength and power, and his regal bearing made it clear that he was a force to be reckoned with.

As the God of Light approached the magnificent temple of Gaea on Delphi, a group of graceful nymphs who resided within the temple walls appeared before him. They bowed in deep respect and reverence, acknowledging the presence of the divine being. The head priestess and oracle of Delphi herself then descended from the temple's grand entrance to greet the God with deference and honor.

Apollo's gaze rested upon the Nymphs who stood before him, their eyes filled with concern. With a commanding tone, he spoke, "Gaea, obeying Hera's orders, had Python hunt my mother. However, the great serpent now lies defeated, and her very essence exists only to serve me." The Nymphs couldn't help but feel a sense of unease upon hearing Apollo's words. They knew that with Python's defeat, they were now left unprotected and vulnerable to any lurking danger.

The Nymph's anxiety heightened as she heard Apollo's words, "Fortunately for you, my wrath towards Gaea does not extend towards you, and as the god of Oracles, it is only right that in exchange for your subservience, I become your new protector." Although Apollo's words sounded like a generous offer, the Nymph knew that it was more of a command than a request. She couldn't help but worry about the consequences of their betrayal of Gaea, and the fact that Apollo was now taking control only added to her unease. Despite her fear, the Nymph knew that she had no choice but to accept Apollo's offer and hope that he would keep his word.

The Oracle of Delphi spoke with great reverence and respect as she addressed the powerful deity before her. "Phoebus Apollo, son of Leto and Zeus, whose dominion stretches far and wide over domains such as light, healing, disease and plague, music, art and poetry, archery, reason, knowledge, truth, oracles, and prophecy, I humbly name thee the Protector of the Oracle of Delphi." As she finished her proclamation, a mystical green mist emanated from her lips, enveloping Apollo's imposing figure before seeping into his being and settling beneath his skin.

As Apollo looked down on the land of Delphi, he wore a smirk on his face. The sun above blazed intensely, casting a great light over the area. The effigies and statues of Gaea were set ablaze, their forms consumed by the flames. The earth beneath the feet of those present rumbled as if in protest, but it ceased upon hearing the deafening thunder that roared above. This was a sign of Zeus' favor for his golden son, and it echoed through the land like a mighty proclamation.

Apollo stood still, his gaze fixed on the boundless sky above. His eyes were filled with a profound sense of struggle as he slowly dissolved into a radiant aura of shimmering gold light, vanishing from sight once again, leaving behind a lingering feeling of awe and wonder.