
Third Calling from the Void

(General POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Open Area in the South

As the forces of the three oldest Chaos Gods, Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle were preparing for the upcoming new war between the force of Chaos.

Laharl knew that all plans and enjoyment that he and his brothers were having in the campaign of the Old World will have to put on hold for now, this caused anger and stress to build amongst them...which lead to now.

The Dark Gods and all the Daemon Queens decided to gather, relax a bit and think of plans to use against Tzeentch.

Laharl was the one to call this little...get together...between family, Valkia meet her newest sister-in-law Crystallyl, Ruu chatted and actually liked Nurgle's Ambrossia concoctions...which caused Scalpel diving stomach medicine for everyone, to combat the need to puke from the smell and sight before them.

Like when Laharl invited his brothers after before after finishing the Ochain Shield, they'll gathered into a open area with some black leaf plant life and violet colored landscape, with Kiira's daughters, the handmaidens serving snack and drinks for everyone, of course the succubi that have served the Blood and Plague Gods before, weren't as affected when they saw their dark masters "guests"...but the others they were shocked and intimidated by the presence of the two other Chaos Gods, and the Daemon Queen of Blood and wife of Khorne, Valkia.

Of course Valkia found it amusing, along with Jade and Ragna even with the Gorequeen commenting that "they are lucky that their simple, handmaidens and not warriors, cause it be an embarrassment." this comment, of course ticked Kiira off as the queen and Goddess that cares and created the succubi, she started exchanging words with Valkia...

In all honesty it didn't surprise the Dark One or the Lord of Skull, as they watched their wives no so subtle fight/argument.

All the while Laharl's other wives were either supporting their sister-wife or adding fuel to the fire...making the Dark Harbinger, sigh and shake his head, as he drank his ambrossia.

All in all everything was going smoothly, as Laharl and his brothers enjoyed some peace and ease, talking and drinking with one another as brothers.

As Nurgle laughed and said he was enjoying the familial ambience, and Khorne chugged down another mug of Ambrossia, ahhing at the end enjoying the taste, when the Blood God requested more with the Dark One and the Rot Lord joining in requesting refills...but nothing no succubus, came to serve them.

This of course annoyed the Blood God, making him growl lowly just when Nurgle was about to ask his brother, Laharl "what's the matter?" the colossal, rotting carcus that is Nurgle realize he couldn't speak or move.

Followed with the Blood God, as he was about to scream and yell for some useful service but he too couldn't do anything.

Laharl realized as well and knew what was happening...their being summoned by the Primordial One, Absolute Chaos, which confused him, as they haven't convinced Ultnarth the Great Horned Rat or Tzeentch the Architech of Fate to join them yet...so why was their patron summoning them now?

That when everything was distorting and growing deem in the sights of the Chaos Gods, as their consciousness was quickly fading away.

Location...The Void of Absolute Chaos

This time all three of the Chaos Gods were summoned from the sameplace, to the endless black void that belong to their patron.

Again they simply floated helplessly in the void like previous summons, as once again none of them could move or speak while in the realm of Absolute Chaos.

Both the older Chaos Gods, Laharl and Khorne were now used to this situation, while Nurgle was still uncomfortable and unused to being utterly powerless, when they heard it through the pitch blackness of the Void, the sound of deep breathing echo across the Void, seems that their Primordial patron always greeted them with earie silence before making its omnipotent presence known to them.

Like times before a gleam crimson glow started to barely illuminate the endless darkness, then that same light started to glow brighter and multiply in various locations and form all around them, as the crimson glows that are in fact eyes of the eldritch primordial being that is Absolute Chaos were all looking in different directions until they all focused on Khorne, Laharl, and Nurgle...

All around the Void, crimson eyes stared at the brother trio, as more and more eyes start to appear and provide some illumination in this endless abyss, several of the closest and largest eyes startes to split open into horizontal mouths filled with rows of sharp-teeth, or burst with sprouting limbs and tentacles, these tentacles of various dark fleshy colors wiggled through the void, a voice that sounded like an amalgamation of many things a child, woman, old man, robotic, daemonic voices all speaking in complete synchronization, "Again...you...three...Laharl...Khorne...and...Nurgle. Have...done...well...in...the...corruption...over...everything. And...Ultnarth...is...closer...to...joining...the...frey...but...it...seems...Tzeentch...has...decided...to...intervene...with...the...progress...of...fate...without...fully...being...born...yet. But...this...unforseen...event...provides...opportunity... Along...with...rewards...for...you...three...my sons." immediately all three Dark Gods understood partly what their patron was saying to them.

With Tzeentch being unexpectedly born early they can face him, defeat him, and convince him to join them in unite multiversal corruption, but what their patron meant by rewards...none of them understood what Absolute Chaos meant.

Creepy multi-sounding laughter started to emenate and echo from everywhere.

Absolute Chaos was laughing, as they spoke again to the trio, "While...we...stated...before...that...you'll...be...called...and...rewarded...once...Tzeentch...and...Ultnarth...are...in...the...fold... The...changes...that...have...occurred...to...Tzeentch...he'll...become...a...threat...to...multiversal...corruption. So...we...need...to...empower...you...all...and...your...legions...to...have...a...chance...against...him."

This announcement surprised all of them, before they could psychically ask for more details from Absolute Chaos three withered, long arms emerge from the black abyss, slowly reaching out, with boney clawed finger...each index claw touched one of the Chaos Gods, allowing Absolute Chaos to surge fort great power into them, empowering and making them all stronger than before.

It was over quickly as Absolute Chaos, retreated their arms back into the black depths of it Void...but for Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle it felt as hundreds of years of agony as their very beings were being expanded and empowered by their patron.

As they felt themselves being able to move as they wanted, the pain was quickly fading, just as fast as it surged fort.

They were able to concentrate and move around as they want, but still they refuse so as the three brother straighten themselves, looking as the eldritch eyes, maws, tentacles and arms that were visible amongst the blackness...Laharl crossed his arms, Nurgle "sat" with his legs tucked in, while Khorne stood straight and proud, as they waited for their dark, primordial patron to speak to then again.

Just then Absolute Chaos spoke to them again, claiming they were pleased with the corruption and destruction they have brought to more than one world.

It was pleased with their progress, but that same progress has resulted in a brand new, unexpected challenge for them...namely Tzeentch's growth in power...knowledge...and access to things he was never able to before...namely magic and new daemons.

It told them while pleased with the changes and improvements they've done to the Warp, and encouraged them to make more...new daemons...new fallen races to Chaos...corrupt worlds beyond their own.

And as they grow in power and knowledge that will cause the Warp to react and effect everything, including them, a classic case of "Cause & Effect" soo now the trio understood the reason while weaker than themselves...especially now...Tzeentch was stronger than they originally imagined the Sorceror God to be at his birth.

Once again some limbs of Absolute Chaos came out the darkness, five in total each with sphere exuding daemonic energy that was completely foreign to them.

Absolute Chaos spoke, "While...rewards...are...given...when...one...fulfills...their...side...of...the...agreement... Consider...this...gifts...to...offer...you'll...a...better...chance...against....the...Architech...of...Fate. These...are...source...of...powerful...daemons...three...hold...your...newest...Elder...Daemons...that...you...have...to...convice...yourselves...for...them...to...serve...you...once...done...theyll...be...eternally...loyal...and...obedient...to...you... at...the...same...two...hold daemons...at...the...level...of...Greater...Daemons these...shall...be...for...Laharl...and...Nurgle...for...you...Khorne already...have...more...than...one...Greater...Daemon. Hence you only recive one gift this...time. Use...them...well...my...sons."

Nurgle was first to receive his gifts from Absolute Chaos, stretching and presenting two sphere to him.

Surging towards him was the first one, which was a spherical mass of dead flesh with fingers still squirming which was what the Dark One and the Lord of Skulls assume to be the essence of the Greater Daemon that Absolute Chaos promised them.

Nurgle felt the essence enter his decaying, bloated green body and he felt the surge of knowledge on this new powerful daemon, and started seeing these daemons and their grotesque splendor...

These daemons are known as the Rotten, they are grotesque amalgamations of stitched-together corpses, reigns over the ominous Black Gulch, swinging a massive cleaver, called the Butcher's Knife, these colossal decaying entities embraces all, in the sanctuary for all things unwanted or tossed away in their vile, dark lairs.

Theit grotesque forms brings fear and nausea to those that witness these abomination of undeath and decay, wielding their giant Butcher's Knife in one arm, while it crawls with the use of the arms, of the reanimated copses in the place of its legs.

Utter perfect being to serve the Plague God, growing in mass and power with the more bodies they assimilate and reanimate in their mass, making the Rotten slow but self-replenishing behemoths meant to be at the center of battlefield spreading the Grandfather's gift, killing, infecting, and growing as daemon of litteral death and renewal, representents of the Cycle of Rebirth, this made Nurgle very happy and jolly.

Next was probably the essence of the daemon chosen by the Primordial One as the most suitable candidate as Rot Lord's second Elder Daemon.

This sphere was made from dark green, slime covered "skin" said mass was covered in swamp water dripping and mixing with thick slime...in Laharl's eyes it kinda looks like frog skin, the Dark One search through his memories and knowledge from his old life, specifically all that involves a powerful frog...daemon...and he realized who Absolute Chaos is giving to Nurgle.

One of the Daemon Lords, that rules one of the parts of the Nine Hells, the Father of Night, the Saint Toad, the Sleeper in the Deep, the CR-29 monster...Tsathogga.

Nurgle felt the connection being made with a very powerful and disgusting daemon, from another world.

Resembling a great daemonic frog that completely represents everything that the Plague God is and has dominion over, making the titanic bloated dead God, very happy as he knows about this Frog God.

Tsathogga is known as the Great Old One of magic, outcasts, and the underworld in the world, and despite his evil nature, he can sometimes be jovial or friendly toward supplicants, which drew the Maggotking further to him and claiming him as his newest Elder Daemon from the Primordial One.

But Tsathoggua is unpredictable and likely to eat those he had been aiding only moments ago as he tires of their company.

This foul frog-demon cares less about the machinations of men and power than he does about obliterating light and life with slow, oozing sickness and decay much to the Plague God's delight.

He is the vicious dark evil bubbling up from beneath the surface, the foul corruption at the heart of the earth.

Making his home on the plane of Tarterus at the mouth of the vast swamp of filth deposited by the River Styx as it flows out of the Abyss, Tsathogga's main form is a colossally bloated humanoid frog with spindly, elongated limbs and fingers.

His corpulent body exudes all manner of foul humors and fluids that leak into the vile swamp in which he lies.

He has positioned himself so that all of the slime and filth from the River Styx feeds into his gaping, toothy maw, Tsathogga he never moves and rarely speaks other than to emit an unintelligible shrieking.

(Tsathogga POV)

Location the Nine Hells of Baator, Tsathogga's Dimension/Styx, Tarterus Swamps

As I lie beneath the swarm surface of the Tarterus Swamps...my dear domain, I await the latest summoning ritual from the tsathar, onto the world outside of the Nine Hell.

I was eager for my servants to continuously bathe my body in the most fetid and puteid slime from the evil swamps, all while awaiting what they call "divine bliss" of being randomly devoured by me.

That's when I sensed a group of mortal intruders enter my muky domain...sensing them with my magic, I knew that they were weaken and fatigue, a couple of humans, a dwarf, and a tiffin, another foolish party of mortal that have come to the Nine Hells in search for wonders and prices all they'll gain is death and despair...feeling hungry, and with a couple of snacks willingly coming to me I surface and attacked with a surprise [Acid Spit] towards the dwarven wizard.

A the little mortal scream in pain from my acid attack, the battle began...

(I'm making this part like a D&D section which a party somehow manages to beat a dangerous "nerfed" monster that lore and novels make out twice as powerful and dangerous.)

We engaged each other I used my claws, my tongue, swamp and magic against these mortal even nearly managing to devour the tiffin female, only for the human archer managing to hit my left eye!!!

Then I cast a couple of spells on my enemies a barrage of [Acid Arrows] the liquid green acidic projectiles soared out my hand but unfortunately they all missed, then I'd casted [Circle of Death] creating a sphere of negative necrotic energy ripples in the area I'd unleashed it upon, this managed to gravely wound the tiffin warrior, only for the bard to distract me and the others mortal creatures to surround and deliver an onslaught of attacks and spell upon me!!!!

Just as the human cleric save the tiffin woman, she joined in the attack and greatly wound and weaken me, holding a powerful item with angelic energy these infuriating gnats are about to destroy me...

When everything stop I couldn't move, or feel anymore pain that's when I saw these mortals start to scream, wail, and sprout soars and pustules allover their bodies.

The amazing smell of rot and decay, assaulted my nostrils, as the flesh, and all started to melt into piles of slime, pleading to the God of Healing, Pelor for salvation...but whatever being is doing this is at some...no at part with the Gods.

As a puddle of liquidfied remains of the mortal stood on the ground, I heard a joyous, grandfatherly, sick sounding laughter echoing around me.

Then that same pill of slime flesh, started to bubble and stir when small green creatures (Nurglings) started to emerge and ran around cheering and playing in the swamps, then they went to be me, unable to move or fight back I was as their mercy, as they pulled my body into the pile of flesh slime.

The moment I came in contact with the remains of my would-be slayers I felt into a vast pool of warm, thick, fool water...was I in the bottom of some lake?

I noticed my strength not only was it restored but enhanced, able to freely move I swim to the surface and once I did I saw...I saw the most beautiful and foul realm I'd ever seen.

Admiring the decay, filth, rot, disease, and disgust, when I heard the laugher again.

I turned to my right and saw a titan of Death, with a bloated, diseased, infected, and plague-ridden green skin, giant antler with parasites coming out his back and a humongous gapping mouth with sharp-teeth and warted tongue.

All around this God were those creatures and horned cyclopian toads playing around and on this deity, as he laughs again, smacking his bloated thighs as he spoke to me, "Splendin. Truly...splendid. Tsathogga...the...Frog...God. And a...daemon...I'd...love...to have...as...my...son. I am...Nurgle...the...Chaos God...of...Plague...welcome...to my...Garden." he said to me in a love filled, grandfatherly voice.

This being...no Nurgle, is everything I wanted a bringer of plagues, disease, and disgust, I felt the daemonic power and life overflowing from Nurgle's Garden.

Before I could ask why he saved and transported me to this place, he spoke to me offering me, my ultimate desires a part for me in his realm and family, surrounded by kin, to be able go into countless worlds and realms to spread his gifts and chaos onto those worlds, I felt happiness and joy that I never felt before, leaping out the water, and bowing deeply I told Nurgle, my master, my Grandfather, "I'll serve. Let me join your family, Papa Nurgle!!!!"

Nurgle let out boisterous laugh as he said to me, "Wonderful...Tsathogga...welcome...to the...family."

(General POV)

Location...The Void of Absolute Chaos

As the Dark One heard his brother, Nurgle joyous and happy laughing cause he must have obtained Tsathogga's loyalty as his own the Primordial One presented, the Lord of Darkness with his two essenses.

One was armored which had a transperent purple veil over it, upon the Dark One assimilating into himself he knew immediately which entity will serve as his newest Greater Daemons, the Dancer or better said Dancers of the Boreal Valley, Laharl was about to command one of his favorite bosses from the Dark Soul games.

The Dancer is a tall armored lady knight with a transperent veil and spectral cape and skulks in horrific grace towards their victims when encountered.

During combat they are graceful, agile, mesmerizing, and sensual as they wield a flaming sword in their left hand and, after encountering a worthy opponent, they unsheath second blade an ash sword in their right hands.

Truly Laharl was surprise on the Greater Daemons, that the Primordial One has chosen to give him.

The Dancer of the Boreal Valley or as he'll call them for now on the Lujuria Dancers, are embodiment of deadly sensuality, their allure and grace would make them deadly in any battlefield especially with Abyssal Defilers and Succubi joining them, they'll serve the Carnage Legions greatly a more speed and agility base greater daemons would make even Slaanesh's Keepers of Secret weep and explode with jealousy and envy.

With that first gift assimilated, the Dark One can move onto the next sphere, which was also covered in armor of a red and golden edge color, surrounding a violet jewelr with a green vibrant flame, burning inside it grabbing it with his left clawed-power gauntlet equipped hand, Laharl inspected it, it somewhat familiar to him but he couldn't remember so he forced the Elder Daemon essence into his body and was shocked on who the Primordial One, chose to be his seventh Elder Daemon...Varimathras, one of the most famous dreadlords of the World of Warcraft...then Laharl realized getting Varimathras meant he can also gain his daemon race to also serve him, by playing his cards right.

The infamous dreadlords of World of Warcraft, while true they possess some aspects that might make many believe that they align with Tzeentch but the daemons including the dreadlords are utter dark, destructive, and driven to cause Carnage and Chaos it just they are the master puppeteers hence their slight tzeentchian quality but apart from that they are perfect daemons of Carnage.

The nathrezim, also called dreadlords or dread lords in the Common tongue, are a race of cruel and cunning Death/Daemonic beings who were created by Sire Denathrius to be the greatest spies and infiltrators in all of reality.

Sire Denathrius, the ruler of the realm of Revendreth in the Shadowlands, originally created the nathrezim for the purpose of spreading the influence of Death throughout the cosmos by infiltrating the other cosmic forces, hence them serving in various factions and eventually many nathrezim became great daemons of the Burning Legion, and settled on the world of Nathreza in the Twisting Nether, later becoming prominent members of the Burning Legion in which they served as the trusted lieutenants of Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, all while secretly working to further Denathrius' plans.

Nathrezim are enormous, imposing daemonic beings, taller than both felguard and doomguard of the Burning Legion.

Having curled and massive horns thrust from their skulls, which also possess glowing green eyes exuding the power of daemons and fel magic of the Twisted Nether, and they sharp canines in their mouths, a symbol of their vampiric like heritage from Revendreth.

They have a pair of massive bat-like daemon wings, powerful goatlike legs that bend backwards and end in cloven hooves, and fingers adorned with long, bladelike claws.

Some have dead, gray skin like that of a corpse, while some others have blue-gray skin resembling animated stone, while common for dreadlords to have no hair on their heads at all, their are some that possess sideburns as well as shaggy fur on their legs and forearms.

All wearing daemonic heavy armor, enchanted and empowered by the dark energies of the Fel, they'll be the first Daemon Warlocks of Chaos, and with it not only Psykers, Chaos Sorcerors, but also Warlocks will be introduced into the Warhammer universe, under the service of the Chaos God of Carnage!!!

This greatly pleased the Dark One, not only will he soon have a new exclusive magical source but a magical mortal force under his worship, and command.

Dreadlords have a near-unparalleled capacity for working magic, as they wield the powers of dark magic and mental domination, allowing them to summon frightening illusions and take control of mortal minds, their are able to summon swarms of bats and carrion insects to attack their foes, use hypnosis to put enemies into a sudden, trance-like sleep, and summon Infernals to crash down from the sky and do their bidding which greatly pleased the Dark One, that ability meant that they are able to tear rifts into the Nethervoid and call fort Infernals for reinforcements.

More and more the Dark One was seeing the usefulness of the Nathrezim in his Legions, and understanding why Absolute Chaos gave them to him along with his chosen Elder Daemon candidate, Varimathras...

Varimathras is a dreadlord that first appeared in Warcraft 3, as he was in the service of the Burning Legion and Lord Archimonde.

Varimathras and his two brothers, Detheroc and Balnazzar, who were put in charge of the undead forces in Lordaeron while Archimonde went to attack their ancient enemies the Night Elves in Kalimdor not knowing of the Legion defeat he tried to reclaim power from Arthus and then challenging Sylvanas and losing against her which has forced him into allying with the Forsaken, under the direct control of Sylvanas Windrunner, in exchange for sparing his life after he and his brothers were overcome by her undead forces, but though he swore allegiance to Sylvanas, but Varimathras remained loyal to the Legion and eventually staged a coup for control of the Undercity.

Punished for his blunders, Varimathras suffered eternal torment at the hands of the Coven of Shivarra until his death at the hands of Azeroth champions.

In World of Warcraft, Varimathras was a quest giver located in the Royal Quarter of the Undercity, in Wrath of the Lich King, he appeared only to characters who had not finished the Wrathgate quest chain, but he was removed completely and replaced by Bragor Bloodfist.

Such ambition, loyalty, power, and desires to cause Carnage, Desacration, Darkness, Infernal and much more plus the Dark One also desires the greatest power and knowledge of the WoW daemon...the power of the Fel, of the Warlocks for his own.

Varimathras he'll serve as not only a worthy Elder Daemon of Carnage and the Arch-Warlock of the Warp, but once under his thrall he'll become the spy master of the Materium since he and his dreadlords can shape-shift and work as rivals to Tzeentch's Lords of Change in manipulating from the background causing great unrest and carnage.

(Varimathras POV)

Location the World of Warcraft- Antorus, the Coven of Shivarra

Bound by the Coven of Shivarra in Antorus, as these magical bounds on my limbs they torture me...these damn vindictive sisters stripped away both my flesh and sanity I recall all I've done for the Legion and my true master Sire Denathrius...

Despite my failures, I'd remain loyal to the Legion and to the Sire Denathrius, the Master, is the creator and the former leader of the realm of Revendreth in the Shadowlands...

I aided in the Legion's second invasion of Azeroth, aiding the late Lord Archimonde alongside my two brothers, Detheroc and Balnazzar, we were given command of the Undead Scourge but that insufferable Prince, Arthus took our power and despite us gaining some control of the undead and plan the assassination of Arthus we failed and he escaped to the frozen north, of Northeran.

So in order to reclaim our lost power and provide a foothold for future legion invasion I suggested to my brothers to claim Lordaeron for ourselves and even inviting Sylvanas to our service again...but in the end was defeated and I had to take servitude to the damn, Banshee Queen, Sylvanas Windrunner, which lead to rise of the Forsaken and the deaths of Detheroc and Balnazzar, by my own hands so I can gain trust from the Banshee Queen, I buyed my time to stage a coup for control of the Undercity but was in the end defeated.

Then once restored from the Twisted Nether both Detheroc and Balnazzar, blamed me for all that wrought to the Burning Legion...damn them!!!!

Cause of them I'm being punished now...that's when adventurers and damned heroes of the Alliance and Horde came and freed me.

I used this opportunity to fight against these Allience dogs and Horde fools, to claim favor in my next resurrection and regain trust with my daemons and fellow Nathrezim.

But countless years of torture have taken their toll on me it won't be long before I'm defeated so before being slain, I hinted to the Horde that their being deceived by Sylvanas and are blind to the darkness in their midst.

As I say final words, "death claims us all." I waited for the blades and spell of Azeroth's foolish heroes to strike me down...

But nothing happened...

The entire area was getting darker, and darker as time passes.

I alone in the darkness, I couldn't sense any magic or soul anywhere but I knew I was being watched by something...

Something powerful, divine even I remember the first time I meet Lord Sargeras, even the presence of the Fallen Titan was nothing compared to this presence...it was everywhere in the darkness...it was darkness, Archimonde, Kil'jaiden, and Sargeras couldn't compare to this entity.

That's when I heard his chuckling sound from every part of the dark, then a dark, powerful voice saying, "You flatter me Dreadlord. But comparing false Gods to a real one, is nothing but insulting...Varimathras." I felt fear, the likes I'd never felt before, I realized to late I could now and fell, tripping on my feet.

I desperately looked around for a sign of this entity...no God, cause there wasn't anything else to compare it to.

That's when a pair of massive, blazing red eyes appeared and the dark and shadow converged into one humongous figure with razor sharp teeth and those eyes that were locked on to me.

He spoke to me again, "Varimathras. I am Laharl Valboga, Chaos God of Carnage, Darkness, Daemons and Creation. I've come to offer you and your brethren of the Nathrezim, greater power, opportunity, and rewards that will be endless." this deity wants me and my fellow Nathrezim to serve, I'd would have laughed at any other being demanded this of me or any dreadlord.

But I remained silent and watched, ready to be utterly destroyed if it was for the betterment Revendreth and our race, when I'd heard Laharl speak again, "Such strong devotion, blind faith, and misplaced loyalty. Your kin wastes its time serving uncaring, and doomed masters."

Doomed masters?

These words were the ones that most resonated from the Chaos God's mouth.

I asked him, "What do mean doomed masters? I expect Kil'jaeden to fall soon. But Lord Sargeras, unlikely to mortals and Sire Denathrius, never once the Banshee Queen open the way to the Shadowlands, there will be no more death and endless prosperity to Revendreth!!!" saying those things, resulted in Laharl laughing hysterically at them, like someone said the most funniest joke to him.

Then the God of Darkness spoke again, "Poor blind Nathrezim. Here let me show you the truth, and the ending that befalls those unworthy our your and your kin's loyalty."

A huge black cloud of smoke covered the area, I shielded my eyes as it took a moment before it clear and it showed me the final battle between the Defenders of Azeroth against Kil'jaeden, over Argus is the original homeworld of the eredar.

As well as final goodbye between the Legionlord, and the Prophet, Velen ad Kil'jaeden perished and explode another black cloud shrouded me and took me to the next event, as the Dark Titan, Sargeras was close to claiming Azeroth's Titan-Spirit and winning the war for the Legion, Sargeras ordered Argus the Unmaker to rise in the Seat of the Pantheon.

After the heroes of Azeroth defeated the champion of Sargeras, Argus the Unmaker, Sargeras was ultimately imprisoned by his kin at the Seat of the Pantheon, bringing an end to the Burning Crusade, but not before he could be taken by the remaining titans, Sargeras plunged his sword into the depths of Azeroth.

Again I was taken by the black cloud the next vision was of the damned Banshee Queen starting a new Horde and Allience war, the burning of Teldrassil, and eventual dethroned of Warchief, Sylvanas Windrunner.

Then came the time of the splitting of the Helm of Domination, opening the way into the Shadowlands, this brought me excitement as Revendreth shall finally prosper and rule over the living realm...but I remembered the Chaos God's warning...doomed masters.

Once again I was taken by the dark clouds and I was shown the truth...Sire Denathrius, never cared about us or Revendreth just himself, and he sold us to the Jailor which lead to the Nathrezim near destruction...anger surge through me, as I felt pleased at Denathrius, defeat and dethroning, the next events were of the Jailor freedom, Sylvanas' soul being save, the Boy King Anduin Wrynn rescue, and the Jailor's death...doomed and worthless master indeed.

I fell to my knees, and was return to where we began, with a low and trembling voice I asked, "Was that all true? Are we destined to lose and be forsaken by those we've served faithfully." I started to those eyes in silence for a while before he responded to me, "I am a God of Promises, my oaths and words are bounds and truth. I swear by my divinity all you saw Varimathras is true." I laugh at this as I felt his divine powers, resonate from that oath...he did not lie, all he spoke and shown was truth, was all my faith, devotion, and loyalty really amount to nothing to these beings, that swore greatest for us!!?

All lies and false promises!!!?

Then he spoke to me again, "You and kin did nothing wrong Varimathras. It was them, these so called superior beings that fail you and the nathrezim. I offer real power, I offer real prosperity, I offer endless souls, worlds, and universes to take, this I swear to you." I looked at Laharl once more as he continued, "Serve me Varimathras. Swear eternal fielty to me and Carnage, and you'll ascend to a greater standing and power. You'll be the king of your kin, and you'll gain that and more...soo what is your decision, Varimathras?"

(General POV)

Just as the heroes were about to finish Varimathras off, a burst of purple energy emerge from the once wounded and tortured Dreadlord.

As he stood up slowly many scream and wailing occurred across the Twisted Nether, as he said his final words to the denizens of Azeroth, "Hear and listen well. You may destroy this worthless Legion. But a greater, and endless one await, for we've been chosen by a God and soon he'll set his eyes on Azeroth, all will be carnage!!!" as Varimathras and every single nathrezim were engulfed in a violet flame, and swallowed by shadow, leaving many shocked and worried about the dreadlord's final threat and promise...

(General POV)

Location...The Void of Absolute Chaos

With that the Dark One gain his newest Elder Daemon, along with his entire race of nathrezim under his rule.

Soon he'll take the power of Fel as his own for now he was content and finished, as it was lastly Khorne's turn.

Now while Khorne didn't receive a new Greater Daemon, for he already as the Balrogs fitting as his second type of Greater Daemons under his command.

Soo instead he bestowed the Blood God with the essence of a very powerful daemon, Laharl recognized immediately the think armor that covered the blazing spherical fireball, it belong to one of the Seven Deadly Sins specifically from the Darksiders series, as the Blood God picked up the essence and rised to his eye level, he felt such unbridled anger and bloodlust that could rival if not match Skarbrand, this made Khorne smile behind his helmet as he assimilated the essence and saw the daemon entity that their dark patron, chose for him.

In the world of Darksiders were the three races of angels, humans, and daemons were in constant conflict and war with each other for total dominance, exist a group of seven siblings that have the power to influence, and corrupt all the races with their malice and sin.

One of these Sins is the battle hungry, Wrath, also known as The Molten Lord, is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins that were originally imprisoned by the Four Horseman many centuries before the Apocalypse.

However, upon the End War's premature onset and the destruction of humanity done by leaders of Heaven, Wrath, along with his brethren the Sins, were freed and began to ravage the Earth and threaten the Balance.

Khorne saw the giant daemonic being, a huge brutish entity either on fire or made out of fire and wearing thick plate mail armor decorated with roaring faces, skulls, and runes, wielding a giant blade able to split into two massive blades.

Wrath feasts on the anger of others, stoking the fires of conflict in all living things to further his violent crusade.

The strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins, he relishes the ferocity of battle, dispatching foes with a savage, relentless brutality, greatly impressing the Chaos God of Blood.

The very presence of Wrath can send any in his immediate vicinity into a blind rage askewing them towards combat, as it happened with to the Horseman (Fury), task to hunt down the Sins.

More and more this was pleasing Khorne, this new gifted daemon from the Primordial One, was a perfect candidate to become his latest Elder Daemon, making the Blood God laugh with joy as both his brothers have already started contacting and gaining complete command over their own presented daemons, the Blood God did so too focusing his essense to contact Wrath in his world.

(Wrath POV)

Location the Darksiders World-Ruined Earth, the Refinery/Battle Arena

Glorious bloodshed, and endless brutality!!!

As the angels and demons, tore each other apart feeding me their rage and conflict, influence by my power and essence!!!!

All around me in this my arena, they fought and kill each other with thoughts of bloodlust, hatred, and killing overflowing from all these slaves of the White City, and Hell.

I was taking absolute joy in the savagery and bloodshed, I screamed out to the combatants, "Pain is glory! Anger is love! Death is life!" then I heard the elevator arrived...

That's when I sensed her approaching, Fury and Wrath battle each other again and I revealed my face to Fury, it now bare the scar she has caused to me in our previous fight I told her, that she is beautiful and to face him, to unleash all her rage and bloodlust...I even grew to admire her, if not outright feel drawn to the anger of another if great enough, as he told Fury that in another reality, he could have loved her...but then I sensed that Fury had no anger, hate, or bloodlust directed on me our at our upcoming fight!!!!

That shouldn't be possible, as I roared and smashed my split blade onto the ground, facing the Horseman once again.

As we fought it seemed...no it is utterly inconceivable that someone is able to fight without anger, it's disturbing and confusing...unnatural to me!!!

Eventually Fury struck me over and over with her chain until and I laughed saying to her, "Is that all? Puny Horseman, I invented anger!!!" our battle resumed, and yet I still haven't felt an ounce of anger coming from Fury, as she fought me!!!!!

At end the growing frustration and anger overflowed through me as I struck Fury with my gauntlet and asked her, "How can you fight without anger!!?" I tossed my sword at her in hope it would cleave her in two.

But in a swift motion she spun grabbing the handle of my sword and flung at me, caught by surprise and bested by my own weapon as it struck me in the chest, flunging me across the arena and hitting hard against the side of the wall...I grunted, falling forward causing my blade to dig deeper into my chest.

I barely heard Fury respond to my previous question, "Quite skillfully it seems." I couldn't move as Fury started walking towards me, and asked me, "Do you still, think I'm beautiful?" as she unclipped the Talisman of Sin, from her waist and was about to imprison me again...I couldn't move or fight back, but then their was silence, all the daemons stopped cheering and I notice Fury stopped approaching then I smelled it the glorious smell of blood, almost like a entire city worth of it, when I heard the sound of dripping...steadily increasing in amount and volume, when I looked around I noticed all the daemons spectating the battle were bleeding from every single orface of their body, their blood was flowing out and down to the arena floor.

All that blood started to flow towards the center of the arena, like it was alive and avoided touching Fury for some reason but once together, that accumulated blood burst like a scarlet geyser to the sky.

This continued until it took the form of a colossal being that radiates such levels of bloodlust, ferocity, anger, and hatred that no being should be able to do so...even when I fought Fury and she didn't anger against me, I've never been afraid or intimidated as now...this is the true embodiment of wrath, I was but a speck in comparison.

This entity only looked down at me in silence, as he reached out his giant right hand toward me, wounded and beaten I couldn't escape as he grabbed me, I tried to fight and grumbled by I'm too weak, and couldn't empower myself from being it was more like he was being feed by me instead.

Still it said no words to me, but suddenly as he brought me to his eye level it bursted and drowned me in blood and visions...ohhh, glorious visions!!!!

Of wars and battle across worlds and realities, facing and killing countless of opponents from various races.

From the greatest giants, to colossal sea beasts, bloodthirsty monsters, Warriors of all cultures, daemonic beings from various sources, all for me to fight and kill, to spread wrath and conflict, all for me to challenge.

Not only that this daemonic God, my God, Lord Khorne offering me that and much more, once I gain more power I can return here and claim Fury skull and the Charred Council lives for all my service and loyalty!!!!

I accepted and offered the Blood God my sword, and rage to him and him alone!!!!!


As I returned where I was defeated and saw Fury approaching me, I said to her, "Like I said Fury, in a another reality I'd would have loved you. I swear I'll treasure your skull, once I return." Fury heard me and laughed, as she said, "Return. You'll never return Wrath. The Charred Council will make sure you and the other Sins, can never escape again."

Just when she was about to absorb me into the Talisman of Sin, Lord Khorne came for me a giant rift in the sky open, and the Blood God reach his hand down and took me, shocking Fury, she tried attacking Lord Khorne but all her efforts are but insect bites to the Blood God, as I was taken away by my Dark God and master.

(General POV)

Location...The Void of Absolute Chaos

Khorne has claimed Wrath as his own daemonic servent, and with that all three Chaos Gods have gained very powerful additions to their legions.

With that the Primordial One warned them to not fail in the oncoming battle with Tzeentch and they'll summon them once the Changer of Ways and the Great Horned Rat are both in the united frey of Chaos, as all the eldritch appendages and parts of the patron of Chaos, retreat back into the darkness, and they felt themselves banishing from the Void.