
Reborn As A Monster In An Apocalyptic World

*Gender Bender warning* One night, a young man died in his sleep, and awoke into a fantasy world that was going through an apocalypse. That was not all, he was reincarnated as a wolf monster, and found out he was gender bent. Join us in this adventure, where the mc has to survive countless fights between them and other monsters and humans.

Ace_the_wolf · Fantasi
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2 Chs

A Mission? Race Traits.

"Ugh..." Valda groaned out, but what came out was a growl. "Where the.. hell..?" She tried to mutter, but there was only a low growl.

Confused at first, she quickly tried to get up, but she quickly stopped as she felt an intense pain envelop her body. "Fuck! What the hell happened?"

[You shouldn't move, you are severely injured. If you try to get up or move at all your wounds will open and you will die.]

Looking at the strange textbox in front of her Valda suddenly remembered how she got to this point. 'But how the hell did I survive?'

[You will find out in just a moment.]

Moments later, there was a small gasp that came from Valdas right. "B-Big brother, the monster is awake..." A nervous voice rang out after the gasp.

"Don't get any closer to it!" A frantic voice rang soon after. Soon, 2 legs appeared in front of Valda. Not even trying to raise her head, Valda assumed that one of the voices had saved her life.

Suddenly, a bloodied blade appeared in her vision. "Don't even think about moving, monster." The voice said with nervousness in its voice.

A moment later Valda felt a small hand on her head as the first voice rang out again. "Brother, don't hurt it! It took out 2 of the monsters, and it doesn't seem to be aggressive to us."

"Well, of course its not aggressive to us it's severely injured!" The second voice exclaimed.

'The fuck is this?!' Valda exclaimed in her mind as a green textbox appeared in front of her.

[A mission has been assigned to you.

Protect the 2 kids till you have found a human camp.

Rewards: 2,000 experience

20 stat points



Looking at the mission Valda couldn't help but feel annoyed. 'How the hell am I supposed to protect these kids, and wouldn't I just get attacked if I tried to get to a human camp? The kid in front of me is threatening me with a sword, and the other one seems to be on my side.

However her thoughts were interrupted when a little girl's face appeared in her vision. The little girl had green eyes and brown hair. "You won't hurt us, right?" The little girl asked with a smile.

Knowing she couldn't say anything, since.. she was a wolf. Valda tried her best to nod. The little girl seeing the attempt at the nod couldn't help but have a bigger smile on her face.

"Brother! The wolf won't hurt us! I asked it if it won't hurt us and it nodded!" The little girl exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" The brothers voice asked with disbelief in his voice.

"Yes!" The little girl confirmed.


Hours later, the 2 kids fell asleep. Valda couldn't sleep as the pain from her wounds kept her awake. 'System, is there a way to dull the pain?! The pain hasn't gotten any better...'

[There isn't a way to dull it, but there is a way to speed up the healing process of your injuries.]

Reading what the system said, Valda couldn't help but sigh in relief. 'What's the way to speed up the process?'

[You must consume blood from any creature. It's one of your traits from your race.]

Reading the text, Valda looked towards one of the corpses nearby. Valda attempted to get up but the pain soon sent her to the ground. 'FUCK!' Valda exclaimed in her mind.

Taking a moment to calm down she attempted to stand up again, this time she was successful. With unsteady steps she walked towards the corpse.

'Just consume the blood of a creature... okay' Valda released a sigh that was filled with hesitance. She stared at the corpse for a bit before opening her mouth and chomping down.

The taste of rotten blood quickly filled her mouth, causing her to almost throw the blood up, but she pushed herself and swallowed it. Despite the rancidness, she could feel a bit better after swallowing the blood and flesh from the corpse.

[...I was not expecting you to actually consume the blood from a corpse.]

The system said all of a sudden. 'It was the only thing I could think of and do.' Valda remarked. Looking at the corpse again, Valda thought of consuming more blood but she was stopped by the system.

Thanking the system because she definitely did not wanna consume any more of the rancid blood. She walked back to where she previously laid down, and laid back down.

Taking a moment to relax, she decided to talk with her system.

'Hey system, what was the mission I got about?' Valda asked since she was curious.

[It was a mission given to you by the god of this planet, it seems he has interest in you.]

Valda sighed as she read this. 'Well, I hope he doesn't he doesn't give any harder tasks for now...' Valda said inside her mind.

[If you say that it might come true, the gods are unpredictable.]

'Anyways, what is there to my race? Other than healing from consuming blood.' Valda asked while hoping its nothing similar to a vampire from mythology.

[I can only give you the basic information.]

'Alright, can I see it?' A green screen appeared in front of Valda.

[Blood wolf: A rare existence, notorious for their black fur and red eyes. They rely on their agility and stealth to hunt prey.

They aren't able to use magic, however their physical abilties and regeneration are increased if they consume blood.

Unique ability: Blood high.

If the host consumes blood their physical abilties increase by 50% and most wounds will heal in this state. Once it wears off the host will feel extremely fatigued.]

Reading the description of her race Valda was inrerested but felt severely disappointed as she read she could not use magic.

'Well, it could be worse, the regeneration is helpful' Valda remarked as she felt the pain from her wounds quickly go away. Moments later as she was digesting the information she felt her eyelids began to droop.

In the next moment she fell asleep.


"NANCY STAY BACK! THERE IS TOO MANY OF THESE MONSTERS!" The older brother screamed as 5 zombies entered the building. They were slowly stumbling towards him with their arms outstretched.

The little girl, who was named Nancy quickly fled to the wolf that was sleeping near the furthest wall. "Please wake up!" She cried out as she hugged the wolf, she clung tightly as her body shook from fear.

"Ngh, what the heck is going on?" Valda groaned as she woke up. "What is that screaming fo-" She quickly stopped trying to talk as it was useless, she turned her head towards the location of the noise.

She saw a boy around 11 or 12 holding a bloodied sword, and in front of him stood 5 zombies who were bumping into each other as they slowly tried to get closer to the boy.

Quickly standing up after remembering the surprise mission she got. The little girl thay clung to her body released her grip as she noticed Valda awoke.

Rushing towards the boy's side, Valda mentally prepared herself to fight these zombies.

A second later the first zombie lunged towards the boy, but he was quickly moved out of the way by Valda.

Valda quickly bit into the zombies head, killing it in just a second.

[Level 1 Zombie slain, 20 experience gained!]

Ignoring the notification from the system, Valda didn't dwell too long as the rest of the zombies tried to dog pile onto her. Quickly getting out of the way, she watched the zombies trip over each other and face plant onto the ground.


Looking to her right, the young boy had sliced the neck of one of the zombies. Refocusing on the zomvies, they all started to attempt to get up.

Not wanting to give them a chance Valda targeted the zombie that was closest to standing.

Pushing it down with all her might, she bit down yet again to kill another zombie. It wasn't just her taking the chance as the young boy sliced through the neck of another zombie.

Looking at the last zombie struggle to get up, Valda killed it.

[Level 2 achieved! + 10 Status points, {Stealth} Skill learned}