
Chapter 10: give me your soul

(grayfia POV)

"huh kiba this match is over you are unable to continue" I said as I looked at him with an irritated look

"see what I mean completely brainwashed but she's right dude you are completely fucked and I was holding back when I pushed your head into the ground and beside grayfia called the match its my win and your lose so take it like a man and loses" sephiroth said as he kept pushing his sword as he tried to get through my darkness

"no you said that in order to win your opponent must not be able to continue i'm just following the rules"

"kiba theses no need for that the match is over and you are badly hurt and you need to heal" Venelana said from the sidelines 'she probably knows that he is fighting a losing battle as sephiroth darkness is something only a high class attack can get through and kiba skills maybe impressive for someone his age but he is still a low class devil in power while sephiroth has abilitys that can make most magical attacks useless and the power of a mid high class and his control has been increasing extremely fast even if he was a genius this should not be possible

"fine if you want the smoke so who am I to say no" sephiroth said as he pushed kiba back as he rolled on the ground until he stopped and slowly got back up as sephiroth raised his hand as a golden ball of holy magic gathered in his hand as his darkness rooted into it

"sephiroth what are you doing you cannot use light magic on a devil"

"she's right boy if you were to use that we would be forced to step in"

"yes sephiroth you must not use such a dangerous attack on a devil in a spar"

"sephiroth what are you planning to do with that you know killing is not allowed

" you guys worry too much about things you don't know so just sit down and let me finish my match and I limited the power so he won't die maybe possibly "he said as the golden ball in his hand grow to the size of a watermelon as he throw it at kiba as we were about to act when it suddenly stopped on top of him as sephiroth ran up to him will kiba was looking at the ball above him and grabbed by the back of the head and made him kiss the ground as the ball slowly went down and landed on his head but the reason it did not effect him was because of the layer of darkness that had wrapped around the ball when it touched kib

"I wouldn't get up if I were you as your life may depend on it"

"you can't kill me you will be punished if you do"

"oh but that's the thing... I won't.... son of Azazle remember it would cause a war if I was"

"that not true right brother he can't kill kiba and get away with it right" rias said as she looked at her brother with tears in her eyes

"it's true the most we could do is ban him for the gremory territory but that wouldn't lest long"

"oh and don't forget you would be killing yourself and moving through the darkness right into the holy power you would be counted as a suicide case and I would win the bet and you'll be dead so do us all a favor and give up" sephiroth said as kiba looked at rias who nodded

"fine I give up you win" he said as he looked down in shame

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA" sephiroth started laughing like he was crazy

"I can't believe that worked it shows that people are idiots"

"how could you call someone an idiot when you have there live in your hands"

"oh right I never really had his life in my hands" sephiroth said as he continued to laugh "Okey I see you don't get it.... you see when my darkness wrapped around the holy power I secretly absorbed the energy back just in case this idiot decided to do something stupid haha that was fun anyways get up looser time for you to get healed"

(Mc POV)

I said as I got of kiba and made my way back to the house as I was walking I felt something slice through my neck but my darkness healed all damage before it could do anything I turn around to see that kiba had somehow gotten up and ran towards me with a sword and somehow slipped through everyone 'I can't blame them they were also court of guard oh well time to test demon power number two soul stealing' as he was about to strike again and the two demon lords and gray raced over to stop him I touched his chest

"GIVE ME YOUR SOUL" I said as he dropped his sword and his skin started to go purple as the devil kings and gray stopped behind me

"what... What's wrong with kiba what did you do sephiroth" sirzechs said as saw kiba just stop

"this doesn't look right whats going on here" fake loli said as she stopped behind sirzechs with gray

"sephiroth please tell me you did not do what I think you just did" gray said as she has seen me using this power an hour ago on an animal by mistake

"yes I did and he tried to kill me while my back was turned so I believe this is the best punishment for scum like him" I said as his mouth opened 'damn this is taken for ever'

"grayfia what's happening" serafall said as she watched as a small red ball came out of kibas mouth

"this is an ability he found a few hours ago when he was training"

"and what ability is that to be able to do something like this" sirzechs said as he looked a little worried

"it's an ability to steal souls pretty neat right" I said as I grabbed the soul as it began to float up to the sky "I was saving this for a rainy day but oh well its not like it can be blocked as long as I am able to touch you it over"

"sephiroth put his soul back now its not self for a soul to be removed from the body and you know it" gray said looking very angry as she had seen the animals soul rot away after an hour

"I don't think you have any say in this he attacked me while my back was turned but since you all have done so much I will put his soul back but...." I looked away from them as I turned to look at the soul "do you have any idea how much that fucking hurts you fucking idiot I should crush you" I said as I push his soul down into his chest and he woke up but not before I stomped on his face a few times before I was pulled away by Venel as she had heard of my power and began to scold me and told me to never do it again which I responded with

"I can't say I will never use it again if you it's going to be my main move if I ever meet someone strong then me never use it is a promise I won't make because I will break it every time shit hits the fan so yeah no" I said as she signed as serafall grabbed me

"sephiroth that is a powerful and dangerous power you have... you must never use it on anyone is that understood" she said demanding that I never use my power I looked at her as I entered darkness mode as I let the darkness with light energy run through my body as it burnt her hands forcing her to let go of me

"who are you to make demands of me as if you have any power over me in anyway and who gave you the right to decided for me you are not my mother or anyone I have a relationship with so don't think that you can tell me anything understoond" I said as I walked of leaving her

"sephiroth where are you going it's almost time for your dad to come pick you up you need to prepare yourself" Venel said

"he will have to mind a little dirt and I'm going to burn down the forest that you found me in" I said as I walked into the forest

(serafall POV)

"he will have to mind a little dirt and I'm going to burn down the forest that you found me in" sephiroth said as he walked into the woods with purple flames flashing around his body

"grayfia make sure he doesn't do anything to get himself hurt that boy can do a lot of stupid things when he's angry" lady gremory said as Grayfia followed the boy

"did I do something wrong again" I felt so bad right now to have a child hate you is a feeling I never wanted feel again as I had caused enough children to hate me in the war to the point that they would spend there entire lives in hopes of killing me and to think of the lives I've destroyed in the war I hated it and the looks of fear I got from everyone was to much so when I dressing and acting like this people lost their fear and some they hate

"no you did nothing wrong its just the way you deal with him was wrong" Venel said as she answered me as I looked up at her

"what do you mean the way I deal with him was wrong is he not a child how should be shown the right way in life I'm only trying to help but everything I'm doing is just making things worse I I don't know what to do" I said as tears began to fall from my eyes

"yes that would be correct for most normal children and I could say you are doing a very good job but"

"than if I'm doing a good job why does it feel like I'm not and that everything I do is making him hate me more and more"

"BUT sephiroth is not a normal child his too smart to be considered a normal child and he just lost his mother you treating him like you're his mother brings back painful memories that he is covering up and when you bring them up he hides his feelings with anger and thats why he act like that and don't demand anything of him as he feels that you are treating him like you slave or servant and he really really hates that"

"but I've seen you and grayfia treat him like that so what's the difference"

"well I don't demand anything of him I ask and he decides on if he chooses to accept or if he doesn't he will gave me a reason why.. some times... but he never does anything without at least testing it once why don't you think I never care when he does anything dangerous and that's why I told everyone to leave him alone but I have no idea whats relationship he has with grayfia it is cute don't you think "she smiled as looked at the direction of were sephiroth went

" oh and you should apologize it should get you some points.... oh I just remembered I have to teach my family about fairness "she said as everyone had a terrified look on there faces as sirzechs tried to sneak away but

"I do remember I said family that includes you sirzechs" she said as she grabbed sirzechs by his ears

"wait apologize.... That should help it has to" I said as I flew the direction as I saw grayfia in the air looking at the floor as I saw the forest burning in purple flames 'what happened here... Wait those flames they look like sephiroths darkness'

"grayfia where's sephiroth I want to say something to him it's very important please tell me!" I said as I baggage her but she didn't look at me but she pointed at the burning forest and in the middle was sephiroth

"his been doing that since he left i would advise you stay away from him until he gets it out of his system so wait and don't do anything" she said but after a while I got bored and remembered what Venelana had said

"so... You two are close anything going on"

"no he is a child..... But yes we are close maybe one of two people he trusts.... But it was never always like this as the first time we officially met him was was a ball of fear, anger and hate he was rude to everyone even lady gremory as you have already seen and after a certain incident where he had an episode not as bad as yours and since I was the cause that time he showed a large amount of disobedience towards me almost as if he hated me it did break my heart to see the boy I took care of see me in such a way but I never understood why he was like that until lady gremory spoke to him that I finally understood what was going on with him... He was in pain a lot of it and top it of he was in a place full of the monsters that killed his mother and torture him so after that I made it my mission to gain his trust for him to see me as someone to run to if there is a problem I thought it would be a long process but when he found out that I took care of him even if his body was extremely toxic to me I still took care of him and asked for nothing else made it easier but he still didn't fully trust me until his second episode with you "

" you know that was a mistake that I deeply regret "

" yes but when I want into the sphere to save him and pull him back to the real world and the fact that I was willing to get myself killed or in that case badly burnt was when he started seeing me in a new light if you say and after that we began talking to each other and doing certain things together that brought us to this point but these a chance that I won't be able to see him ever again "she said as a tear come down her face

" well you know he can still come visit anytime and it won't be the last time and Azazel is a pervert but a really good guy he will definitely always him to vis-" I was cut off but something that was moving very fast towards us I looked at the direction to see Azazel as he stopped in front of us but he looked different as he didn't even look at our boobs or perv on us he just looked sad and angry

" where is he... wheres my son" he said as he looked at grayfia how pointed down at the burning forest

"I see so she's really gone then huh what would you have me do Lucrecia we couldn't keep him away from this life and now I don't know what to do" he said to himself

"how long have this flames been lit" he said as he pointed

"about a few hours now but he has been gaining control over them quickly as he has limited the rang of how far they burn and he seems fine inside the flame so they don't effect him but they are extremely dangerous to us as"

"I know about those flame and its the powers his mother had them and every time she used any of them there would be side effects like if his mom made something like this and stayed for that long she would have been burnt alive huh but his doing fine I guess so..... SEPH CUT THAT OUT I'M HERE TO PICK YOU UP SO COME ON WE HAVE A LOT TO DISCUSS "he shouted but nothing happened

" I don't think he heard "I was about to say as the flames slowly dead down to reveal a large open gap in the forest and sephiroth in the middle

" TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH ASSHOLE NOW COME DOWN HERE AND LET ME KICK YOU IN THE BALLS TO ATONE FOR YOUR SIN" he said as he looked at Azazle 'this is my chance' I flew down towards sephiroth as I landed he looked at me then turned his head

"did you come here to demand something again if you are you can just leave I don't have time to listen to trash" he said as he looked at me with his purple eyes

"no I'm sorry for all I've done I had no idea on how you felt and that I was just causeing you pain and that I made you feel that way I'm sorry so so sorry" I said as I bow deeply

" okey" he said as I immediately picked my head back up

"wait what I don't think I heard you right did you just accept my apology like that" I said in shock as I expected him to put up more of a fight

"yes I realize Tha being angry at you is not worth my time fake loli" he said 'that nickname I hate it so much'

"why are you calling me a fake loli"

"because you are.... Like seriously your not a magical girl only lolis are allowed to be magical girls" and like that i started to argue a loosing battle with him as grayfia and Azazel came down and Azazel ran to sephiroth and hug him and started apologizing for everything that happened and that it was Okey for him to hate him and never wanted to see him again and was about to say more but he was kicked in the ball with darkness kick

"AHHHHHHH" Azazle screamed as he rolled around on the floor holding his private parts

"idiot why would I hate you for something you had no control over... that's what stupid people do not genius like me and the only thing I have a problem with is the seals you placed on me and why didn't you add something sort of protection when you gave me the seals and who in there right mind agrees to only see there child once a year I mean I wouldn't be surprised if you replaced me"

"well" Azazle said as he looked a little nervous and that got him another kick

"what the fuck old man" he said as he gave him a blank look

"in my defense he need the help" Azazel said still on the ground

"oh you know what I don't care anymore right now let just go back to the castle" as he threw his hand to the sky as he began to walk towards the castle

"you also call it a castle I thought I was the only one"

"no your not that place is stupid big and four people live in it like what the fuck"

"I know and the shitty thing is that it takes minutes to get anywhere"

"oh lucifer there's two of them now" grayfia said as we followed behind the father son duo

"at least he's not a pervert like his father" I said as I laughed at the two and grayfia had a depressed expression on her face 'I guess he really means a lot to her I am so going to teases her'
