
Beauty In The Ferocious

The Soldier's words were interrupted as the Commander lay a hand on his head and brought him closer.

"Good job, you lazy fuck."

The Kobold-like Monster froze as he was buried between the Commander's breasts.

Since Ani was, as was her habit, wearing a revealing bikini top.

His face, currently in contact with her bare skin, felt like it was melting.

"Thaak you... Comma... Der" The Soldier's voice was low and muffled. 

He couldn't breathe. But he still didn't want to move.

To Boa, it was a worthy sacrifice. A fair exchange.

'Lucky son of a bitch...' The rest of the Soldiers cursed as they stared at the scene.

"Two of them then?" Ani asked, a smile on her face as she wrapped her fingers around the Kobolt-like Monster's hair.

Boa's head was pulled away from her breasts, revealing closed eyes and heavy blushing. A rather perverted facial expression too, but Ani didn't think much of it.

Perhaps she was used to it.