
Mana Contracts


Contractor: Elisa.

Contractee: {Fill up the missing information}.

Contract Clauses:

Clause 1: Each Party swears on the Mana that fuels their bodies not to attack or injure the other Party. 

Clause 2: The attacked Party has every right to defend itself.

Clause 3: Each Party reserves itself the right to terminate the Contract at any point, provided they inform the other Party in advance.

Additional Information: The Contract's Duration is yet to be determined and will be, for now, accepted as a short-term Contract.

Additional Clauses and Information can be added in the future, provided both Parties agree on the Additional Clauses.

Contractor's Signature: {Present}

Contractee's Signature: {Link your Mana to the hereby Contract if you wish to enter it}.


'What the hell is this?'

[Your Title "Gaavah's Follower" is waking up from its slumber.]