
Reborn as a Skeleton with a System

The story begins with Philip, a young necromancer who inadvertently turns his uncle into a skeleton monster whom Jason Todd a soul from earth comes to possess, sparking a desperate escape from the confines of Border Town. Initially scorned as a weakling, Jason's with the help of a system, against insurmountable odds becomes a true godly figure. Over the first three years, through trials and relentless leveling, Jason emerges from the shadows of the Undead Mountains as the revered Undead Knight under the Moonlight. His legend grows as he conquers the underground maze, earning the title of the lone king of bones, a ruler who sits unchallenged upon his throne. With each challenge surmounted, Jason's strength and abilities grow exponentially, his reputation spreading like wildfire across the realms. Thirty years into his journey, Jason achieves the unimaginable, breaking through the devil abyss. This feat earns him the awe-inspiring moniker of the angel of death, a being whose mere presence evokes fear and admiration. Jason's transformation from a hunted skeleton into a figure of immense power challenges the very foundations of the world, setting the stage for a confrontation with entities beyond mortal comprehension. After a century of relentless pursuit of power and mastery over death itself, Jason stands at the pinnacle of existence. His gaze sweeps across many planes, instilling terror in the hearts of gods and mortals alike. At this moment of triumphant full leveling, an unexpected twist reveals the true nature of Jason's journey.

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"I definitely don't want to be struck by lightning, climbing tree is a no" Jason immediately dismissed the first option with a shudder of dread. The idea alone sent imaginary sparks dancing across his vision.

He then pondered the third option, only to find it equally unappealing. Without any tools, how could he even begin? "Moreover," he mused aloud to the unseen critters of the forest, "erecting a wooden abode in these secluded mountains would be akin to lighting a beacon for any who dare venture this deep. Conspicuous, indeed."

A lightbulb flickered on in his mind. "A cave! Of course!" In his previous existence, Jason had been an ardent fan of wilderness survival shows and had scoured the internet for every tidbit of adventure knowledge he could find. "Rocky hills, the upper stretches of flowing streams, areas where the trees grow thick and the world seems to fold in on itself," he recounted the criteria for the perfect shelter.

With a hint of uncertainty, he picked up a fallen branch, stood it upright on the damp earth, and let it fall. The branch, as if guided by some mystical force, pointed towards the dense forest ahead. "Immortal guidance," he declared with a burgeoning excitement, lifting the branch as if it were a royal scepter.

As Jason set off, the sky above morphed into an ominous canvas, dark clouds swallowing the sun whole and plunging the day into an early twilight. Thunder roared like the drums of war, and lightning illuminated the world in stark, white light, while the wind and rain conspired to bend and sway the trees in a frenzied dance.

He knew well that thunder and lightning were anathema to the undead, sending the monstrous inhabitants of these mountains into hiding, trembling in fear of the storm's fury.

Drenched to the bone, his clothes and boots heavy with rainwater, Jason trudged through the mud that sought to claim his boots as its own. Frustrated, he cast his boots aside, clutching them in hand as he pressed on, using the branch to steady his steps against the relentless downpour.

"Skeletons shouldn't feel fatigue," he mused wearily, the soul-fire within him dimming with every step. Yet, the absence of monsters on his path offered a small comfort as dusk approached.

After what seemed like an eternity battling the elements, his perseverance was rewarded. Nestled in the dense foliage on the mountainside lay a hidden cave, a sanctuary from the storm. "At last, a place to rest," he sighed in relief, his voice echoing slightly off the cave walls.

The cave was dry, absent of any signs of other inhabitants, a perfect haven for a weary traveler. As he settled in, ethereal characters materialized before his eyes: [mission completed! Experience +6, Strength +0.2]

[Strength: 0.4→0.6]

A chill, unlike the cold of the rain, coursed through Jason's body as strength flowed into him from the void, fortifying him for the adventures that lay ahead.

"Haha, what an incredible force!" Jason couldn't help but burst into laughter, the thrill of newfound strength coursing through him. In a display of his enhanced power, he effortlessly snapped a branch, as thick as his finger, clean in half with a satisfying crunch. But his triumph was short-lived.

In the next instant, Jason's expression turned from elation to horror. He stared down in disbelief as several of his fingers, broken just like the branch, tumbled to the ground. "Could it be? Even with a physique as strong as 0.3, I'm still so fragile that I might accidentally harm myself to death?" he gasped, the color draining from his face—if skeletons had any color to lose.

Then, in an unexpected turn of fortune, the system's delayed experience reward chimed in, elevating Jason's level from lv1 to lv2. As he watched in amazement, the severed finger bones on the ground vanished, and his hands were miraculously restored to their original state. Even the previously misshapen bones of his leg corrected themselves, snapping back into perfect alignment.

"So, leveling up restores me to full health? This is nothing short of miraculous!" Jason couldn't contain his excitement. Without a moment's hesitation, he allocated all his free points into bolstering his physique.

[Physique: 0.3 → 0.5]

A rush of energy surged through him, strengthening his bones to an even higher degree, their surface now gleaming with a warm, jade-like luster. Jason noticed too that his body felt significantly warmer, a welcome change from the persistent chill of undeath.

[Strength: 0.6]

[Agility: 0.4]

[Physique: 0.5]

[Danger Index: 2 (A new low-level monster, slow, but with a strong bones and moderate strength. can defeat little goblins. As a relatively dangerous pet, children should exercise caution.)]

As the storm raged on outside, with relentless rain, flashing lightning, and booming thunder, Jason found solace within the shelter of the secluded cave. "No, I mustn't let this peace fool me," he suddenly realized, sitting up with a start.

His current predicament flashed through his mind: Border Town, home to two mercenary groups—the Eagle Group and the less formidable Great Sword Mercenary Group. Both lived off wars and monster hunts.

Now, hiding in Border Town, Jason, a low-level skeleton monster, could easily be targeted. A swift blow to his skull would yield a low-level soul crystal, fetching a few copper coins on the market.

"This peace is merely the calm before the storm," Jason mused, a sense of urgency taking hold. He knew he must prepare, for the path ahead was fraught with danger, and only the cunning and strong survived.

In the unforgiving wilderness, low-level beings like Jason are mere prey, the hunted in a game where the hunter could be anyone—from the most formidable mercenary bands to the humblest of farmers.

The situation is dire, especially with groups like the Eagle Group running low on funds, struggling even to cover their members' basic needs. Desperation breeds ruthlessness; without enough coin for their pleasures and vices, these hardened men are more than willing to scour the mountains, hunting down creatures like Jason for the bounty they carry. It's a perilous existence, where the line between predator and prey blurs constantly.

Jolted by this harsh reality, Jason stood resolutely from the cave's floor. "We must bolster our strength, and swiftly. Even if victory against them is beyond my grasp, I must at least possess the means to defend myself!"

As if responding to his newfound determination, the air before him shimmered, revealing lines of ethereal text:

[Facing the threat of the mercenary group, the weak skeleton was terrified. He hid in the cave, shivering, and resolved to grow stronger to protect himself.]

[Mission: Attack of the Skeletons!]

[Option 1: Blade of Extreme Shadow. Note: Every time you defeat an enemy, you will be rewarded with experience and agility attributes. The upper limit is 30.]

[Option 2: Reinstall the Overlord. Note: Every time you defeat an enemy, you will be rewarded with experience and physical attributes. The upper limit is 30.]

[Option 3: The sword that breaks the army. Note: Every time you defeat an enemy, you will be rewarded with experience and strength attributes. The upper limit is 30.]

[The stronger the enemy you defeat, the higher the reward!]

[After being promoted to level 5, you will be transferred to a skeleton soldier!]

A job change at level 5? The prospect of acquiring profession-specific skills and significantly boosting his strength was enticing. "What skills might a skeleton soldier possess?" Jason pondered, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. The mission before him was a crossroads, each path offering a different means to augment his capabilities.

In the martial world, speed was the only attribute that remained unconquered. "He who wins with strength may find himself defeated when his strength wanes. But with speed, escape is always an option when victory is not." This philosophy guided his choice. "I shall become the Blade of Extreme Shadow!" Jason declared, embracing the path of agility and stealth.

The dawn brought with it a drizzle, the mountains cloaked in a veil of mist and mud. The incessant rain was both a curse and a blessing—it hampered travel, likely deterring the mercenaries from venturing into the mountains, thus affording Jason a precious window of opportunity to grow stronger in secrecy.

Aware that his mission did not specify the nature of his adversaries, Jason wisely chose not to provoke the dangerous mercenaries. Instead, he would focus on other low-level monsters, honing his skills and gathering strength.

[The skeleton is ready to strike against his own kind, yet he is weak and in dire need of weapons—weapons capable of dealing lethal blows.]

[Mission: Weapon Master!]

With resolve and a clear path forward, Jason set out to arm himself, embarking on a quest not just for survival, but for ascendancy in a world that showed little mercy to the weak.