
Reborn as a Paladin in a Fantasy World DROPPPED

Alexandra is no fool, not the type to be self-righteous or blame others for their decisions, but she is what many would consider a fool. She is the type who would save someone else, even if she had to pay dearly for it. Many would consider it cringe, foolish, and dumb -She was told about the hero syndrome more times than she could count. She never really cared however, someone had to do the right thing, even if others wouldn't, people like her were what society relied on to form, and it is them it needs to function. She met many people, friends and enemies alike, and by the end of her short mortal life, she was satisfied with the good she had done in the world. In return for her great deeds and sacrifices, she died a peaceful death at the age of 18, exactly a month after her birthday. Her heart problems cut her life short much to the dismay of her loving family. It seemed however that her adventures were not over yet, as another world needed her aid. She didn't know how or why, but as her soul left her body, she could feel the pleas and cries of hundreds of thousands, shouting into the ether for aid. Perhaps God had a plan, maybe God is evil, Alexandra did not care, for her mission was clear. She will protect and provide for the weak, she will fight evil no matter how vile it is, and for as long as she can, she will ensure that good triumphs. It's arrogant, it's self-righteous, but that is simply who she is. ------------------ Disturbing content is in this novel or is heavily hinted at, reader discretion is advised. I will make chapters whenever I feel inspired If you want to support my work, here is my Patreon: patreon.com/MarAuthor

MarAuthor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

First contact

I was busy fishing when I heard something big charging at me through the forest, I picked up my now-improved spear and prepared to run if necessary, but what came out shocked me.

It was a humanoid and one who was dressed in the actual clothing, albeit it was only a durable-looking leather shirt and pants along with some leather boots.

He stumbled out of the woods with an arrow stuck in his knee.

He fell to the ground, tongue sticking out and breathing with labored breaths, his eyes looked scared and confused, but he still gathered the strength to reach out to me with his clawed hand.

I dropped my spear and rushed to him, shouting at him to stay awake, but he still collapsed into unconsciousness before I could reach him.

I began dragging him away from the forest edge, which took a monumental amount of effort considering his large size and build.

Little old me is just 1.6 Meters tall, he must be around 2 meters tall, so he towered over me.

After half an hour, I managed to get him to the lake, which was around 10 meters away from the edge of the forest, there, I removed the arrow in his leg and focused.

I never tried to heal anyone else, so I don't know what might happen here, but I have to try.

The arrow pierced him exactly in the knee, it's a miracle he was able to walk at all.

I lowered my glowing palm onto the wound, the fur on his legs stood at attention when my hand got close, and when I touched the leg, the wound closed after a few seconds.

I felt a horrible pain in my leg for that short time, but once the healing was finished, it disappeared.

So I take the pain of the person onto myself while they are being healed, that's gonna suck later on for sure.

After waiting for a minute to see if he would wake up, I decided to pass the time by hunting some fish for the new guest, he would probably appreciate some food after what he's been through.

I grabbed my spear and knife and waited near the edge of the lake, waiting for a fish to expose itself, which took another half an hour.

Another two trouts swam a little too close to me, and I stabbed straight through them both killing them instantly.

I brought it out and spent the next few hours setting up a fire + cooking the fish.

While I was doing all of this, the sun started to set, and the fire became the only good light source.

At this point, sleeping beauty woke up from his rest, his eyes glowed like a cat's in the night, making me feel a bit threatened.

He was obviously very strong and most likely a lot more experienced, so I can only pray that he won't start trouble with the woman who saved his life.

"Hi? Can you understand me?"

An awkward silence covered the camp as he looked completely baffled before saying something.


I have no idea what he said, and it seems like he doesn't have a clue what I said either.

Great, living in civilization is impossible now. If there was at least a flash or recognition, like he knew the language existed, but there was just sheer confusion written all over his face.

English doesn't exist here most likely, I have to learn a new language with no way of even starting.

The way a child learns how to speak is by recognizing patterns and copying them, that's why you should talk in front of your child a lot, but I can't just walk into a city and listen to people, that process takes years and adults are worse at language learning than children.

I let my head fall onto my hand as I gave a tired sigh, just as I was about to take a bite out of my fish, I heard a very loud stomach rumble.

Haha! I understood that at least.

I grabbed the second fish and threw it at him, he got caught by surprise and fumbled with the fish a bit before he managed to get a proper hold of it, once he did he devoured the entire thing in seconds.

I could only stare in amazement as a trout around 15cm long was devoured in 3 seconds, the Beastman licking his mouth in satisfaction.

Seeing his desire for more fish and being sympathetic to his hunger, I gave him my fish as well, which he took and also devoured, albeit with a bit of hesitation on his face at first.

Well, it's fine, I've gotten used to eating less so I don't feel hungry anymore even after only half a fish.

Se the two of us quietly sat around the fire, not doing much for the next hour or two.


Imbellis was very nervous when he woke up, since he had no idea what happened after he fell unconscious.

He pretended to be asleep for a bit longer, listening for any people around him, but he only heard one person who seemed to be sitting near a fire nearby.

Relief washed over him, he wasn't enslaved while unconscious it seems, but he still had no clue who was nearby.

He opened his eyes slightly to take a peek, and in front of him behind a fire sat a human female.

She has brilliant silver hair, which looks surprisingly clean when compared to her damaged clothes.

She has two visible scars on her stomach and a hole in her armor above where her heart is, her clothes near those areas have a red tinge to them, almost as if they were soaked in blood which has now dried up.

Most attention-grabbing was the small dim halo that hovered above her head, casting a dull glow around her.

"Hi? Can you understand me?"

I realized too late that I opened my eyes too much, revealing that I was awake before I intended to do so, but I can't take it back now.

She spoke to me in a language I had never heard before, confusion filled my mind, and body too most likely as her friendly smile waned when she saw my confused face.

"What?" I simply voiced my confusion, though she gave me the same confused face I most likely gave her.

Communication is seemingly impossible, great, she won't be of much help against the goblins if I can't warn her.

She'll have to do as bait then.

Her thoughts seemed to be the same as she let out a tired sigh before letting her head rest on her hands.

As I was thinking about this, my stomach rumbled rather loudly, which was a bit embarrassing, to say the least.

The human considered it hilarious though, judging by the way she exploded with laughter and then threw a fish at my face.

I was surprised by the sudden throw, so I barely managed to catch it, which the human found even funier.

I then ate the fish whole in around three seconds, which caused her to quiet down in shock.

I feel pretty smug now but whatever.

So the night peacefully passed, with both of us just relaxing by the fire.

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