
Old Man Uso, II

Before the old man knew it, his eyes opened.

When had he fallen asleep exactly, he did not know. When had he decided to fall back asleep, he did not know.

Without getting up, the old man thought about his thoughts from the day before. For some reason, they, now, seemed foolish and meaningless. 

He tried to go back to sleep, but found himself unable to. There was an issue. A rather loud one.


The old man scratched his stomach. He could feel the bones of his ribcage. It felt familiar.

He thought about what there was to eat.

The villagers?

No, no.

That would be cannibalism, right?

Wait, no. it wouldn't be cannibalism. For a Doppelganger... It wouldn't count as such, would it?

But others would see it as cannibalism, so that makes it cannibalism. Well, for them it would be. But why does it matter what others think?

Elisa isn't here anymore.