
Chaos Brought Fort by a Warp Tesseract

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes/Outside of the Fortress of the Damned

Already the influence and influx of worship and power was felt by Laharl, seems that he should really thanks his brothers, for allowing him to establish his first footnote in the Old World.

But that was isn't important at the moment, now that their reinforcements are gather, and their current army roster succeeds a thousand troops of both mortal and daemonic units mixed, it was time to put on, one last show for the weaker counterpart of the Chaos Gods making them believe just his own siblings do, that he has the power to bend the Warp or in this case the "Winds of Magic" to create "Warp Tesseracts" to create anything he desire, this will make the Chaos Gods more cautious when dealing with them, less they risk an unknown rival to come to their domain.

Khorne complemented the Dark One's intimidation tactic, while Nurgle just laughed saying "It'll...be funny...to put...the...weaker,...Architect of Fate...in...absolute shock!!!! Hahahaha!!!" leaving Laharl to think to himself, "Despite being a different counterpart. And most likely we'll be close as family and allies. I can just see Nurgle messing with Tzeentch, Tzeentch screwing with all of us, and both Khorne and Slaanesh bitching about something one did the other."

The Dark One mentally sighed inside of Ixion, as they started the show....

They commanded Ixion to rise the Haz'kariot to grab all unknowing souls attention as they spoke, "We shall now, reveal the final gift that is bestowed to us by the Dark One, the greatest gift capable of bending reality at its seams. We present the greatest treasure of the Dark Creator, Laharl!!! The Warp Tesseract!!!!" floating above the right hand of Ixion, was a ball of bright light.

While the tribesmen, couldn't sense the true power of the Warp Tesseract, they did sence and felt the great shift of the winds of magic not just those surrounding the Wastes but the entire world as well!!!!

As the litteral blue colored winds swirled and gathered to the Free Greater Daemon Creation/Warp Tesseract all across the Old World various individuals both mortal and immortals felt the impossible event of manipulating every ounce of the Winds of Magic, across the World into one point.

In the North, several individual were alerted by this event Kholek Suneater has heard all he needed to be interested in facing this so called "Chosen of the Gods" with his new army of Chaos Warriors and Sorcerers, Norscans, Dragon Ogres, all being guided by tzeentchian sorceror Kuurath'gaad, they were marching their way west when they all sensed the unnatural occurrence, the shamans and Kuurath'gaad felt it much clearer the Winds of Magic, all of them are being pulled to the Northern Wastes...something impossible as no mortal was able to handle such power.

But Kholek knew that this must be work of the newest aspiring champion of the Gods, smirking with razor-sharp teeth, tightening the grip on his warhammer he ordered his army to keep marching or be crushed by his Starcrusher!!!

Sigvald the Magnificent, was indulging himself in his multi-castle he has just returned from a glorious battle, as he obviously won and is celebrating with his Decadent Host.

That's when someone came into his home, the Daemon Prince, Azazel he came for Sigvald that something is happening in Wastes, and of the aspiring favorite champion of Slaanesh which angered the Geld-Prince as he was the favorite of Lady Slaanesh, this made Azazel smile on the inside for he too is jealous and plans on using Sigvald to eliminate all competition for their Dark Goddess favor and blessing.

Vilitch the Curseling while raiding a small village near Kislev, when Vilitch sensed that impossibility of all the Winds of Magic, whatever is causing this the Cursed Twins, wants it for his own, more power they shall rule everything, offering all the souls to Tzeentch making him the greatest servents of the Changer of Ways.

Lastly near the edge that divides the Chaos Wastes from the Realm of Chaos itself was the 13th Everchosen, Archeon when he sense the Winds of Magic being pulled from all over this caught the Everchosen's attention as whoever was responsible for this was nothing less then a rival and enemy that must be slain, for he is the "Herald of the Apocalypse" and the "Lord of the End Times" it was his destiny to destroy the world for his Gods, and claim untold power becoming a God himself in the progress, Archeon gathered his sorcerors to track the source of this disturbance, for it will lead him to this enemy and claim whatever this rival is using for his own.

In Norsca only two individuals servents of Chaos detected the pull of the Winds of Magic and their are Wulfrik the Wanderer Throgg the Troll King.

Wulfrik was being guided by his curse to perpetually seek out the mightiest champions to duel and Throgg was call fort by the Dark Gods to travel further north to find someone name Ixion Daemonhart...

The Palace of Ruin, the domain of the greatest of all Keepers of Secrets, N'Kari the Arch-Tempter was enjoying unspeakable excess with his harem of daemonettes and victims that have fallen to the vile temptations of the Dark Princess, as he was temporarily enjoying his latest sick depravity, when he and all the slaaneshi daemons felt a great disturbance in the Winds of Magic, something unknown and very temping for the Keeper of Secret, as he smiled and prepare to track whatever this...entertainment...can be, whilst in another daemonic domain belonging to the right side of Tzeentch himself Kairos Fateweaver was with the high-daemon known as the Changeling, the Lord of Change called the Trickster for they have forseen the current event...but nothing else Kairos was blind to who or what was responsible which should be impossible except for the present there shouldn't be anything the daemonic sorceror see, so he gather a daemonic legion to go to the Chaos Wastes to claim this power and knowledge that utterly bend all the Winds of Magic, with that power the Lord of Sorcery shall be all-powerful surpassing the other, weaker Gods of Chaos, seeing the whole occurrence being amusing has gained the Changeling support as Kairos will lead a daemonic legion to hunt down this new source of magic.

Lastly in cave lair called Infernius, filled with countless skulls a disgraced son of the Blood God, Skarbrand the Exiled sensed the flow of magic the power he sensed brought the disgraced bloodthirster hope that claiming the skull of whoever is responsible would finally earned OW-Khorne's forgiveness.

Astragoth Ironhand the High Priest of Hashut, Drazhoath the Ashen, and Zhatan the Black while still fighting one another for absolute control over their dark capital of Zharr-Naggrund.

When their civil war, was brought to hult they all heard the voice of their terrible and mighty God, Hashut was heard as the daemonic God roar and scream in pain that's when they all felt the Winds of Magic, surging towards the far north, towards the Chaos Wastes whatever this artifact of power might be it was clear it was powerful, and they can use it to unlock untold power and glory so the Dawi-zharr shall march out to find whatever causing this to the Winds of Magic.

In the far east of the Great Bastion, of Grand Cathay the Dragon Emperor gathered his most trusted children and guardians of Cathay, standing before him was Miao Ying, the Storm Dragon and Yuan Bo, the Jade Dragon, with the Moon Empress decree Zhao Ming, the Iron Dragon charged with Warpstone Desert was also summoned to this meeting.

The Winds of Magic were acting erratic even the Wu Xing Compass, and the original plan of the Dragon Emperor could never cause this so the only response is to prepare for war coming to Grand Cathay, all his children were shocked but completely agree with their father, as they'll prepare their forces to defend their realm and if needed go to war against whoever is responsible for this calamity.

Even the High Elves' Maelstrom was being affected, in Ulthuan many were panicking and demanding answer for this impossibility amongst them are the twins Tyrion and Teclis felt the violent shift of magic in more so Teclis than his brother, soon the twins they were quickly joined by a vibrant high elf beauty, she is the Everqueen, Alarielle.

She begged Teclis for an answer but even the Archmage was clueless of this event, it took Tyrion to calm down their long time friend as they try to make sence of this...calamity, as it continued to pull magic towards the North.

Eltharion the Grim ever vigilant of the Paunch's return, the mighty warden of Tor Yvresse saw how this new threat has also starting to form in Ulthuan, Alith Anar who was also ever stead fast in his role to guard the borders of Ulthuan from Druchii invasion was dreading what is capable of causing such ire, even Imrik the Dragon Prince mounted on his loyal dragon, Minaithnir felt the disturbance of the Great Vortex, this event actually reawakened the sleeping dragons of mountains of Ulthuan were disturbed by the threat in the North.

The Witch King, Malekith the supreme ruler of Naggaroth and undisputed lord of the Druchii or as the humans refer to them as Dark Elves.

The Witch King was sitting upon his throne "enjoying" a feast with various noble and military officers of his armies, joining this banquets is his mother Morathi ever scheming for power and enjoy her hedonistic ways, also Malus Darkblade who was standing guard in a corner drinking wine, Rakarth the greatest beastmaster of all Naggaroth, and the greatest of the Brides of Khaine, Crone Hellebron is the most ancient of the Hag Queens and second only to Morathi was also in this feast personally called by the Witch King himself.

This gathering was to plan the next attack on their despised lesser kin of Ulthuan, when the whole of Naggaroth shuke.

All the Hag Witches and Sorceresses especially Morathi and Malekith were sensing what should be impossible as all the magic of the world was being pulled towards the chaotic north, no event aside from the Great Vortex could compare while the Dark Elves panicked, Malekith under his dark armor smiled for this brought a greater opportunity than Ulthuan at moment...

But it wasn't only Naggaroth that felt the calamitous event, in the Sea near the infamous archipelago region known as the Vampire Coast, several fleets were affected by the pulling of the world's Winds of Magic, causing great turmoil and mayhem in the seas one of these captains affected by the mad tide was a dark elf name Lokhir Fellheart.

Not only him but the captain of the vampiric fleet known as the Awakened, Luthor Harkon they were struggling to keep their ship from sinking as they sail back to their region on the northeastern stretch of the Lustrian shoreline, but the same trouble was happening to either Pirate Lords in the area Count Noctilus, Aranessa Saltspite, and whilst not as badly affected as the rest Cylostra Direfin and her crew the Drowned being more spectral then the other under forces of the region, was simply passing the grave storm that struck the Sea.

Athel Lorenl was greatly effected by the shift of the Winds of Magic, as the spirits of the forest and laylines flowing below Ariel and Orion the King and Queen of Athel Loren have summoned all the spirits and wood elves to discover the source of the disturbance to the roots of life, those that answered the call of the rulers were Araloth the Bold, Durthu a elder treeman and the Sisters of Twilight, Arahan and Naestra all came when the event occurred on their sacred forest, as not only all the magic but also the spirits of the forest were being pulled by whatever, is this source of turmoil, and to protect the forests of Athel Lorenl, so the Wood Elves shall march out the forest to hunt whatever is a threat to their lands.

Drycha has also started to move using this possible opportunity to find whatever is responsible for attacking the woods and use it to heal herself and all other that have suffered from allowing the wood elves to Athel Lorenl, so she set out on her own to hunt this...source...and possible hope for the spirits, elders, and trees.

The wood elves weren't the only race that felt the shift of magic all across the forests, the savage beastmen and servents of Chaos they see as a sign for the warherds to slaughter and raid across the world, Khazrak One-Eye, Malagor, Morghur the Shadowgave, Ghorros Warhoof and Taurox the Brass Bull.

The Under-empire of the Dwarves, High-King Thorgrim Grudgebearer has called all the other dwarf kings and lords to Karaz Ankor and joining him were the Runelord, Thorek Ironbrow and Belegar Ironhammer the dwarven king that has inherited the clan and throne of King Lunn, the last Dwarf to rule Karak Eight losing it to vile ratmen and night goblins.

Ungrim Ironfist the Slayer King was also amongst the summoned they were planing to have a grand reckoning, going on a grand campaign to clear many, many injustices and slights recorded within the Great Book of Grudges when a great earthquake happened, followed by the appearance of Grombrindal the White Dwarf himself.

He told them of the threat rising in the North again, Grombrindal believes it might be the work of their curse kin the dawi-zharr, which will threat their people so the High King decided to start this justified reckoning by exterminating the Chaos Dwarves, and the vile servents of Chaos, now the dawi shall march to war as well.

Sylvania the dark and death infested domain of Vampires and Necromancers ruled by the undead lord and lady Vlad von Carstein the first and greatest of the Vampire Counts of Sylvania and his beloved wife, Isabella von Carstein, the Patri and Matriarchs of the von Carstein bloodline.

Mannfred was with his begrudgen lord Count Vlad, his hunger for power when the castle and graveyards that make up Sylvania started to shake and quake which also alerted the powerful necromancers Helman Ghorst and Heinrich Kemmler.

As the power was being pulled towards, the Chaos Wastes, this power drew all the vampires and undead especially Vlad and Mannfred as this power will make them much more powerful and allow them to conquer the world, so in reality this event brought great opportunity for the forces of the undead.

In the ancient wild, jungles of Lustria Lord Mazdamundi, High Slann Mage-Priest, was meditating trying to scry the Old Ones' Great Plan within the capital city of the lizardmen, Hexoatl when the horrific event happened that knocked Mazdamundi from his trance.

All over Lustria and Hexoatl all the lizardmen including Gor-rok the albino saurun along with other great heroes such as Kroq-Gar with his beloved carnosaur name Grymloq, and lastly Tiktaq'to the skink terradon rider, with his terradon, Zwup were trying to keep their fellow skinks, saurus, and kroxigors calm as the horrible winds howled through the jungle, pulling with it all the Winds of Magic.

Aside from Nakai the kroxigor, Tehenhauin the red marked skink and Prophet of Sotek, and Oxyotl the chameleon skink the only great champions of the lizardmen were in opposite sides of the world, but it didn't meant that haven't felt the great disturbance, once again being cause by the foul servents of Chaos.

Within the ruins, and forgotten sand of the once great empire of Nehekhara, Settra the Imperishable was planing a new conquest beyond the limits of the desert of Nehekhara the mighty Settra has even gained the service of the Grand Hierophant Khatep while Arkhan the Black plans to resurrect once again his one only master Nagash when the calamity event happened alerting all the Tomb Kings of the upcoming threat in the North.

Both Khalida the Warrior-Queen of Lybaras and her cousin Neferata, once the queen of the ancient city of Lahmia, also felt the shift of the Winds of Magic, while Khalida wants to prepare for the upcoming "storm", while Neferata wants to seek that power to conquer much more of the Old World.

In the subterranean dark empire of Skavenblight in the Council of Thirteen have gathered under the summons of their God, the Great Horn Rat.

Surprised by the call of their merciless dark master all skaven from across the Old World have come to Skavenblight including Queek Headtaker, Lord Skrolk, Tretch Craventail, Ikit Claw, Thanquol, Ghoritch, Throt the Unclean and Deathmaster Snikch, all waiting for to hear from the Great Horned Rat (Ultnarth) who told them what is happening in the North, and they are to go face and claim whatever is responsible...as the bell tolls the skaven are preparing for war.

The Greenskins/Ork Clans across the world all felt the disturbance and the effects of the Winds of Magic, Grimgor Ironhide the great Black Ork accompanied by Wurrzag da Great Green Prophet in Red Eye Mountain, the northern Darklands they are excited for a skrap, and the only rival for Grimgor, the Warboss Azhag the Slaughterer these two huge Waaaaggghhh were eager and about to head north to fight whoever or whatever is responsible for that weird stuff in the Magic tufz.

Grom the Paunch near Nehekhara was excited...and hungry for the upcoming fight, and Skarsnik the chieftain of the Crooked Moon tribe and the most powerful Night Goblin, living proud and comfortable in his Dwarfhold of Karak Eight Peaks were also eager to fight...maybe not Skarsnik much, but it was clear that a big Waagh was coming!!!

While in the Ogre Kingdoms, the Overtyrant Greasus Goldtooth gathered the ogre clans along with the Prophet of the Great Maw Skrag the Slaughterer that really didn't care about what's happening to the world, with the exception that this event will bring a lot of fighting and meat for them and the Great Maw, so Greasus told his warriors it was time to fight and eat!!!

In the Empire, the Sorcerers and Mages felt the unnatural pull of all the Winds of Magic to the vile north, this turmoil and clear predelude for another Chaos invasion has made Karl Franz the Emperor act post haste.

Karl Franz he has summoned the Elector Counts, and other mighty warriors of the Empire such as Balthasar Gelt the Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic, and Volkmar the Grim of the Cult of Sigmar, and even the huntsman Markus Wulfhart to face this incoming threat to Empire, together!

While in Brettonnia the Lady/Fay Enchantress sensing the disturbance to nature itself soo she summon all the bravest, and righteous heroes of Brettonnia with the first to come being King Louen Leoncoeur, and Repanse de Lyonesse the Lady Knight answered the call of the Lady as well as several others such as legendary knights such as the Green Knight, Leofric Carrard, and Alberic de Bordeleaux.

Lastly was Kislev that was the closest to Norscan and the Chaos Wastes, Tzarina Katarin immediately prepared the army for upcoming war for not only the Winds of Magic but even Ursun were being chaotic as Katarin felt the Bear God be rowdy and wild from this occurance.

Even the zealot leader of the Ursunite faith Kostaltyn, the Supreme Patriarch has temporarily gave up his grievances with the tzarina to mass a great defense against whatever will come from the foul North.

Mother Ostankya within the Kislev wood was also gathering her followers and protectors of the forest, even using her powerful magic from the Lore of Beasts, summoning the aspect of the Lore of Beasts to fight with her as a new Chaos invasion was on the horizon.

Not only the various factions and lords of the various races of the world, but all the Gods especially the Chaos Gods as well as Ixion is pulling all the Winds of Magic towards this "Warp Tesseract" this made Chaos God, Laharl from another world a greater threat that they've original though, as they watched their aspiring champion use this object.

With the Winds of Magic being pulled by the FGDCs which surprised the Warp Gods with exception of the Dark One, he predicted that if they can't fuel the Free Greater Daemon Creation while within the avatar, and their cut off the Warp so it must be fuel by the Winds of Magic, this must mean that all of their enemies and rivals are now aware of them.

This made this perfect, this will draw many towards them making their original mission of bringing out the skaven from their hiding spots, and in turn this will bring out Ultnarth to face them.

As the Winds of Magic started to settle and they now turn towards the Fortress of the Damned, releasing the FGDC/Warp Tesseract that very display earlier also help them to insert their power into the FGDC, as Khorne and Nurgle trust Laharl on the design of their new daemon beast...Enzium as the light orb rush straight at the fortress striking it and immediately coating it in light, as Enzium the Living Daemon Fortress is about to be born.