
Reborn As A Human

About three things I was definitely positive about. First I shouldn't have fallen in love with a human. Second, I shouldn't have given up my position as the guardian of the sky for him. And third, I shouldn't have gotten involved when I found out my human lover was the heir to the throne of the wizard Kingdom.

Coo_Latie · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Jaden's pov

I got to the office early the next day feeling so elated.

It must be because of the time I spent with Giselle yesterday, even though I still don't understand why she suddenly wanted me to leave in the middle of the conversation.

By the way, I had a good time, no matter how short it was.

"Young man, where have you been since yesterday?" I showed up at your place, but you were not there. "You went out without me, man, and I'm so emotional right now." We both laughed at his early morning foolishness, and I tried as much as possible not to continue the discussion so I wouldn't have to explain where I went and who I was with.

"That reminds me, how's your little miss coffee maker?"

"You haven't actually told me what I need to know about both of you because the other day, she ran all the way from her coffee shop just to ask me about you."

"She was a little disappointed when I told her you didn't come out because you were avoiding some things."

The file in my hand fell, and beads of sweat started forming on my forehead.

"Bro!!  You didn't have to tell her that." I cried.

"Chill...  Slow down.  She'll not be upset, I hope. "Besides you two are not dating, or are you?" His eyebrows were raised in disbelief.

"No, no, no, we're not dating," I reprimanded.

"Good, so there's no need to panic. "You'll tell her you had so much work to do plus you were avoiding a client, that's all," he advised.

"Sorry to interrupt your morning gossip, Jaden, but Mr. Williams has something to say." "You might want to hear this," Xavier interrupted.

"Okay, we're right behind you," I replied.

"You just had to spoil the morning with work, Xavier."

At least Xavier saved me from answering more questions and probably spilling everything.

There is no need to tell anyone my feelings or my plans, at least not yet.

Until I'm sure about them.

We walked to the interrogating room and met Williams already sitting, obviously fidgeting and playing with his fingers.

He looked at me with so much fear in his eyes, like he was being pursued by something. Whatever the matter is, we'll find out.

Giselle's pov

I turned around and saw Ro standing on the staircase, still with a long face.

"It was just one of your friends, Peter." He brought your purse and sent his greetings. He's worried about you. Everyone is worried about you, Ro; can't you see that?

Your love for this earthly creature has made you feel like everyone else is against you.

"Look, Ro, we've dined and wined for so many years that no mortal can separate us; whether you're in the skies or beneath them, you'll always be my sweet little sister," I said to her.

She seemed touched by my words. She hugged me so tightly like a child reunited with her mother, letting out all her tears on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry for all those things I said to you. I really shouldn't have ever thought of you as an enemy. I'm so sorry. "Please forgive me, sis."


"I forgive you, my darling sister. "There's no need to beg me," I said, patting her head in rhythm.

"Yes. Let it all out, dear one."

"It's a good thing you've admitted your mistake, but nature must punish an offender, mortal or immortal, so don't worry, I'll definitely punish you at the perfect time.

"Now, Ro, clean your face and come see this amazing movie with me." "It's horror, so you'll like it, right?" I tried to cheer her up.

"Not really, but since you're here, I have nothing to fear."

She ran upstairs immediately to wash her face and skipped all the way back like a little child with a new lollipop. It's a good thing she's smiling as much as she can now.

Because there's an old saying, "nothing lasts forever,"

Writer's pov

Georgia and Gwen had been waiting for Jaden on the path he usually takes home for hours but had seen no sign of him yet.

The darkness was crawling in, but there was still no sign of him. They both decided to go into the main city, but they were both dressed in ancient clothing, so it'll be very easy for anyone to spot them out of the crowd in case anything happens.

With that, Georgia cast a spell on herself and Gwen, and they changed appearances. Now looking more like modern-day girls, they strolled all the way to the big town.

"We'll cover more ground if we go separate ways." "Head north, and I'll go in the opposite direction. We'll both meet at the place we set out from." Georgia ordered.

"Alert me when you find him, don't do anything on your own, and don't do anything stupid that'll blow our cover." She continued as they began to stroll.

"We're going in disguise for a reason." "I repeat, alert me when you find him, and I'll tell you what to do. "I know I'm clear enough," she finished.

"So General Georgia, what makes you think you can make orders and I'll bow down and do as you wish?"

"I'll do what I want, do you understand?" Gwen laughed.

"What I understand is the fact that you've decided to die and I'm not going to stop you trust me. If you don't do as I say get ready to answer the Queen. Now shut that spell trap of yours and do as I say. We'll meet at the same point before midnight do you understand? " Georgia warned.

"What Queen?" They both turned to see a shabby looking man with his mouth half full, and crumbs of burger falling of the sides of his mouth as he tried to speak and chew at the same time.

He didn't look like a threat. Just that he attracted problems for himself by not keeping his mouth shut and minding his burger.

He had obviously been listening to their conversation and this annoyed Gwen.

Without thinking she cast a quick spell on him and he immediately remained still.

Unfortunately someone saw her cast the spell so they were both in for a hot chase.

After running for a while, they came out to a completely strange place, not like every other place wasn't strange too, just that this particular place was just so different.

"Good thing we lost them. That was one wild chase. I still don't know why you didn't let me wipe them all out of the face of earth with one spell. That'll be easy and fun too."

"We were asked to bring the prince, not rid this city of its inhabitants." "There would not have been any chase if you had just kept quiet and not asked silly and unnecessary questions."

"So shut your mouth and let me think of something before I cast a spell on you."

"Let's just think of what to do right now so we can get this over with."

"Spending so much time with you is already making me very sick."

"Alright alright....  Always finding something wrong with everything I do, miss knows all. And it's not like I enjoy being around you anyway.

"Be quiet!"