
Arrival, Fight with Kree and an arrrogant God

Juno pov

A/N: I was bored so I decided to release another chapter enjoy 😊 🤘🏾

I had been travelling across space going from galaxy to galaxy travelling to Asgard. I could see that the ship was capable of travelling at unbelievable speeds but it looked like I still had a long way to go until I reached my destination. I had figured out, how to put the ship on autopilot which was convenient, as even though I can never actually get tired I just, still enjoyed the human feeling of relaxation. Since I had nothing to do I decided to check my A.I and check out my stats.

Name: Juno

Race: New born celestial

Titles: Pilate, Protégé of the Proginator, The Rogue, The Sealed One, The explorer, The Boundless.

Strength: 1,000,000

Speed: 8,000

Height: 2,000 feet

Weight: 280 tons

Agility: 4,000,000

Energy: 4,000,000,000(+50K every 2hour)

Abilities: Super strength, super speed, Telekinesis, Atmokinesis , pyrokinesis, Chronokinesis, Biokinesis, Aerokinesis, Cryokinesis, Electrokinesis, Energy absorption, Energy manipulation, Matter manipulation, Ability to survive in a vaccum, Control over gravity.

I had been staring outside the window of the ship as we were passing planets that I had never been to before, full of life; I had also seen that the ship had many documents of the Proginators documentaries and exploration on over planets which could prove very useful. If I wasn't lucky enough I saw that he was in possession of the space stone which could be very useful for me later as it would allow me to, escape out of dangerous situations, like if I were to ever encounter Galactus again. I was going to explore more until I heard a loud explosion and I looked outside. It was the fucking Kree. One of the most advanced races in the universe, my guess is that they saw the ship and probably wanted it to themselves due to the technology and infinity stone on board. I exited the ship smirking (well not really as he is a celestial, but you know what I mean)

Kree soldier pov

We were on patrol when we saw a ship that was emitting high energy levels that we have only seen from beings like Galactus. We needed whatever source that energy was coming from as it would benefit the queen and our empire greatly. We saw that the tractor beams had no effect on the ship, who would dare to have such technology and not offer it to our queen. We did the only thing reasonable to such ignorance. We fired.

Juno pov:

I stepped out of the ship and could telepathically feel the fear of the soldiers. They knew that they had f****ked up. I started gather energies and spread through out my body, I let it build up to a point were my chest began to glow with a golden like colour. And I let it out. Immediately the ships were instantly vaporised. I thought I overdid it when I saw that I had turned a small moon into a blazing wasteland. Looked like I still needed to master my energy control. I entered my my ship. A few hours later I had finally reached it. Asgard.

Odin pov:

I was in my throne room enjoying the pleasures I got from ruling Asgard. Until, I sensed a foreign energy. A energy, that could not belong to a mortal. An energy belonging to that dammed race that defeated me even when I was in the destroyer army. A CELESTIAL. I called upon my armies to prepare just in case a fight broke out, as I knew my hot headed son thor would definitely do something stupid. I stepped outside to see a ship that emitted energy that belonged to an infinity stone. I know what I needed to do. From what I could sense this was a newborn celestial. I could use this to my advantage and steal the stone.

He stepped out of his ship and then grew to his normal size.

Juno pov:

So this is asgard huh it even looks the same in the Thor movies. I saw a black haired guy with a golden eye patch flying up to me with an army of valkeryie and Gods such as thor approaching me.

Juno: So this is Asgard looks beautiful up close.


Juno: SO he's an arrogant prick right now? This is going to be fun fighting this so called god.