
A New Daemonic Surge Final Part: Final Summon and Unexpected Surprise

(Loki Odinson POV)

Location the Marvel World; Cinematic Universe-Asgard: The Prison Level

It's been a couple of days since my defeat at the hands of the Avengers, as I sit here in my magical asgardian cell.

The Avengers, being the Soldier, Steve Rogers, called Captain American, the Archer, Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, the Spy, the woman name Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, and the Builder, Tony Stark that calls himself Iron Man I should have accepted his offer for a drink when I'd had the chance.

As well as my "brother" the ohh so great God of Thunder, Thor and lastly the Monster, Bruce Banner who is also the Hulk...I still feel the bruises of that brutish creature smashing me around...

The Allfather locked away in the prison of Asgard, I refuse all visits with exception of my mother.

I was destined for greatness, I was to be the king, the rightful king of Asgard, and Midgard but what I most fear is the wrath of the Mad Titan falling upon me and...my mother...Thor and the Allfather, can rot for all care but I can't risk running into "Him" while in Asgard.

While I'm resting in some comfort from mother's accommodations, I was reading a book, plotting on my escape and my eventual rise to power.

I'm fated for greatness, someday I'll be king, as it my destiny of glorious greater purpose, as I turn the page in my book, when I noticed the words were becoming different...this isn't a written language that I've seen or heard of before...the more pages I turn from this book, the more twisted the writing become.

I sensed a foreign magical power, seep from this book, when I noticed that depiction of a great eye, that suddenly looked at me!!!

I tossed the book across the cell!!!

Panting as I realized I'm not alone in this cell, looking around as I backed away to the corner of the cell-chamber, tripping on the table and chair that were in my way.

I kept my eyes on the strange book, while being attentive of any other possible threats, then the book, as it stood up straight, and began flipping pages like crazy, back and fort until it ended on one set of pages at it's center.

It depicted a eldritch entity, surrounded by some Diofvlum, [Nordic word from devils or demons, thought it would fit] then a larger eye, burning in shades of blue, purple, and pink looked around the room erratically, eventually setting it sights on me.

Even the Hulk or Thanos hadn't intimidated me to such a extent, then I heard the raspy voices of millions called out to me, "Loki... Loki... Loki...son of Odin... Son of Laufey... I've come for...you..." before I could think of response or anyway of escaping, a surge of pain started coursing through my mind!!!

Grasping onto the sides of my head, I trashed around and scream in pure agony!!!

I screamed for the guards, to come and help me, but then I heard the voices again, "Do not fear...Asgardian... See the true of this world... See the truth of Fate...and find Hope in Change..." as tentacles, claws, and maw with sharp-teeth, started to come out the pages of the book, and spreading throughout the cell-chamber.

(General POV)

As the guards came rushing in hearing the screams of help from Loki, they saw him thrashing around and fall onto the ground screaming, as some eldritch horror was trying to consume the youngest prince.

The guards tried to open Loki's cell, in order to save him and stop the abominations, slowly spreading through the cell-chamber, but as soon as the invisible barrier that held the cell closed dropped, a light blue transparent/see-through one was erected, keeping them from interfering.

With the horror getting closer to Loki, the captain of the Guards, ordered his subordinates to call upon their mages, and the King, since not only was the prince in peril but most likely the whole of Asgard!!

Meanwhile, Loki was still in utter mental pain and strain, unable to move or defend himself from whatever was coming for him.

The moment the tzeentchian mass, started to cover him, many Asgardians came rushing in Thor, and his friends, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun and Sif along with their King and Queen, Frigga and Odin came into the prison sector, standing just outside of Loki's cell.

As Loki screamed in clear pain, Frigga cried out to her son, and everyone started striking at the barrier to save him from this atrocious creature, but even Thor and Odin's combined strength and powers couldn't overpower it.

As Loki's body was swallowed completely by eldritch mass, and was sucked into a endless void of tzeentchian horrors all around him, eyes, faces, mouth, and maws everywhere, they began to tell him about his shackles of fate that he was leashed to by a false God, a poor paranoid man, that decided his destiny, and regardless of his resistance, his life was planned out by another that was unworthy of bending, let alone touch the strands of fate!!!

Loki could clearly see the power and obvious rage of this deity, but his ego and arrogance made him say, "HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME!!? I'M A GOD!!! A RITEFUL KING, AND OWNER OF MY FATE!!!! NO ONE MAKES ME, DO ANYTHING THAT I DON'T WILL SO!!!!" the faces started to contort into twisted, creepy smiles, and every mouth and maw started to laugh, like they've heard the most funniest joke in their life.

Before he could demand an explanation for "why this eldritch deity dared to laugh at him?" all the eyes shot out several electric, neon blue colored lasers at him.

Loki saw the countless of lasers, soaring at him, from every angle he tried to protect himself, but was unable to harness his magic, so he only one option was cross his arms and hope for the best.

The lasers, twisted in angles and each one of them hit Loki directly onto his forehead, he screamed as light bursted out his eyes and mouth, and secrets kept from him were revealed.

Odin was dying and was testing him and Thor so they can become the forced defenders of Midgard, and the other eight realms as well.

Never did Odin intended for Loki to become a ruler, but a pawn for the brute of a brother, Thor, and worse his entire family was being lied to...Odin had prodigal daughter, he has a unknown sister, Hel the Goddess of Death, that has slaughter millions for Odin when he was conquering the realms, and betrayed regardless of her loyalty, making all knowledge and records of her to be erased, and hidden!!!

Those were the sins that his soo called loving father, did to him...but this the God of Fate and Destiny, showed him all the events that will unfold...the rise of a Living Machine, Ultron, the return of the Dark Elves under the rule of Malekith, and his mistake that...that cause the death of his dearest mother...the Civil War between the defenders of Midgard, resulting in the separation of the Avengers.

Many soo called "Heroes" joining the battle against Thanos that finally came for the Infinity Stones, and he saw his death, after finally reconciling with his brother, and died to save him, ending in failure losing half of their people.

Then the defeat of the Avengers, and Thanos coming out victorious eradicating half of the universe's populace, then five years later the Avengers reunite to save the lost through time travel.

Which resulted in Loki's escape and being captured by the people that this God said to be his puppeteer, pulling his strings and deciding his fate.

There Loki meet his destined love...Sylvie Laufeydottir, as there wasn't a greater love for Loki, than himself or themselves, not only that this Dark God, that revealed himself as Tzeentch showed him another Lady Loki, she was also beautiful and bound by this manipulated fate by a False God, He Who Remains, Victor Timely a fool that dares to tamper Lord Tzeentch's domains.

In order to defeat him, and preserve the Multiverse, he was destined to be a eternal prisoner maintaining the Yggdrasil, on the throne of end of all time...a doom fate, manipulated by a delusional mortal man!!!

Tzeentch is promising actual glorious purpose, power untold, infinite thrones and willing followers that will revere him.

He'll gain adoration, love as Sylvie and Lady Loki will be his to love, and his mother will be spared her grave fate, that and soo much more, all he has to do is accept his offers and swear eternal fealty to him, the Chaos God of Change, Tzeentch...

Back in the real world, Thor, Odin, and even Heimdall that has come as well, are using their combined strength to breakthrough the barrier that preventing them from saving Loki.

That's when a blinding magical blue light, forced them all back as Loki was breaking free, from the tzeentchian mass that once covered him, his power was growing as he was changing...

Location Midgard/Earth: Europe/Sokovia, HYDRA Secret Base-Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's Secret Lab

Strucker and his top research operatives, were working to creating new weapons, and equipment for HYDRA and their desires for world domination, and uncovering untold secrets inside of Loki's Scepter that was resting on a stand with holographic screens of data around it.

They've only been able to successfully create two Enhanced, the twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, but it was not enough, Strucker desired more, for the glory of HYDRA.

As he read the latest report on the Chitauri Leviathan corpse that they've acquired from the battle of New York, a alarm started blaring and the scepter jewel was busting with power.

The golden scepter reverted to it longer form, with electric blue energy surging and sparking around it, as it began to change before their eyes.

Gaining blue shading, and azure colored jewels on the metallic gold and blue pole, with bird-reptilian mass at the end of the scepter like a raven head with several blue, organic eyes.

The spear-head tip of the scepter, turned into a silver razor-sharp blades with golden and sapphire tints, in the shape of a tzeentchian bird with blackish blue feathers at the base of the scepter.

The jewel in between the blades of the scepter, that houses one of the Infinity Stone, specifically the Mind Stone, started to surge and burst with dangerous amounts of energy that was zapping the Hydra-grunts around the Lab.

The Mind Stone, couldn't handles the power of a greater force of creation, concept, and infinite like Tzeentch, and broke into two shards that Tzeentch manipulated to ended up in Tony Stark's possession maintaining the births of Ultron and Vision, possibly bring unexpected changes and unpredictable fate for everyone.

The scepter was transformed to Tzeentch's design, and it burst out the human laboratory, flying off and banishing in a blue flash, as it was going to be reunited with it daemonic master...

Location Asgard: Prison Level-Loki's Cell

Back on Asgard, Loki was floating overflowing with dark, eldritch, magical power shrouding him in a intense blue glow.

Before a blue flash of energy, flew passed them all and fly straight at Loki's cell, and Loki grabbed it, causing a huge explosion!!!

As the guards, the Warriors Three, Lady Sif, Thor, Heimdall, Lady Frigga and Allfather Odin, were standing up from the ground, after barely surviving the explosion.

But then they heard laughter, coming out the dust and rubble was all new and all-powerful Loki, his helmet was changed allowing a pair of actual horns to pertrude (Think Magnus horns but appearing more like Avenger Loki Horns), armor, and usually green clothing were turned into eldritch marked wear with blue mixed to his overall looks.

But that wasn't all he now has a massive blue cloaked cape with black feathered collar as a pair massive wings of blue multi-toned feathers, stretched and flapped next to Loki.

His arms became larger like a tzeentchian Daemon Prince, with tzeentchian glowing runes etched to his bluish flesh, his right claw was holding onto a tzeentchian scepter emanating dark, ruinous power of Chaos.

Frigga was the first to speak calling out to her son, making Loki the newly ascended Elder Daemon of Change, focus on her and speak to her, "Yes, mother it is I. Much more powerful than before. Finally I've achieved the Glorious Purpose, that I've always was destined for!!" rising his left hand, releasing massive amount of arcane power, which forced all but Frigga onto their knees, and started feeling as they're being choked.

Even the Allfather, couldn't overpower this new powers of his son, before Frigga could plead to Loki to stop what he is doing, she feel into a magical slumber and floated over to Loki.

Loki gently laid his mother onto his other arm, as she became a sphere of energy then three more were pulled from various dimensions, and begin spinning around the Sixth Elder Daemon of Tzeentch, as he left in a flash of blue and tzeentchian runes...finally Loki is the master of his own destiny, and soon will claim the throne that was always meant for him.

Location the Warhammer 40k World-The Neutral Space: Infinity Fountain Resting Place

With that all them have collected two new Elder Daemons into their respected service, drastically increasing the power of each one of their legions, and also having a worthy Elder Daemon to lead their favored mortal forces, aside from the future Space Marines & Imperial Guard.

With their businesses done for now, they started to fade away back into their respected bodies, in the secret chamber on Mount Olympus...

Sometime Later...

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion, the Throne Chamber

After collecting their latest Elder Daemons, the Dark Gods left to go back to their respected infernal domains in the Immaterium, with Khorne being the first among them to leave, telling them that he has some business to attend...

Regardless the Dark One was back in his dark, lovely castle home, after kissing each of his wives with as much love, and desire that he can express, along with kissing the head of his baby girl, Mandraggohza, he sat on his throne to ponder on what to do next.

Deciding on checking the Pantheon List, after not checking it for some time, the Dark One contacted his little helper, and lovely advisor Aillia.

She quickly responded to Laharl's call, (Here I am my Lord✨️ What do need, I'm ready to help in anything!!!😤) shaking his head, he asked her to bring up his Pantheon List, since it has been a couple of new Elder Daemons joining their pantheon, and more.

Aillia spoke, (Right away, my Lord!!! 😁) with that a transparent blue, floating screen appeared in front of Laharl, he immediately noticed from a quick inspection, the screen-list was longer and he started to read it.


Chaos Gods

1.Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Abyss, Lust, Love, Bonds, Oaths, Curses, Symbols, Infernals, Fel, Bats, Dark Arts, Condemnation, Terrors, Supremacy, Hierarchy, Desacration, Oblivion, Insanity, Creator, Smithing, Relics & Riches.

Worshipers-Carnage Daemons, Neverborn, Adhuman-Gobos, Shi'lanorai, Norscans, Conquerors, Warlock, Carnage Corrupted, Chaos Cultists of Carnage, the Insane, the Demented, Builders, Makers, Designers, Unjusted & Oathbound.

Rank: Mid-High.

Faction: Chaos/Carnage

God Artifacts-Ragnarok, Claw of Hades, Iron Maiden 666, Gleipnir, Magni'manta.

2.Khorne, Chaos God of Blood, Bloodshed, War, Warcraft, Wrath, Battlelust, Hatred, Rage, Murder, Strength, Fire, Hounds, Courage, Glory, Combat, Pride, Honor, & Martial Honor.

Worshipers-Blood Daemons, Spartans, Warriors, Berserkers, Conquerors, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultist of Blood.

God Artifacts-Unmaker, Chains of Wrath, the Angra Stone of Bloodsoaked Destruction.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 100%, Ally 31%, Submission Progress 99%

Rank: Mid-High.

Faction: Chaos/Blood

3.Valkia, Lesser Chaos Goddess of War-maidens.

Worshiper-Blood Daemons, Blood Valkyries, Warriors, Women, Greek-Amazons, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Blood.

Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 100%, Ally 19%, Submission Progress 97%.

Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen.

Faction: Chaos/Blood

God Artifacts-Slaupnir, Loceplex Daemonshield.

4.Bellona, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Warlords, Conquest & Battlefields

Worshipers-Warlords, Conquerors, Romans, Greek-Amazons, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Blood.

Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 12% Enemy 88%, Submission Progress 8%

Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen.

Faction: Chaos/Blood

5.Nurgle, Chaos God of Plague, Disease, Pestilence, Decay, Death, Dead, Finality, Acceptance, Sloth, Filth, Carrion, Crows, Merriment, Despair, Rebirth, Renewal, Stagnation, Life, Earth.

Worshiper-Plague Daemons, Sick, Diseased, Cultivators, Farmers, Plagued, Suffering, Plague Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Plague.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 100%, Ally 31%, Submission Progress 97%

Rank: Mid.

Faction: Chaos/Decay

God Artifacts-Worldblighter, Phthisis the Flail of Seven Pandemics.

6.Aiikila the Lesser Chaos Goddess of Swarms.

Worshipers-Insects, Insect-Hosts, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Plague.

Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 50%, Enemy 51%, Submission Progress 40%

Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen.

Faction: Chaos/Decay

God Artifacts-Black Death.

7.Tzeentch, Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Mutation, Envy, Intrigue, Curiosity, Conspiracy, Complexecity, Ambition, Knowledge, Hope, Eagles, Sorcery, Fate, Destiny, Lies & Trickery.

Worshipers-Change Daemons, Sorcerers, Scholars, Hopeless, Ambitious, Mutants, Seekers of Knowledge, Tzeentch Corrupted & Chaos Cultists of Change.

Affection Level-Respected Sibling 21%, Enemy 79%, Submission Progress 12%

Rank: Low-Mid.

Faction: Chaos/Change

Highest Deities of the Carnage Pantheon

Ruler of the Carnage Pantheon: Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Abyss, Lust, Love, Bonds, Oaths, Curses, Infernals, Fel, Dark Arts, Bats, Condemnation, Terrors, Supremacy, Hierarchy, Desacration, Oblivion, Insanity, Creator, Smithing, Relics & Riches.

Brides of Carnage-1.Chi Aahtahg, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Corruption of Nature.

Worshipers-Dark Druids, & Dark Florrah

2.Kiira Blakenroze, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires.

Worshipers-Succubi & Lust Corrupted.

3.Scalpel Bleedinhart, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting of Life.

Worshippers-Biocrafters, Medics, Scientists, God Complexed & Unhinged.

4.Jade Emerlhyde, Lesser Chaos Gobo Goddess of Anarchy.

Worshippers-Gobos, Rebels, & Opressed.

5.Cassandra Crimsontear, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry.

Worshippers-Soldiers, Nobles, Chaos Guardsmen, & Prideful Souls.

6.Ruu, Lesser Chaos Slime Goddess of Twisted Innocence.

Worshippers-Slimes, Lost Children, Broken Innocent, & Carnage Daemons.

7.Ragna Kaalika, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Rampage.

Worshippers-Brutes, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Terrorists.

8.Crystallyl Shik'Adammine, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Winter.

Worshippers-Shi'lanorai, Carnage Daemons, Barbarians, & Tribesmen.

9.Scylla Cantrelle Atattes, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Music & Drowning.

Worshippers-Seiren, Sea Maidens, Carnage

10.Camilla Hexx, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Daemonic Lore & Sorcery.

Worshippers-Sorceresses, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Cultists.

11.Jinx Europhonnja, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Damnations.

Worshippers-Fiends, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Cultists.

12.Nyo Blackwaters, Lesser Chaos Goddesss of Mermaids.

Worshippers-Mermaids, Seafolk, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Cultists.

Children of the Dark Gods


1.Mandraggohza the Goddess of Thorns/Princess of the Dark Florrah

Worshipers-Dark Druids, Dark Florrah, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists of Carnage.

Rank:Lesser/Daemon Chaos Royal Princess

Faction: Chaos/Carnage

God Artifacts-The Carnage Seed, Chlorine.

Father: Laharl Mother: Chi Aahtahg.


1.Limos, the Goddess of Hunger & Famine, Adopted and Cherished Daughter of the Plague Gods/The Princess of the Garden.

Worshipers-Hungry, Starved, Farmers, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted & Chaos Cultists of Plague.

Affection Level-Respected Uncle 24% Enemy 66%, Submission Progress 24%

Rank: Lesser/Daemon Chaos Royal Princess

Faction: Chaos/Decay

Father: Nurgle Mother: Aiikila.

2.Evaline, the Goddess of Mold, Second Adopted and Beloved Daughter of the Plague Gods/The Princess of the BOW Mold.

Worshipers-BOWs, the Lonely, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted & Chaos Cultists of Plague.

Affection Level-Respected Uncle 19% Enemy 71%, Submission Progress 19%

Rank:Lesser/Daemon Chaos Royal Princess

Faction: Chaos/Decay

Father: Nurgle Mother: Aiikila.



Lesser Chaos Gods, Loyal Servents and Followers of the Supreme Chaos Gods

Lesser Gods of Carnage

1.Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Dark Night.

2.Oizys, the Goddess of Anxiety.

3.Moros, the God of Doom that Dwells in the Infernal Black Jungle.

Lesser Gods of Blood

1.Invidia, the Goddess of Revenge.

2.Alastor, the God Beast of Vengeance.

3.Ioke, the Goddess of Bloodsoaked Victory.

Lesser Gods of Plague

1.Tabes, the God of Wasting Away, the Plague God's Left Hand.

2.Charon, the Ferryman of the Five Rivers.

Low Deities of the Carnage Pantheon

Elder Daemons-1.Ba'al Allseer, the Great Seer.

Worshipers-Carnage Daemons [Void Wraiths mostly], Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

2.Mordred Deathharbinger, the Ultimate Slaughterer.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

3.Nidhog, the Destroyer.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons, Chaos Spawns, Forsaken/Half-Spawns, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

4.Beelzalbub, the Fly of Ruin & Gluttony.

Worshippers-Flies, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

5.The Morrigan Triarch, the Tree Sides of Fall to Madness and Insanity.

5-A.Clo'thoa Dementa, the Wailing Daemon Witch of the Nethervoid.

5-B.Hather Pandamonica, the Madame of the Locusts and Dementia.

5-C.Monica Madwhisper, the Twisted Seiren of Madness.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons [Succubi mostly], Carnage and Lust Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

6.Phobos the Equinox of Unimaginable Horrors.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons [Nucklelavee mostly], Abandoned of Battlefields, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

7.Varimathras, the Arch-Warlock of the Warp.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons [Nathrezim mostly], Warlocks, Carnage and Fel Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

8.Alcina Dimitrescu, the Duchees of Bloodstained Madness & Immortality.

Worshippers-Blood Duchesses (basically like Elizabeth Báthory), Mothers, Lesser Vampires/Thralls, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Carnage Cultists.

9.Eisheth Zenunim the Eater of Damned.

Worshippers-Sinners, Traumatized, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.

10.Majin Buu the Mad Destroyer of Worlds.

Worshippers-Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Carnage Cultists.

11.Omen the Herald of Darkness & the Darkwings.

Worshippers-Darkwings, Carnage Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Carnage Cultists.

Low Deities of the Blood Pantheon

1.Skarbrand, the Rage Incarnate.

Worshippers-Blood Daemons, Greater Blood Daemons, Khornate Berserkers, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

2.Karanak, the Apex Hunter Beast of the Blood God.

Worshippers-Blood Beasts, Monsters, Apex Predators, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

3.Zsash, the Lord of Burning Shadows.

Worshippers-Blood Daemons [Balrogs mostly], Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

4.Wrath, the Molten Lord of Anger.

Worshippers-Blood Daemons, Blood and Wrath Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

5.Kratos, the Daemon of Sparta.

Worshippers-Spartans, Warriors, Blood Daemons, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

6.Savitar the Crimson God of Speed.

Worshipers-Psykers (Mostly those Consumed by Rage), Blood Daemons, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

7.The Butcher the Flesh Carver of Khorne.

Worshippers-Cannibals, Blood Daemons, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

8.Makoto Shishio the Blademaster of Hellfire.

Worshippers-Samurai, Warriors, Blades of Khorne, Blood Daemons, Blood Corrupted & Blood Cultists.

Low Deities of the Plague Pantheon

1.Ku'gath Plaguefather, the Foul Lord of the Eternal Swamp.

Worshippers-Plague Daemons [Nurglings mostly], Dark Apothecaries, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

2.Tsathogga, the Frog God of the Evil Swamps.

Worshippers-Plague Daemons, Frogs, Toads, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

3.The Glottkin, Otto, Ethrac, and Ghurk Glott, the Brothers of Pestilence.

3-A.Otto Glott, the Reaper Plaguebringer.

Worshippers-Rotbringers, Putrid Blightking, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

3-B.Ethrac Glott, the Daemon Sorceror Lord of Plague.

Worshippers-Plague Daemons, Plague Sorcerers, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

3-C.Ghurk Glott, the Titanic Monster of Decay.

Worshippers-Decay Chaos Spawns, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

4.Skorpius the Scorpion Queen of the Garden.

Worshipers-Scorpions, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

5.Nyz Pharos the Avatar of Death & Reaper of the Underworld.

Worshipers-Ill, Dying, Death Worshippers, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

6.Erebus the Manifestation of Humanity's Desire of Death.

Worshipers-Humans, Death Worshippers, Plague Daemons, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

7.King Gallon the Lord of the Decaying Netherworld.

Worshippers-Deathwalkers, Plague Daemons, Plague Sorcerers, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

8.Judge Mortis the Final Judgement of Rot.

Worshippers-Maggotkin, Plague Daemons, Plague Sorcerers, Plague Corrupted & Plague Cultists.

Low Deities of the Change Pantheon

1.Kairos Fateweaver the Grand Oracle of Tzeentch.

Worshippers-Psykers, Sorcerers, Change Daemons (Mostly Lords of Change), Change Corrupted & Change Cultists.

2.Vilitch the Cursed Twins.

Worshippers-Change Daemons, Change Corrupted & Change Cultists.

3.SkekSo the Emperor of the Dark Crystal.

Worshippers-Emperors, Change Daemons (mostly Skeksis), Change Corrupted & Change Cultists.

4.Bob Barbas the King of Media & Propaganda.

Worshippers-Reporters, Fearmongers, Change Daemons, Change Corrupted & Change Cultists.

5.Zelos Orgos the Overlord of Overwhelming Defiance.

Worshippers-Change Daemons, Change Corrupted & Change Cultists.

6.Loki Odinson the Trickster God of Evil.

Worshippers-Sorcerors, Tricksters, Disciples of Tzeentch, Change Daemons, Change Corrupted & Change Cultists.

His Pantheon Screen, has gone through a major update, but also a huge surprise that it seems that his brother, the Blood God wasn't aware yet, smiling as he thanked Aillia and dismissed the screen.

With Aillia congratulating him, and Khorne for gaining a brand new family member, this made the Dark One chuckle, he decided to keep this incredible news to himself, until Khorne and whichever of his wives say that their pregnant.