
Gain & Loss

With a kick, Mark's body was brought into the air.

After three seconds, it hit the ground.

"Nap time is over." 

Mark opened his eyes and looked at the Armoured Man.

His vision was blurry, but Mark pushed himself off the ground.

He barely succeeded in getting to his knees.

Inaudible whispers exited Mark's mouth.

"Speak up." The Armoured Man demanded.

"Name... What's... Your Name?"

After a short silence, he answered.

"For now, I have none."


"I've thrown my Name away."

"Pretty... Cool..." Mark whispered to himself.

He brought a hand to his knee.

"Answer me this... Monster Hunter."

An eyebrow hidden behind a helmet twitched.

"Have you always... Been strong?"

Zephyr took a moment to answer.

"Stronger than my peers."

A chuckle escaped Mark's mouth, and so did a couple of blood drops.