
Awakening Festival(Part-10)

"Now that we enjoyed a lot. Should we return our home?" Hana-chan asked.

"Wait, I want to buy some gifts for small child." I said.

"Okay. What do you want to buy?" Hana asked.

"I have already brought some toy for her. Now I think I should buy some clothes for her." I said.

"Then let's go to our usual shop." Hana said.

After that, we entered the shop we went few days ago.

"Greetings. What kind of dress do you want?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Ah, I want some magic clothes specially designed for kids." I said.

"Please follow me then." the shopkeeper said.

After that we followed her and brought some clothes for Mao-chan.

After that, we returned home.

"Oh, you're back." Sylvia-neesan said.

When we came back, we find Sylvia-neesan reading something in the living room.

"I am home. You came home early today." I said.

"Today was awakening festival after all. So, I got permission to leave earlier today. After that, I went to the festival with my friends. Here's a gift for you." Saying that Sylvia-neesan give a necklace.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's just a normal necklace I won from the shooting competition." Sylvia-neesan said.

"Oh, you competed in that competition too?" I asked.

"Yeah. So, you did too." She said.

"Yeah, I was able to shot the targets 4 times." I said.

"Well, that's a good result for a newbie." She said.

"By the way, what about you?" I asked.

"It's a gift came out of ultimate mystery box." Sylvia-neesan said.

"Wow, you were able to shot all five shots." I said.

"Well, it's like a normal things for me. Well, that shopkeeper was a bit of a pervert. So, I had to punish him." Sylvia-neesan said.

Well, I don't want to ask anything more than that. But he never learns huh....

"By the way, the book you are reading is kinda similar to me. Wait, isn't it called [Alia's (Normal) Life]? I have got one from the shop. But somehow the cover looks different." I asked.

"Ah, this one is 20th volume. So, which volume do you get?" Sylvia-neesan asked.

"It might be volume 01. I was thinking about reading it. But what kind of story is it?" I asked.

"It's a biography of a nature Elf girl." Sylvia-neesan answered.

"Nature elf? Is it a different kind of elf?" I asked.

"Hum. They are a special kind of elves. You can call them ero elves. They do all kinds of strange things. They truly believe to be one with nature. So, they normally don't wear any clothes, have sex with any person they want. Having sex is just a pleasure to them, so they believes that sharing it will make the pleasure more fun. So, men usually don't hate when their partner gets fucked by others. They are normally monogamous race. But exception does happens." Sylvia-neesan answered.

"Wait, so they are kinda like goblins or orcs?" I asked.

"No. Goblin boys do share their partners with each others. But they do it within limit. Besides, they don't like their partners getting pregnant by some other male. But they do have tendency to make others wife pregnant. Same goes for orcs. But natural elves are different. They don't care who is the real father of the child. All they care is for child. As long as they gets a children, they are happy with it." Sylvia-neesan replied.

"I see. It's about culture, huh. Cultural difference can be visible between two races. But it surprised me that this novel is famous enough to be able to publish 20 volumes." I said.

"It's been five years since it started. It's one of the top selling romance novel out there." Sylvia-neesan said.

"Wait, why are you calling it romance? It should be called adult novel." I said.

"In this world, there is no adult novels. Sex is a general knowledge and even a children knows about it. Almost 80℅ people have seen their parents having sex. Sex is something very common here. So, sex stories goes to romance category. You will even see a children reading this novel." Sylvia-neesan answered.

"They just destroyed the moral of this world." I said.

"Well, being too much reserve sometimes causes problems too. It's just cultural differences. That's all. There's even a city in the HEART DUNGEON where wearing clothes is strictly forbidden. You will have to be naked there." Sylvia-neesan replied.

"I don't understand why this world so focused on sex and nudism. But well, I think it's pointless to ask such a things where my own sister is naked in front of me." I said.

Yeah, Sylvia-neesan was naked the whole time.

"Hm? Did you said something?" I asked.

"Why the hack are you naked in the living room? What will happen if someone just come inside?" I asked.

"Nothing. Either he will see me naked or I will just wear a cloth before he come." She replied.

"I guess, I was fool asking such a thing." I sighed.

"Or rather, why are you so reserved. Just stay naked in the home. It's your own house after all." She said.

"I am not a nudist." I said.

"You're denying it. But you were listening closely when I said about naked city and all the topic of nature elf." She said.

"T-that's because, I was curious. That's all." I tried to deny it.

"There's a quote called 'Curiosity killed the cat'." Sylvia-neesan teased me.

"I-I am going to back my room." Saying that I started to go back to my room.

"Wait, I am sorry for teasing you. Let's talk about novels." saying that she started to follow me.

After that, we both entered my room.

"So, nee-san. Are there any kind of novel like this?" I asked.

"Ah, it's a famous genre after all. So, there is. There a novel about 550 volume long and that's still ongoing." Sylvia-neesan said.

"How horny a person can be to be able to write a novel this long? " I asked.

"Ahahaha... It keeps going for 200 years. The author wrote all of his experiences and he is considered to have one of the largest harem in this world." Sylvia-neesan said.

"Wow. All kinds of oddball lives in this world." I said.

"Sure is.... Hahaha..." Sylvia-neesan laughed.

"Haha hahaha... I kinda wants to meet them...." I said while laughing.

"There's no way, we would let you." Sylvia-neesan said.

"Hahaha.." I laughed.


AN: Thank you for reading...