
This Darkness Belongs To...

"DON'T GO EASY ON ME NOW!" The white-scaled Monster shouted as it struggled to get its balance back.

A punch from the General of Wrath had landed on its stomach, yet the General hadn't pursued.

"You really are the best!" Zino leaped forward.

The exchanges had gotten more and more intense, but as Mark's Endurance Points were getting lower and lower, the General of Wrath had adjusted his speed.

Just fast enough for the white-scaled Monster to barely have the time to react.

The General was kindly and generously allowing that Monster to shine. To shine as much as possible before the end.

The white-scaled Monster extended the claws of its left hand.

"That won't work on me!" The General of Wrath shouted as he pulled his arm back. An arm covered by Aura!

Zino's pelt was too thick. There was no way for Mark's claws to pierce, slash, or damage the General.

But that wasn't the white-scaled Monster's goal!