
Reborn as a goddess in mha (Dropped)

A lonely weeb on his way home from the store with a new game when he meets his end thanks to truck-kun but that’s the best thing that ever happened to him as he meets god who gives him a chance to be reincarnated with 5 wishes. What will he or now she do in her new life in my hero academia? ********************** I am dyslexic so spelling and grammar are hard for me even though English is the one and only language I can speak. But I’ll try my best to make this as good as I can this is technically my first novel as my other one I lost motivation for before I even started writing so yeah don’t hold high hopes for this also, I write on my phone so don’t expect super long chapters because is just not happening having to put up with typing on this app is bad enough without having to type long chapters on my phone too so chapter length will be short probably 1000-1500 words. I like constructive criticism it helps me improve I don’t want people telling me that my writing is crap or giving me quote “ disgusted gazes” like that doesn’t help all it does it put me down and make me lose motivation so please constructive criticism only thanks. Also I do not own naruto or my hero academia this is a fanfic all characters that appear in this fanfic belong to the original copyright holders the only character I own is my mc and any I may or may not add in the future. I do not own the cover photo if you are the original artist or owner and would like for me to take it down I will do so.

Shira_ori · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Not much of a fight

"RIGHT NOW CAN WE SPAR!?" Mirko shouted excitedly.

"Fine, but we must move to a more safe area"Kaguya agreed and requested to move to a safer and quieter area as fighting in the middle of the city would draw a lot of attention.

"Yay!, I know just the place" Mirko replied and started leading Kaguya and lycoris out of the city and towards a large home surrounded by what seems like a small forest.

"Welcome this forest is where I do a lot of my spars and it's where we'll do ours" Mirko said pointing towards a clearing in the forest.

"Alright, lycoris please watch from a safe distance" Kaguya agreed before talking to lycoris.

"Don't worry about me I'll stay out of the way" lycoris replied with a smile on her face.

"LETS START ALREADY!!" Mirko shouted with excitement clear on her face.

Kaguya and Mirko moved towards the clearing and look at how they each carried themselves, looking for opportunities in their posture and stance. Lycoris gave the starting signal and Mirko disappeared from her spot.

With a kick flying towards her face Kaguya tilted her head to the side at the last second and dodged another kick towards her stomach. Dodging all of Mirko's attacks effortlessly Mirko was starting to get annoyed, she jumped in the air and....

"LUNA FALL!" She cried out as her leg swung downwards at an incredible speed but before she hit her target, a single palm strike hit her stomach and sent her flying backwards hundreds of meters.

"Ugh *cough*" Mirko coughed up a mouthful of blood and as she tried to get up her legs refused to respond leaving her lying on the ground covered in dirt and blood.

"I apologise I didn't mean to hit you that hard I'll heal you" Kaguya apologised and proceeded to touch Mirko. Mirko was sceptical of the touch at first but as soon as Kaguya's hand touched her all her injuries healed near instantly, she was mind blown. (I read the wiki that Kaguya could heal people just by touching them so Yh)

"How how did you do that!?" Mirko asked crazily.

"It's just one of my abilities of which I have many so does lycoris over there." Kaguya replied pointing to lycoris who came over and introduced herself properly.

"So your saying not only do you possess strength surpassing mine easily and a healing ability the likes of which I've never seen before but you also have more abilities?" Mirko asked dumbfounded that the young 13 year old in front of her is so powerful.

"Well about my physical strength I was actually holding back quite a bit I would say I used about 10% of my total physical strength in this spar" Kaguya explained making Mirko nearly pass out from the shock of not being about to make a young girl use her full strength.

"10%!! And you sent me hurtling hundreds of meters away with one strike!!!" Mirko exclaimed with a conflicted look on her face, she was excited for more spars but annoyed because she knew that she couldn't win.

"So do you want to spar again in the future, how about we set up a plan and spar on say every Sunday if you're free?" Kaguya asked hoping that Mirko agrees, this would be a great way to build a friendship with her.

"Of course I want more spars!!, I'll have to double check but I don't think I have anything this Sunday so that should be fine to" Mirko replied as her annoyance has started to disappear and her excitement shot up.

"Alright, we'll be going home now so I'll see you on Sunday oh I almost forgot we should probably exchange numbers in case something comes up" Kaguya said while pulling out her phone.

"Ah yeah we probably should just don't go sharing my number to anyone" Mirko replied as she pulled out her phone and they exchanged numbers.

"Alright goodbye Mirko see you on Sunday if all goes well" Kaguya spoke out as she and lycoris started to leave.

"Yeah see you on Sunday Otsutsuki-Chan" Mirko replied with a grin.

When Kaguya heard Mirko call her that she grimaced in annoyance. If this is to happen every time they meet for a spar she may have to rethink her idea of meeting for spars on a weekly basis.

After returning home Kaguya and lycoris went back to serenity, this was so Kaguya could modify lycoris' eyes into the sharingan and also change how her chakra pathways work so that they are more efficient when using the sharingan like the uchiha clan however instead of two sharingan lycoris will have eight all with three tomoe.

The process was hard and time consuming but not impossible as the creator of lycoris Kaguya could modify her body however she liked, but with lycoris being a living being now the process was more tedious. After placing lycoris under a genjutsu leaving her unconscious and unable to feel pain Kaguya started the process by first removing lycoris' eyes and changing them to the three tomoe sharingan, then leaving them off to the side for now. Next she proceeded to modify lycoris' chakra pathways to hold resemblance to the uchiha but more robust and to all eight eye sockets. After that she then placed all eight eyes back into their sockets and healed lycoris.

After removing the genjutsu lycoris awoke a few minutes later and was completely overwhelmed by the increased perception of her eyes, she felt as if time itself had slowed down.

"What happened to my eyes? their incredible!!" Lycoris exclaimed excitedly with a huge grim plastered on her beautiful face.

"I've modified your eyes and chakra pathways so you'll be able to have increased perception and a few other abilities, your current eyes are called the sharingan and in time they will be able to evolve into a more powerful version called the eternal mangekyo sharingan I'll explain your new abilities now" Kaguya said and proceeded to explain lycoris' new abilities that her eyes provided and additional information about the 'EMS'. ( also I know that to get the mangekyo you have to kill a loved one and to get the eternal you have to trade eyes with another uchiha but I'm making it so that she gets the eternal over time instead and skips the normal mangekyo all together)

After listening to what her new abilities can do lycoris was extremely giddy and thankful, not only was she given life but also allowed to have such powers she was already one of the strongest people in the world and now her powers have increased multiple folds and it's all thanks to her mother.

'Mother is such a generous person there is no way in my whole life would I be able to pay her back for the life and gifts she has given me so I must serve her with all the love in my heart' lycoris thought with love and care in her eyes and a flash of determination.

"Alright we should be getting back now it's almost time for dinner" Kaguya spoke after seeing lycoris' face.

Kaguya open her portal and stepped through only to be met with her face in between a pair of breasts. Looking up to see who they belonged to she was shocked to see it was Yura, Mika's friend who she hadn't seen in a few months. Closing her portal after lycoris had come through and taking a step back Kaguya apologised for her sudden appearance.

"I'm sorry i didn't meant to do that I just didn't know that you would be here so I just opened my portal in the middle of the room" Kaguya apologised for her actions with a small red tinged on her cheeks.

"You don't need to apologise but portals huh i didn't know you could do that, oh and who's this is she your girlfriend" Yura replied referring to lycoris as her girlfriend.

"I'm not mother's girlfriend!!" Lycoris shouted out embarrassed.

"Mother?" Yura questioned 'what could she mean by mother unless no not already, she's only 13' thought Yura with a worried expression.

"Don't worry Yura, Kaguya is still pure although lycoris is sort of Kaguya's child she wasn't born through pregnancy but instead Kaguya created her with her abilities" Mika explained shocking Yura even more.

Kaguya then pulled Yura out into the hallway and asked

"How did you know?"

"How did I know what dear?" Yura asked her interest piqued.

"How did you know I'm attracted to girls, that I'm lesbian?" Kaguya asked almost whispering to stop her parents from hearing.

"It's written all over you, how you walk, talk and dress everything about you screams 'I'm gay!!' Ha it's cute though" Yura replied almost causing Kaguya to faint, all this time she thought that she was being discreet when really she was letting the whole world know.

"Ok since you know I might as well come out about it" Kaguya said feeling a little hurt and embarrassed. "Everyone I'd like to say something... 'whew ok you got this' I'm lesbian!" Kaguya shouted to everyone in the room.

"Congratulations dear we knew already but well done working up the courage to tell us about it" her parents replied while wearing big happy, loving smiles.


Whew new chapter after 4days not sure it turned out I've got a migraine so it will have to do, I hate migraines it's like someone has a jackhammer and is digging into my forehead right between my eyes.

Lycoris will get kamui cos I like it but haven't thought of the others yet maybe tsukuyomi and kotoamatsukami.

The canon plot will be starting in like one or two chapters by then Kaguya will look like the cover photo but with the byakugan in her eyes and she will be in class 1a with the canon characters even though she’s 16 when their all 15.

Also for those who forgot Yura is Mika’s friend from chapter 5.

I’m gonna go sleep this migraine off now bye.

Shira_oricreators' thoughts