
Power Over Tricks

From above the tree, the Moonlit Feline watches, silently licking its wound, as the Creatures of the Night approach, alarmed by the Light that had pierced through the forest's darkness.

The Master, just like his Underling, had tricks up his sleeve.

"Let's pick up the pace!" Zino had shouted moments earlier.

His attacks had become heavier. His movements faster and deadlier. The lapse of time between each move shrunk.

Mark struggled to keep up.

Attacking wasn't an option. He could barely block, most of the time reaching too late, which made each hit from the General of Wrath stagger him.

Even keeping his balance when hit by such heavy attacks was difficult.

'Afraid that I'll knock you out?' The General thought to himself, noticing the Monster's tendencies in blocking and defending.

Indeed, the white-scaled Monster focused primarily on protecting its head, which meant that more attacks landed on the rest of its body.