
Reborn as a Bolton

A deeply hedonistic, perverse, sadistic and selfish man loses his life. And because of all the evil he did, he is sentenced to decades of torture. After a time in his prison, he manages to escape, and for such a feat he is awarded to reincarnate with five special talents. For Magic, Sex, Poison, Archery and Alchemy. Reincarnated in the world of Game of Thrones, as the brother of Roose Bolton in seek of immortality, to dont go back to that place. * It is based on GOT, not ASOIAF, but there are many characters not typical of the series by the timeline in which the events happen. So it ends up looking more ASOIAF than GOT. But I think it is unnecessary to read the books to understand * *The chapters have 1,200 words except for the first. But this is measured in the language I wrote which is Spanish. So when translating them it is normal for the number to vary* *Harem tag is not a normal harem. He doesnt love the girls, they are just sex toys. The only one that is kinda serious for him is (SPOILER) Ashara Dayne (SPOILER), the rest are, as i said, sex toys, or they have a important position and MC uses sex or feelings to manipulate* *WARNING: There is rap*(The Mc is the rapist) and sex with minors. So wait a, before reincarnating an evil MC. And after reincarnating a selfish and totally cold MC.

The_Ozymandias · Buku&Sastra
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59 Chs

Chapter 26: Back to Dreadford, Again

(1,200 words)

- Roose Bolton POV -

- Dreadfort - The North - Westeros - 280 A.D. -

"My Lord!" one of my subordinates shouted to me as he rushed into my office. He was all sweaty and his eyes were nervous. Something important had happened, or was happening right now.

"What is it?" I asked as I looked him in the eye.

"Our men informed us that, from White Harbor, a group of 300 soldiers is approaching. They are all wearing black armor, and they have a banner that is similar to a black eye with a red aura around it."

"Black eye? Has anyone identified the house of the banner?"

"No sir."

"Mmmm... I understand, notify Master Baw... I mean, Master Bolen to see if he knows anything. In the meantime call 1,000 soldiers to be ready for any threat" I said.

"Only 1,000 sir?"

"I trust my soldiers and their skill" I replied, but I was also a bit quizzical. Normally such a sizable force, if hostile at all, would be stopped directly by House Manderly, or at least would have alerted House Stark, who as Warden in the North would have to do something. But the force was so quietly roaming The North. Which means they probably belong to a vassal house, but I can't think of any that have a similar symbolism to the descriptions.

After quickly finishing tidying up the scrolls in my office, I got up and went to the stable to fetch my horse that had already been prepared. Together with my armor and my gun, I set out with 1,000 troops in the direction of White Harbor, from where the force was coming, and after a little less than an hour I was able to meet them.

I was going to send a small delegation, but I was surprised to see the face of the one who was leading the soldiers - it was my brother!

- Percival Bolton POV -

- Outskirts of Dreadfort - The North - Westeros - 280 A.D -

"It is a pleasure to see you again brother" I said with my cold face.

"Likewise, though I must ask your intentions of bringing such an army to Dreadfort" he said to me, and he was a bit nervous or on guard. He must think I come to confront him.

"Army? Don't be funny brother, these are my personal escort. They must accompany me to protect me. I don't have my army with me" I said, and he was surprised for a second but gave me a suspicious look.

"So if this is your escort, where is your army?" he asked me.

"In the city I've lived in for the last few years. In Braavos."

"So you went to Essos, I'm glad your journey was fruitful."

"Indeed it was, I should thank the gods" I said sarcastically.

"Old ones or new ones? Maybe you're more detached to The North than you were before" he told me, and that's because so many of House Bolton's generals were listening to our conversation. He wants to get them to support him in the event of a conflict. Not that they haven't done it before, since I left quite some time ago, and he's been their Lord for quite a few years. But he was making sure, making me look like a southerner, or worse, an Essosi. But I clearly noticed his strategy.

"You can rest easy brother, I am a person of habit" I told him, without giving him any clear information. But it was enough for his generals to understand, or assume, that he prayed to the old gods. But also, by not clearly saying "Ancient Gods", I am implying to my brother that I have no interest in convincing his generals to side with me because of the vagueness of my answer. It's a victory-victory.

"Like the family we are," he replied.

After that, we took our horses and rode to the fortress of Dreadfort. Me with my escort of three by my side at all times.

"Is that Silver? He's grown quite a bit, and he looks strong," Roose said to me with a black-tie smile, though it had nostalgic touches. His feelings must be complex toward me.

"He has, he's become a valuable bodyguard.... And friend" I said, and Silver smiled proudly under his helmet. He was Gregor Clegane, a monstrous violence-loving beast. He was still like that. But in front of me he was like a kind of Hodor, the same with Sandor Clegane. That's how dogs should be. Joffrey was a lousy tamer, and Tywin, though his method was effective, the leash wasn't real. It was just a game of interests and an equivalent exchange. Tywin cleaned up Gregor's shit, and Gregor solved Tywin's problems. For if it weren't for Tywin, Gregor wouldn't have lived more than a week after raping Princess Martell. But Doran was wise... Or cowardly, and would not generate a war for such a banal reason as revenge. He wasn't that stupid or passionate, or so I want to believe.

"I'm glad that's so. Are you still with Lisa and Copper?" he asked me, and I was a little surprised that he remembered them.

"I do, but they stayed in Braavos.She is a trustworthy woman" I answered, and after that I was telling him about my journey while he was questioning me, although obviously camouflaging and omitting many things. Like the existence of magic, my methods and my plans that are still in progress. But I did tell him that I had become "Lord of Braavos". Although I'm not sure if he totally believed me. But when we go to the royal wedding it will come out I guess. The Lannisters and The Spider should be clear on that information without a doubt.

In that way, a few months passed in which I shared something with my brother, and he became calmer when I told him my reasons for coming, which were the royal wedding. For if half of my stories were true, it was more than enough to take, not only Dreadfort, but, albeit with much difficulty, Winterfell. Though that's only considering taking on House Stark, not all of The North. But that would change having the unsullied soldiers of Astapor under my command.

"The invitation came," Roose Bolton told me as he stood outside my room.

Only five houses in The North had been invited, which obviously included House Stark and House Bolton. There was also House Manderly, House Umber and House Glover. Which are basically the biggest ones. I thought House Mormont of Bear Island would also go, but in the end it didn't.Their house is small, but they had a lot of relevance in the series. She is a trustworthy woman" I answered, and after that I was telling him about my journey while he was questioning me, although obviously camouflaging and omitting many things. Like the existence of magic, my methods and my plans that are still in progress. But I did tell him that I had become "Lord of Braavos". Although I'm not sure if he totally believed me. But when we go to the royal wedding it will come out I guess. The Lannisters and The Spider should be clear on that information without a doubt.

In that way, a few months passed in which I shared something with my brother, and he became calmer when I told him my reasons for coming, which were the royal wedding. For if half of my stories were true, it was more than enough to take, not only Dreadfort, but, albeit with much difficulty, Winterfell. Though that's only considering taking on House Stark, not all of The North. But that would change having the unsullied soldiers of Astapor under my command.

"The invitation came," Roose Bolton told me as he stood outside my room.

Only five houses in The North had been invited, which obviously included House Stark and House Bolton. There was also House Manderly, House Umber and House Glover. Which are basically the biggest ones. I thought House Mormont of Bear Island would also go, but in the end it didn't.Their house is small, but they had a lot of relevance in the series. Their house is small, but they had a lot of relevance in the series. But this is not the TV series but a world of its own. That is something that was not very clear to me at the beginning, but at this point I see this world as an absolutely real one. And obviously it wasn't just me and my brother. But also his wife and son.

The reason why my brother didn't go in, is because I was with three naked women inside. They were three beautiful women who had accompanied me from Braavos. One of them was the courtesan The Nightingale, and the other two belonged to Lys. The city with the best whores, or sheet companions as I believe they call them there, in Planetos. They cost me dearly as they were both virgins the first time I fucked them, but they were so amazed by my virility that they willingly accompanied me. And no merchant could do anything. Who would want to oppose Percival "Demon of Braavos" Bolton?