
Reborn as a Bolton

A deeply hedonistic, perverse, sadistic and selfish man loses his life. And because of all the evil he did, he is sentenced to decades of torture. After a time in his prison, he manages to escape, and for such a feat he is awarded to reincarnate with five special talents. For Magic, Sex, Poison, Archery and Alchemy. Reincarnated in the world of Game of Thrones, as the brother of Roose Bolton in seek of immortality, to dont go back to that place. * It is based on GOT, not ASOIAF, but there are many characters not typical of the series by the timeline in which the events happen. So it ends up looking more ASOIAF than GOT. But I think it is unnecessary to read the books to understand * *The chapters have 1,200 words except for the first. But this is measured in the language I wrote which is Spanish. So when translating them it is normal for the number to vary* *Harem tag is not a normal harem. He doesnt love the girls, they are just sex toys. The only one that is kinda serious for him is (SPOILER) Ashara Dayne (SPOILER), the rest are, as i said, sex toys, or they have a important position and MC uses sex or feelings to manipulate* *WARNING: There is rap*(The Mc is the rapist) and sex with minors. So wait a, before reincarnating an evil MC. And after reincarnating a selfish and totally cold MC.

The_Ozymandias · Buku&Sastra
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59 Chs

Chapter 36: Royal Wedding: Outcome

(1,200 words)

- Percival Bolton POV -

- Kingslanding - Crownlands - Westeros - 280 A.D -

"You're all right, weren't they trustworthy!!!" roared Cersei.

"Calm down" I said with a cold expression as I looked her in the eyes turning my head. And finally she calmed down and let out a sigh.

"I'm better now" she told me, and I nodded.

"They weren't my men, they were assassins" I told her, and the girl nodded. "Go back to your father and pretend none of this happened. And if it's too clear, you separated from me before the attack. Do you understand?" I said, and she nodded, and then, without anyone seeing me, I looked for Syrio quickly.

"My Lord! Has it happened already?"

"Yes... It did, so get the double fake ready. They should be coming to check his work soon. Make it quick," I said, and the guy nodded.

I knew Iron Bank would strike soon with the Faceless Men, and it was best to do it while I was in Westeros. After seeing the fear in Augustus it was clear to me. That fear was nervousness of failure. They were respectful and cautious, but they were never that tame in Essos. It was too strange.

After that, Syrio put the double in his place, and could see Augustus checking the murder with a smile on his face. After spitting on my corpse he went to a special tower to send a letter.

- Cassio / Augustus POV -

He was finally dead, the bastard! Who the fuck does he think he is? Treating me like that in front of the fucking Lannisters. But that doesn't matter, because now he's a corpse rotting in Kings Landing, while I'm getting ready to get a promotion. Who knows... Maybe I can become one of the Keyholders with shares in the bank. Right now there are only 13, since 7 were killed by that bastard Percival.

He probably did it unknowingly, since he had no way of knowing their identities. That's because the guy killed a lot of powerful figures, and the Iron Bank Keyholders are naturally all powerful figures.

I had already mailed the letter, so I turned around to go back to the banquet and dissemble, but I was met with black-as-empty, terrifying eyes.

"Hello, naughty boy," he said to me, and I could only feel everything going black. I had died and failed while that bastard was still alive. The worst part was that everyone in Iron Bank thought the guy was dead, and that would be his undoing.

- Percival Bolton POV -

"Syrio, I'll go to Braavos on my own with a personal boat" I said, since it would be faster propelling me with my magic. I could have used a technique, but its cost was too high. I needed a descendant, that is, a son, and it's not like sons fall from trees. I only had one left before I lost the other, only this one was "locked" in a comfortable house.

The magic consisted in exchanging our positions and status. I mean, I could be dying, cast the spell and the one who would be dying would be my son while I was resting comfortably in Braavos. But it was not worth using it now, since the life of the one I used it on would be forfeited, regardless of my condition. It was the price of change. My son's life, and it wasn't worth it, as I said.

"But sir..."

"Easy Syrio, but you guys should stay so as not to arouse suspicion. Also, give him the letters I will write next," I said, and began to write them.

The first one was for Roose Bolton, in which I basically told him that I had to return because of urgent problems, so he should not be surprised by that. That plus other boring family formalities.

Then there was Cersei Lannister which was basically the same, that I had to leave but that we could meet again in the future. Next for Mina Tyrell, who ran the Tyrell spy network. I had something to propose to her.

While the last one was for Ashara Dayne, to whom I also explained that I had to leave. But if she wanted, she could accompany my men back to Braavos. It might cause some trouble, but I didn't really think much of it since Iron Bank was more important than the trouble Arthur Dayne might cause. Although Tywin Lannister could be more complicated. More than one person noticed my disappearance along with Cersei's, but hey. What's done is done.

After dealing with the Iron Bank I had to get more serious and get dragons. I also had to strengthen my power by using more gunpowder. I had looked a lot to the west, but the real problems were to the east and north.

To the north was Night King and his army of the dead, while to the east were the Dothraki, and Yi Ti. An empire that does not even appear in the television series, but which is much larger, richer and more powerful than any other kingdom. They are the oldest civilization still alive today, with over 8,000 years of longevity. I plan to travel to Old Valyria, and then to Asshai to strengthen my magic. After that get the Free Cities, then take The Seven Kingdoms and defeat Night King. But I won't stay like that. Then I'll take everything to the east. Whatever it takes.

I think I read that the eggs Illyrio Mopatis got came from Shadow Lands, the easternmost territory of Asshai, but I'm not sure about getting into that dangerous place. I might encounter wizards or perhaps some creature capable of invalidating my rescue spell. First I need to strengthen myself as a wizard in Asshai.

- Oberyn Martell POV -

"Oberyn..." my brother Doran said to me in a serious tone. Yesterday had been the wedding, and in theory my sister had consummated her marriage to Rhaegar yesterday.

"Yes little brother?" I asked with a smile as I stretched.

"It's serious" he repeated, and I sighed as I figured out what we were going to talk about.

"I hear you brother."

"Yesterday, when Elia walked into the sept, she was transfixed for a while, and I could see her looking at that guy that Ashara Dayne acted affectionate with. Do you know something?" he told me seriously as he frowned.

"Yes, I know something," I replied, and Doran's frown deepened.

"Speak, now. This is too serious for your games" he said, and I nodded.

"When we went with our mother to Casterly Rock, I went to see Elia in her room, but when I was near, I felt a.... Strange smell, but familiar to me" I said, and Doran's eyes widened in understanding as his face grew somber.

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes, I walked in with my spear in my hand, and all I saw was a naked black-haired man jumping out the window" I said, and Doran's face turned red as veins appeared on his forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me!" he shouted.

"I... I'm sorry brother, but you would have chased him down and killed him, Elia wouldn't want that."

"But that was what had to be done! What if she reveals that information!" he shouted.

"He wouldn't and they wouldn't believe him" I commented trying to calm him down.

"You don't know that!" he shouted. "Besides, I heard he went back to Essos, so we can't do anything to him now."

"I know brother, because I saw something" I told him, which was true. "I saw Varys dying looking at Percival. It was poison, Varys knew something, and he was silenced..."