
Have It Your Way

Around Mark, lay the unmoving bodies of multiple Corrupted Dark Elves.

He grabbed a dead one's arm.

'Come out.' Mark ordered as he tore the arm off his victim and started munching on it.

[The Fire Spirit is glaring at you.]

'Get on with it.'

From the bright gem Mark had left on the frozen ground, a being of flames appeared.

'So you said that-'

"You really have no respect, huh?" The Fire Spirit interrupted. "I go out of my way to help you and this is how you repay me?"

Mark turned towards the Spirit, confused.

As if on cue, a drop of water fell from the Ice Dome's ceiling onto the Fire Spirit's body, immediately evaporating.

'Let's make this quick then. You said you could sense those outside. How many?'

The inconsiderate attitude didn't leave the Spirit indifferent, but he couldn't do a thing except let it slide.


Mark let out a dry chuckle before turning once more towards the meal he had started seconds earlier.

'Worse than I thought.'