
Steal and Copy

"I always wonder what this place actually is… how strange..." (Rio)

Rio is sitting and meditating, while the place around him is all empty, a clear and dark void. This place is like you are in space but there are no stars, planets, or any other celestial objects to look at, everything and everywhere is just dark without any end in sight.

"Even though it's so dark here in this place, how am I still able to see myself clearly, I can see myself as clear as a day…this place is extraordinary…" (Rio)

Strangely Rio can't feel any kind of emotion in this place, nor fear, nor anxiety anything, he can just feel indescribable calmness. Everything seems calm and steady to him.

Ring~ Ring~ (Sound of an alarm) 

"hmm, it's time to wake up it seems…(Rio)

Suddenly the place was covered in light and that dream-like state broke up and Rio found himself sleeping in the same bed, he had slept in yesterday.