

"Goddamnit, that hurt... Who the hell flicks a dead guy?" I thought.

I attempted to open my eyes. It was hard. My eyelids were heavy, and my body felt heavy. Why am I so heavy? Confused, I struggled again.

An alarm rang out.

A door opened. Two people entered, one male and one female. The male was burly with spiky black hair. The female also had spiky black hair, but hers was tied up in a loose bun.

"He's really going to do it," the man said. "He's really going to destroy us. For what? Thanos, that bastard! Even in our ape form, we are no threat to him. Why does he seek all destruction? We've served him well, have we not?"

The female, clutching the pod, started whispering to the child inside, "It's okay, little one. Mommy's here. No one's going to hurt you while I'm here."

"Silence, Arturo! You're waking the baby. We need to get him to the pod."

Arturo sighed. "You're right, Seripa. We don't have time for this. Let's go! Bardock is waiting for us!"

The two rushed outside, holding the pod. Scores of people were rushing hither and thither.

People were pulling and clawing at whatever they could grab before running, but to where, no one knew.

My parents rushed swiftly through the crowds and out the other side. "We need to get to the spot," Arturo said, taking a moment to catch his breath.

"Be quick, darling. As soon as we clear the city, we can fly the rest of the way without being spotted."

The two finally reached a clearing on the edge of the city. The sounds of explosions behind them, and finally, they took flight.

They rushed through the skies at sonic speeds, taking extra care not to fly too high to avoid detection. They raced over trees and lakes and bodies. So many bodies!

"We're almost there," he said, speeding up for the last leg of the journey.

The two arrived at a clearing where two other people were waiting for them with a pod of their own, along with two space pods.

"You guys made it just in time," Bardock said. "We were just about to set off little Kakarot here."

"We couldn't miss this for the world," Arturo said.

The two battle brothers grasped the pods and placed the two sleeping babies at the foot of the space pods.

The two ladies each exchanged a nod and started preparing the children for takeoff.

The two male Saiyans stepped in front of the space pods in a defensive posture.

Not long after, they heard footsteps. Apparently, the two felt the arrival before they saw them. A giant alien with what appeared to be a giant anchor and a slender alien with a spear.

"You will step no further, dogs."

A pause.

The two aliens faced off against the two Saiyans.

No words needed to be spoken, not between warriors!

They charged at each other, each in what appeared to be an even fight. These aliens were strong, strong enough to fight Saiyans, and that's all the motivation they needed.

Arturo faced off against the female alien while Bardock grappled with the burly giant.

Punches and kicks rang out, battle armor broke, and weapons crumbled.

The two ladies soon finished setting up the coordinates for the children's flight path and turned around to fight alongside their husbands.

"We are coming!!" Gine said fiercely, mildly scaring Seripa.

The two charged at the aliens, who were now on the back foot.

However, suddenly, metal started to form around the four.

"Lord Thanos demands your death. Feel honored before you feel the cold hand of oblivion."

A skinny alien floating on a metal disk slowly descended.

The four struggled, pulling piece by piece off their bodies. However, the metal was never-ending.

"Give up, Saiyans. The will of Thanos is absolute."

The four started roaring, but soon the sound of space pods taking off into the distance.

A smile appeared on the faces of the Saiyans. Bardock opened his mouth and said, "Even if you kill us now, the Saiyans still live!! And those Saiyans will be your doom."

A snarl appeared on the skinny alien's face.

"BLASPHEMY!" he roared before crushing the four.

Blood poured from the metal like some kind of blood fountain modern art piece.

The female alien walked up and said, "The two were reported to be carrying a baby that was each loaded into a pod. They could be going anywhere."

"Thanos and his army do not fear Saiyans, much less Saiyan babies. Report back to Thanos immediately."

The alien woman saluted respectfully. "As you say."

The skinny alien looked toward the sky and roared. He felt like he had failed to secure the entire population!

However, he soon collected himself and started floating off back to the main battleship.

Time passed...

The two pods were racing through the universe, the babies inside none the wiser of their situation.

However, one of them got veered off course by a local gravity well, and soon Kakarot was lost to parts unknown, "at least for now."

The baby woke up being held by an old man. Confused as to what was going on, he looked around thinking, "I'm alive..? What's going on? Why am I so small? Hehe, toes!!"

The baby babbled incoherently while the old man looked around.

"Uhhh, did the stork drop something at the wrong house?"

The old man looked around beside the smoking crater where he found the pod the child was in and saw nothing, which concerned him greatly.

He looked back inside the pod, looking for any form of apparent registration, and only found smoldering circuitry and the last bits of nutrient solution the baby was floating in.

Soon he saw the carving in one of the panels.

It was rough but still complete.

He used a crowbar from his car and pried it off, figuring it could end up important.

"I got a nephew that's about your age, and I've never had a son before. My wife might kill me, though," he laughed.

The baby cooed, "This guy seems nice," he said internally.

The baby patted the old man's face.

"Ok, that settles it. Welcome to the family, little William."

He named me William.

"Welcome to the Parker family."

Wait, what?