
Reborn And Became A Wendigo

In a realm of magic and myth your typical average nobody get reborn in but there's catch, You see our mc won't be going around saving some damsel in distress. Watch as how a certain skill which is more like a curse take over the mc mind and body and warp it into a unholy abomination that is detested by the gods. A new god will rise, The god of Carrion and rot "Tis is I Who shall devour the Gods, men, women and even children shall not escape my maw as I shall become the end of all". (first few chapters are beyond garbage as I am writing this lil story as a hobby)

Drakonos_Drake · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

New title earned sorta?

"My lord plz, I know she offended for that I beg you to spare her and punish me instead" Urok pleaded.

Now's the perfect opportunity to test his loyalty. "Urok I command to you stay away from this mattee , Your sister or not whoever disrespects me shall die a gruesome death" I menacingly replied to which he could only lower his head and kneel down with watery eyes.

My pact allowed me to sense his emotions and there was only saddenes and regret radiating from Urok, not even the slightest killing intent could be sensed from him.

He was truly loyal to me above all even for his own sister he wouldn't go against my command.

"If any of you want this puny goblin to live then step forward and offer your life instead of her" I confronted the crowd.

After a few seconds of silence an elder looking goblin came forward

"Great Cho'gath please accept noknok's life amd spear young chika"


"Chika tried to speak but failed as she kept choking in my grasp maybe in a few more minutes she'll die.

" Accepted "

I dropped chika on the ground and urok immediately hugged her again. Then I lifted the old goblin with one hand and brought him to my mouth ready to bite his head off.

But I stoped at the last second and gently placed him on the ground, The elder was confused along with the rest of the onlookers.

"You goblins proved your worth to me and for that you've earned my aid" I declared to he crowd who were dumbfounded. Urok then shouted from behind with tears in his eyes " Praise the great master Cho'gath who offered us kindness, The orks will stand no chance " chika followed after her brother

"Praise great Cho'gath" she chanted, not only she regained her composure so quickly like nothing even happened but she also appeared more seductively adorable atleast to me.

No I must not simp!

But who'll judge me? *looks down*


Since there is no point of simping anymore I must maintain my mask as the glorified saviour until I fulfill my evolution's requirement.

After all the ruckus was over I instructed the goblins to construct a tent where I could reside surrounded by bushes (don't ask about the bushes)

According to the goblin's tradition, when an old chief dies or gets defeated the new one must devour its body during a ceremony. After the ceremony was completed and urok was officially declared cheiftan, I gathered the shamans and some veteran warrior of the goblin tribe including chika and urok in the chieftain's hut to aquire knowledge about the orks and discuss our strategy to deal with the orks.

The shamans and even the veterans felt uncomfortable in my presence due to my aura but somehow chika was unaffected and urok obviously immune to it.

I learned that urok provided me wrong estimate of his tribe and the orks as he was never good at counting, the goblin tribe numbers around 56 and the orks were presumably 35 according to a veteran. The shamans informed me that the orks moved to this region around 8 months back due to reasons unknown.

The goblins had 30 adults who could fight and the rest were children and elderly same could nor be said for the orks the veterans said all of them were adults with no children or elders possibly deserters from an ork warband.

The goblins lacked weapons and stats as most of them were around Urok's level when I first freed him.

We decided to call it a day and before retiring to my tent I ordered urok to arrange some woods as we needed to prepare some defences because only in a week's time the orks will arrive and now we had only 6 days left. After I reached my tent and was about to enter it chika approached me from behind without carrying her bow.

"Master thank u for sparing moi" she spoke her broken tongue which was adorable.

"I heard form lil bruthor how u saved him and made him stronk" she then kneeled down before me

"O great Cho'gath me know this selfish of me but plz accept me as your servant"

She basically asked to be in a pact with me and I wanted to say no but looking at her bright yellow eyes sparkling in moonlight with a pleading expression which enhanced her charms even more

How can a savage flesh eating monster like me be defeated by a puny goblin. Is she an enchantress?

[No charm spell can affect a wendigo as they are emotionless beasts who can only feel hunger]

Then why can't I refuse her?

[Because the host is not like the other lesser wendigos as he's more intelligent and didn't became mindless gaining the capability of expressing emotions]

[Additionally host's next evolution will leave it completely devoid of any emotions]. (It being used to refer to my lack of u should know by now)

So I will be true monster after I evolve losing the least remnant of my humanity. As i was about the answer chika another notification came up.

[Title earned "Simp"]
