
Reborn as a Mafia leader

Chaima_Chams · Seni bela diri
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6 Chs

Episode Five

Kim Sujin spent hours in his office watching footage, trying to find anything suspicious. Suddenly, his friend Mark rushed in with news – another girl with bruises like Lee Chayeong was found in the ocean. Mark then noticed something on the screen.

"Is that Lee Chayeong's husband?" he asked. The footage revealed a man in a black suit grabbing Lee Chayeong's husband, and they seemed to talk for half an hour. The husband looked scared, rushed home, and locked the door.

Kim Sujin quickly took a photo of the man in the black suit and gave it to Mark, saying, "Please find out who this is." Mark left to investigate, while Kim Sujin turned his attention to a new crime scene, a mystery unfolding before him.

After Kim Sujin left to check another crime scene, the victim, now called Anna, was a 25-year-old foreigner studying medicine in Korea. Like Lee Chayeong, Anna had bruises and her organs taken out. Her body was dumped in a jungle in a black bag, making Kim Sujin really upset that Chayeong's case wasn't solved yet.

After crime scene investigators took pictures, Kim Sujin went to his office, laid out all the photos, and tried to find any connection. Suddenly, he spotted similar bruises on Anna and Chayeong's necks – like they were strangled with the same necklace or chain. This discovery fueled Kim Sujin's determination to solve both cases and catch the person behind these awful crimes.