
Reborn as a DRAGON (FANFIC)

Reborn as a DRAGON fanfic.

ElectricDragon · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Internal Energy, and a near-death experience.

Aether looked at his grandfathers corpse, already a third of the way into the ground. He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking 'What do I do?' Suddenly he heard something loud.

A roar echoed throughout the surroundings. Aether looked towards the source of the sound, seeing a yellow dragon soaring through the air, seemingly trying to escape something.

Aether was about to leap into the air, before he saw the monstrosity chasing them.

It was a a huge creature, bigger than his grandfather. It had six bat-like wings, four short yet thick legs, and one huge, black eye that covered half of what he assumed was its face. The other half of its face being a large mouth, which was so large it looked like it could swallow Aether whole.

Aether pondered over what to do. He couldn't just leave the dragon to die, yet if he attacked that thing, he might die himself. He desperately searched within himself for mana, any mana…

But he found something else. An energy within his body, one he had neglected since he was young. He felt the energy within him, coursing through him.

Feeling this, his eyes shined with hope. He though of what to do, racking his brain for a plan. And after a few seconds, he had one.

He leapt into the air, soaring towards towards the dragon and the creature they were being chased by. After a few seconds, he came close enough to hear the thunderous sound of large wings flapping.

Aether quickly maneuvered underneath the monster as it had its focus on the yellow dragon, charging up what may have been the most powerful Dragon Breath of his life. The beam shot out of his mouth, hitting the creature dead on, yet…

Nothing happened. The beam disappeared in a puff of smoke on the creature's skin, reminding Aether of when he had first attacked his father.

Dread creeped up Aether's spine as the creature slowly turned its body towards him. It's one giant eye locked on him.


Aether had never flown so fast in his life. The wind whistled past his ears as the landscape below turned into a blur. Despite his speed, the creature was close behind him.

The yellow dragon from before seemed to have fled, leaving Aether alone with this abomination. Aether couldn't really blame him.

Aether couldn't keep this up. Even as a dragon, he could only fly at top-speed for so long before he had to take a rest. Exhaustion tore at his wings, as well as his mind.

The creature was caught up.

In one desperate attempt to save his own life, he gathered all the energy within his body, and shot it all out towards the creature in the form of a shockwave.

The last thing Aether heard was a plane-shaking roar, and the last thing he saw was a flash of yellow, before everything went silent and all he saw was black.