
Reboot Miraculous Ladybug: The Flaming Hothead and Windy Elegant Lady

You know, going to bed and waking up in a parallel universe of Paris, was not one of the things I expected. I also didn't expect to find superheroes and help two Akumas find their missing siblings. But now that I am in this world, let's have some fun with these new superpowers. ___ (English is not my first language so expect some bad grammar.)

SilverShadow1 · Komik
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1 Chs

The Stormy Weather.

My eyes snapped open to see that I was in an alleyway. I blinked a few times in confusion because I had been on my bed just a few moments ago. I started to panic mildly as I looked around before slowly getting up from the hard ground. I tried to remember the last thing that happened to me, but I came up with nothing. Did I get blackout drunk or something, is that why I can't remember anything?

I shrugged at that since it was pretty normal for me to blackout since I can get kinda am used to drinking a lot. I looked around to see that I was in an alleyway and sighed, I probably got here by drinking too much, and I looked up to see that it was daytime, which meant I should probably get home.

Stepping out of the alleyway, I was immediately met with a breathtaking sight that nearly caused my jaw to plummet to the ground in astonishment. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and I rubbed my eyes a few times to make sure I was seeing it right.

It was the goddamn Eiffel Tower.

How in the world did I get to Paris from Stockholm, Sweden? Was I drugged and kidnapped and they just forgot me in the alleyway? I was kind of offended by that line of thought. How could they possibly forget me, I admit, I'm not the most handsome but I'm still probably worth something to someone.

"Fucking bastards." I muttered under my breath before I walked down the street and looked around, finding it rather odd considering how colorful the city seemed to be. I saw a bakery and I ran towards it since I wanted to see what they did to me.

I looked at myself in the mirror and my jaw dropped to the floor with a confused expression. I still had my brown skin, black thick curly hair, dark brown eyes, and the clothes I went out with to drink, which were just a black shirt and black pants.

But I looked younger, almost like I was thirteen once again rather than me being twenty. "What." I said out loud and I finally heard my voice was lighter than my old voice, and I wasn't 5'10 anymore, I was standing at 5'2 or 157.48 cm, also my tattoo was gone. I poked my face hard to try to feel if this was real.

But I accidentally poked my eye and I hissed in pain, quickly pulling my finger away while I rubbed my sore eye. I couldn't believe this was reality, I was somehow transported into a colorful Franch, and I had no idea what to do now considering the situation. I started to wonder if I got Isekai like one of those anime MCs, but that wouldn't be possible, considering I didn't get the system or any other cheat.

"Fuck my life." That was the only thing that came out of my mouth with a sigh.


"Who do you think you are, old man" Ignius shouted at Wang Fu, setting himself on fire with his Kwami power. Ignius is a Kwami who has a fiery appearance, with red and orange hues dominating his body and is around 4 inches in height, with a large head, big eyes, and almost like a dragon tail. He has sharp features and a fierce expression, reminiscent of a seasoned warrior.

He embodies the concept of courage and the warrior spirit and has the personality to match. Ignius is fierce, hot-headed, and thrill-seeking. Unlike other Kwamis who may prefer peaceful solutions, Ignius revels in combat and challenges. However, he can also be reckless and impulsive, often preferring to dive headfirst into battle rather than strategize.

As Ignius spat out his defiance, flames danced around him, reflecting the fiery determination in his eyes. Wang Fu, the wise guardian of the Chinese Miracle Box, remained stoic, unfazed by Ignius' fiery display.

"You may be a creature of fire, Ignius, but you lack the wisdom to see beyond your flames," Wang Fu spoke calmly, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge. "In the box lies safety, unity, and purpose. It is not a prison but a sanctuary."

But Ignius would have none of it. "I don't need your lectures, old man! I live for the thrill of battle, not the confinement of some box!" With a defiant roar, he unleashed a burst of flames that scorched the air around him. "I have lived for millions of years, you are nothing but an ant to my age"

Wang Fu sighed, his expression tinged with sadness. "You may have the heart of a warrior, Ignius, but until you learn the value of unity, you will always be consumed by your flames." The guardian of the Chinese Miracle Box tried to explain to the fiery Kwami with a calm and patient voice.

With that, Ignius turned away, flames still flickering around him, his resolve unyielding. He couldn't believe this man thought he knew what a warrior like him needed. He didn't need to be inside a piece of jewelry like his siblings, or inside a damn box, it almost felt like imprisonment.

"I don't care, I see what this is, this is imprisonment." He accused the Great Guardian of the Miraculouses Master Wang Fu of the flames moving around his small body. "You are trying to trap my fighting spirit, I refuse" The Kwami of courage stood firm, he wouldn't be trapped inside that box. "I want to fight"

Wang Fu met Ignius' fiery glare with a calm and unwavering gaze, his expression betraying no hint of anger or frustration. Instead, there was only patience and understanding.

"Ignius, you misunderstand," Wang Fu began, his voice steady and gentle. "The box is not a prison, but a place of safety and harmony. Inside, you will find companionship, purpose, and the opportunity to grow beyond the confines of your flames."

But Ignius remained defiant, his fiery aura pulsating with determination. "I will not be confined, not by you or anyone else! I am the embodiment of courage and the warrior spirit, and I will not cower inside that box like some trapped animal!" He shouted into the air and exploded the room with his flames, almost burning down the walls before he stopped.

Ignius suddenly used the fire to propel himself through the window, leaving a trail of fiery remnants behind him, Wang Fu and Ignius's siblings could only watch with a mixture of concern and resignation. They knew Ignius's fiery spirit would not be easily tamed, nor would his determination be easily swayed.

"He is a warrior at heart," Wang Fu murmured, his voice carrying a hint of sadness. "But perhaps one day, he will understand that true strength lies not only in battle but in the bonds we form with others."

Ignius's siblings exchanged worried glances, their thoughts filled with concern for their fiery brother. But deep down, they also knew that Ignius had to find his path, even if it meant straying from the safety of the Chinese Miracle Box.


"Damnit, I'm hungry." I said to myself while I was walking down the streets of Paris. I had checked my pockets and had only found my phone, some paper about a location, and nothing else.

I had nothing better to do and might as well follow the papers, which may or may not led me to my death. Or might need me to do something cool, there was a 50/50 chance of death or something good.

While I was walking down the street, I came across a park and I looked around it. I decided to take a few minutes to sit down and think over how I ended up this this rather colorful world. I had so many questions in my head, was I transmigrated to this world into a look-alike body, did I get isekai, or something else?

I groan in annoyance since none of this made sense in my head. Why did I get a second chance, why me, I'm nobody, I'm not smart, or anything special. I'm just your below-average human, I had nothing going for me in my world, but suddenly I got transported to another world.

"This doesn't make sense." I murmured to myself while I hung my head back over the bench backrest with a confused expression, as I looked up to the sky, and noticed how stupidly blue the sky was, and how stupidly bright everything was compared to my old world.

I didn't know what to make of this, everything was so weird and confusing considering I wasn't in my world anymore. Wait, how was I going to speak to people, I didn't know French, I never even met a French person in real life back in my world. It felt like god was playing a sick joke on me, and I didn't know why, which made me more confused about my situation.

I suddenly let out a huff because something landed on my lap while I was hanging my head back off the backrest of the bench. I looked down with a glare on my face, feeling annoyed because of what happened but what I saw was just a little girl.

The girl is short with tan skin, messy dark brown hair pulled back into two ponytails, golden-brown eyes, and two upper front bunk teeth. She wears a white t-shirt, purple denim overalls with a light purple flower pattern, and red dress shoes with black shoes.

"Manon, you can't jump on a stranger." I heard someone shout and I turned to see two girls who looked to be my age. The first girl is an attractive teenage girl with a slim and shapely body. She stands at an average height, and she has a fair skin tone followed by shoulder-length black hair with blue reflections that are always seen tied back in pigtails, light pink lips, bright bluebell eyes, and light freckles on both sides and the bridge of her nose.

She wears a very dark gray blazer with rolled-up sleeves; the inside of the blazer is lined in white with light fuchsia polka dots, and it has black trimming. Underneath, she wears a white t-shirt with black stitching and a flower design below the collar. The design itself has pink flowers and black leaves. She wears pink rolled-up loose jeans and light pink ballet flats with reddish brown soles. She also sports black earrings.

The second girl has a curvaceous body. She has heart-shaped lips, grayish-gold eyes, and a mole above her forehead. Her hair is wavy and reddish-brown ombre, growing slightly past her shoulders and having brilliant tangelo tips. She wears black horn-rimmed glasses, with a white spot on each side.

Her outfit consists of a white tank top underneath a short-sleeved plaid shirt with white, beige, orange, and purple stripes; light blue jeans, and white sneakers with black tops. She wears brilliant crimson lipstick.

These two girls were Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Alya Césaire, their two jobs were to babysit the little girl named Manon. However, what they didn't expect was to see her jump onto the lap of a strange boy their age.

I stared back at them, expecting them to do something about this child on my lap, which was both annoying and somehow adorable since I was a sucker for cute things despite being a guy. Who could blame me, the kid was cute, despite her annoying action of jumping on my lap.

Marinette's eyes widened as she watched Manon bounce onto the lap of the mysterious boy. Her hand instinctively flew to cover her mouth in surprise, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Uh, um, Manon, sweetie, come over here," she stammered, trying to hide her flustered state.

Alya's eyebrows shot up in disbelief as she observed the scene unfolding before her. She exchanged a glance with Marinette, sharing a silent moment of confusion. "Who's this guy?" she whispered to Marinette, her curiosity piqued.

Marinette's gaze flickered between the boy and Manon, her mind racing to find a plausible explanation. "I-I don't know," she whispered back to Alya, her voice tinged with concern. "But we have to get Manon away from him. We can't just leave her with a stranger."

"So, are you going to take her or not" I asked them bluntly and calmly with a raised eyebrow, expecting them to do something since this wasn't my kid to watch. I also didn't touch the little girl named Manon, in case they thought I was a weirdo or some pervert. So, I simply kept staring at them, waiting for them to do their thing.

Marinette's heart raced as she felt the pressure of the situation weighing down on her. She took a step forward, her eyes darting nervously between the boy and Manon. "Um, sorry about that," she began, her voice slightly shaky. "Manon, sweetie, come to Aunt Marinette, okay?"

Alya's mind raced with questions, but she kept her composure as she stepped closer to Marinette. "Yeah, Manon, let's go," she chimed in, offering a reassuring smile to the little girl.

Manon, however, seemed quite content on my lap for some weird reason, giggling as she played with the completely black shirt on me and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "But he's fun, Marinette!" she protested, pouting slightly.

"How am I fun, I'm not doing anything" I commented with a lazy expression on my face before I picked the Manon off my lap and placed her on the other side of the bench without hesitation. I handled her rather easily, considering I was the oldest out of six siblings back in my old world.

Marinette and Alya exchanged surprised glances at the boy's nonchalant response. Marinette's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as she tried to find the right words to respond. "Um, well, kids just... like you, I guess," she mumbled awkwardly, mentally kicking herself for the lack of a better explanation.

Meanwhile, Manon blinked in confusion as she found herself suddenly relocated to the other side of the bench. She pouted for a moment, missing the attention she had been receiving, but soon found herself distracted by a passing butterfly, giggling as she chased after it.

"She is a weird kid. I said out loud without much shame or care in my voice while I watched the girls named Alya and Marinette run after her, leaving me alone on the bench once again before I let out a sigh, as this felt weird, having talked to strangers that I didn't know.

However, almost like god had it out for me, I suddenly heard people screaming and I stood up on instinct after hearing the screams. My body went into fight or flight mode while I looked around and saw no danger before I looked up.

"Is that woman flying?" I shouted out loud to myself in shock after seeing a girl in the freaking air above me. I couldn't freaking believe what I was saying, how was this possible. This couldn't be real, I couldn't be seeing a girl in the air.

The girl had light brownish-gray skin, grayish mulberry-colored lipstick, and brilliant violet eyes. Her hair was two tones with a dark purple base and very pale blue bangs, while her large, pointed, low-angled pigtails were striped with dark purple and very pale blue spirals. On her face, she had jagged black face paint that surrounded her eyes and came down to her cheeks as lightning bolts.

She suddenly swung her purple parasol, creating a windstorm, blowing the people away with a strong gust of wind. She then surrounds the carousel in thick ice, covering it entirely. I looked at the carousel, wondering why she did that, and noticed that the little kid Manon and the teen Alya were trapped inside.

"Shit, she had powers." I shouted once again, did I somehow end up in a damn world where people have powers, or something else. I saw that people were running away, and I decided to take their actions into my own, running out of the park since I didn't want to die.

I made it to the gates of the park, but that is where the woman with the powers where, and I quickly went into hiding. Before my jaw dropped for the fifth time, I saw what could only be called a hero.

The hero has cat eyes with green sclerae, dark green irises, and slitted pupils. His hair becomes longer and untamed and it covers his normal ears. He wears a textured black skin-tight catsuit with metal details. He wears matching gloves that have claws on the fingertips and boots with a hidden wedge, silver toes, and paw-shaped treads.

He has a golden bell on his neck, connected to a zipper on the front of his costume, and a long belt that wraps around his waist and hangs out from the back like a tail. He wears black cat ears and a black mask to cover his face. When transformed, his ring turns black and gains a bright green paw print on its face. He keeps his staff attached to his lower back.

"What type of fuck up world did I end up in." I asked myself with a confused expression, as this was getting ridiculous, but I decided to watch in case I could learn something about this world.

"Hey, Ice Queen." The hero calls out to the woman with the weather powers, while the villains or villainess scoff at him for the nickname. "What's with all the terrorizing?" He asked her, standing above her on metal poles. "Why don't you pick on someone your temperature?"

"My name is not Ice Queen." The villainess told the cat hero, her voice having some annoyance in it because of the name. "It's Stormy Weather." She corrected him about the name and glared at him while he slid down the pull and swung around his long belt.

"Listen, I'm feline more generous than usual today." The car hero explained to her, making a pun that I could admit was horrible to listen to. "So cool down, and we'll call it quits. Kay?" He told her with a smirk on his face.

Annoyed, she sends a gust of wind at Cat Noir's way blowing him off the park's fence over several buildings and into four cars. I decided while she was distracted with Cat Noir to attack her, hoping to knock her out. I came behind her and the moment she turned around, I punched her face with all the strength I had.

However, it seemed she had superhuman durability, as my punch did not affect her, and she stared at me with a glare. I swallowed a large gulp of saliva after seeing my punch had no effect, before she sent another gust of wind, causing me to slam into a tree. I gasped in pain and fell off the tree, onto the ground while she walked away.

"That was a stupid idea." I commented to myself with a groan of pain while I slowly got up from the ground and sat up. I leaned back onto the tree and held my back before I looked down to see a small cut, nothing serious but it would sting for a while since I did hit a tree.

Unknowingly to me, the Kwami Ignius had watched me, seeing this average human having the balls to attack an Akuma villainess so much more powerful than himself, even taking an attack that would realistically break one of his bones.

Ignius observing the scene with intense interest, couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration mixed with exasperation towards the human who dared to challenge such overwhelming odds. "Haha! Now that's what I call guts!" Ignius exclaimed, his fiery voice crackling with excitement. "Attacking head-on, no strategy, just pure adrenaline! That's the spirit!"

He couldn't believe that he saw a weak human willing to punch an Akuma villain. For all his time in Paris, he has seen the French people run away whenever an Akuma shows up, almost like they were too scared to fight. But here, a kid who was just a teen, punched that woman in the face without hesitation, with no plan, just pure adrenaline and instinct.

This was no ordinary individual, this was someone who defied the odds and faced danger head-on without hesitation. Ignius knew at that moment that he had found a kindred spirit, someone who shared his love for battle and adventure.

"You will be my holder," Ignius declared to himself, his voice crackling with excitement and determination. With a swift motion, he propelled himself towards the human's wristband, the fiery energy enveloping it in a radiant glow. As Ignius merged with the wristband, a surge of power coursed through it, imbuing it with the essence of fire and bravery.

The wristband, crafted from durable metal adorned with fiery symbols and motifs, shimmered with newfound energy. Flames danced along its surface, intertwining with intricate designs reminiscent of a dragon's fierce grace. Embedded within were red and orange gemstones, their fiery hues evoking the raw power of the flame.

As the transformation was completed, Ignius felt a sense of exhilaration wash over him. He had found his match, his partner in battle and adventure.

"What the hell." I shouted in shock after seeing my black wristband suddenly change in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe what I saw before I saw a creature come out of the wristband, which was Ignius with a warrior-like smile on his face. "What the hell are you." I asked him in a state of shock.

"I am Ignius, the Kwami of Courage and Fire," he declared proudly, his voice resonating with power. "And you, my friend, are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime." He told me and expected me to go along with his decision without question.

My confusion only seemed to deepen at Ignius's words. Ignius couldn't help but feel a surge of amusement at my incredulity. After all, it wasn't every day that someone discovered they were chosen to be a Miraculous holder.

"Believe it or not, this is real," Ignius reassured the human, his fiery gaze unwavering. "You've been chosen, my friend, to wield the power of fire and courage. Together, we'll fight against the forces of darkness and protect this city from harm." He explained to me with fire moving around his tiny body.

"But if you want to fight that woman, you need my power." He told me with a bold tone and a grin on his face while he flew around me. He landed on my shoulder and smiled at me. "Say the transformation words." With a loud and warrior-like shout, he said "Inferno, your name! Unleash your inner fire"

I looked at him confused before I touched my wristband and sighed. I had nothing to lose and decided to try this. "Inferno, Cruel! Unleash your inner fire." I shouted into the air and held up my arm. The transformation outfit consists of a sleek, form-fitting bodysuit in vibrant shades of red and orange, reminiscent of flickering flames. The material is lightweight yet durable, allowing for ease of movement in battle. Across the chest and down the arms, intricate patterns resembling swirling flames are emblazoned, glowing faintly with an inner light.

A high collar rises around the neck, adorned with sharp, angular edges that give off an imposing aura. Along the sides of the bodysuit, there are sleek panels of black fabric, resembling the scales of a dragon, emphasizing Ignius' fierce appearance. The facemask resembled wildfire with bright and bold red.

"This is freaking amazing." I shouted into the air, as I looked myself over before fire came out of my hands, seems like I gained the power of pyrokinesis. I clenched my fists, and looked forwards with a grin, feeling the adrenaline and excitement.

"Let's go." I used my pyrokinesis to set fire underneath my feet, propelling me forward at lightning speed across the streets. I was ready for my payback against the Stomery Weather girl for the attack that she hit me with.

It was show time.


As Ladybug and Cat Noir found themselves locked in combat with Stormy Weather, the tension in the air was palpable. With precision, Ladybug scaled the side of the building, her movements fluid and determined. On the opposite side of the street, Cat Noir mirrored her actions with his characteristic grace.

They leaped off simultaneously, their weapons poised to strike. But just as they closed in on Stormy Weather, she unleashed a powerful gust of wind, sending cars hurtling through the air. Ladybug and Cat Noir somersaulted skillfully, narrowly avoiding the chaotic debris.

Suddenly, a bus hurtled toward them, its trajectory spelling danger. In a split-second reaction, Ladybug reached out to pull Cat Noir close, her instincts guiding her to protect her partner. But before she could act, a surge of flames erupted, engulfing the bus in a fiery inferno, turning the bus into ashes that blew away with the wind.

The two heroes turned in astonishment to behold another Miraculous holder, flames dancing ominously across his hand. Their surprise was evident, their gazes locking onto this unexpected ally amidst the chaos.

"That was a close call." The miraculous holder said with a smirk on his face while the fire around his hand went away in an instant and took a casual stance opposite to them. "You look like you needed some help, Kitty and Lady"." He said to them with a confident tone and almost arrogantly.

Ladybug exchanged a wary glance with Cat Noir, her brow furrowing slightly at the newcomer's cocky demeanor. She straightened her posture, her expression a mix of caution and determination.

"Thanks for the assist," Ladybug replied evenly, her voice carrying a hint of skepticism. "But we had the situation under control."

Cat Noir's eyes narrowed slightly, his cat-like reflexes attuned to the stranger's every move. "Yeah, we appreciate the backup, but who are you?" he questioned, his tone guarded.

The newcomer's smirk widened, his confidence unshaken by their skepticism. "I'm just your friendly neighborhood firestarter," he quipped, his voice dripping with self-assurance. "But you can call me Phoenix." He did a mock bow in front of them with a chuckle in his voice

Almost like mocking Cat Noir in front of his face, he blew a kiss at Ladybug, wanting to make some drama. "And it does help there is a pretty lady here." He said without a hint of shame in his voice, despite the situation they found themself in. "Hopefully, I can match her beauty with my flames" Both heroes could tell he was very dramatic since he was being so obvious about it.

Ladybug's cheeks flushed slightly at Phoenix's flirtatious remark, her irritation with his arrogance growing. She exchanged a glance with Cat Noir, who rolled his eyes in response, clearly unimpressed by the newcomer's theatrics.

"Save the flattery for another time," Ladybug retorted, her tone firm as she focused on the task at hand. "We've got a job to do."

Cat Noir's tail twitched with impatience, his annoyance with Phoenix's grandstanding evident. "Yeah, let's not get distracted by your fiery antics," he added, his voice laced with sarcasm. "We've got a villain to stop."

Phoenix chuckled, seemingly unfazed by their dismissal. "Well, aren't you two a pair of serious heroes," he remarked, his smirk unwavering. "But don't worry, I'll make sure to light up the place and make this battle unforgettable." With that, he suddenly shot into the air, using his fire to help him fly in the air.

Ladybug and Cat Noir shared a knowing look, silently agreeing to keep a close eye on Phoenix during the fight.


Okay, I admit my made-up persona might not be everyone's favorite, but I was currently enjoying my new powers and outfit. I also enjoyed using my new dramatic side to annoy the other two heroes since it was pretty fun. Who was I kidding, I was freaking filled with excitement right now, I had superpowers.

I mean, it wasn't every day that you get teleported to another world, become younger, get powers to fight against a villain. And I was making the most of it, even if that meant being an arrogant bastard with my dramatic persona.

"Hell yeah." I shouted into the air, while I was flying through the air in front of the heroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir, using my fire powers to propel me forwards, just with enough speed to stay ahead of them. I ignited more flames, blasting me through the air while I spun around like I was breakdancing in the air because of the speed.

Ladybug's brow furrowed as she watched Phoenix's flamboyant display, her lips pursed in mild annoyance. She couldn't deny the effectiveness of his fire-powered acrobatics, but his arrogant demeanor grated on her nerves.

Cat Noir's eyes widened in surprise at Phoenix's exuberant antics, a mixture of amusement and exasperation playing across his features. He couldn't help but admire the newcomer's skill and enthusiasm, but he found himself rolling his eyes at Phoenix's over-the-top dramatics.

"Is he for real?" Ladybug muttered under her breath, her tone skeptical as she watched Phoenix twirl through the air with reckless abandon.

Cat Noir stifled a chuckle, shaking his head in amusement. "Looks like we've got ourselves a show-off," he remarked, his voice tinged with amusement as he followed Phoenix's fiery trail through the sky.

Once we were close to the KIDZ+ studio, I descended to the ground with flames engulfing my landing, I left a scorching mark in the shape of my feet, a dramatic display of my fiery presence.

Cat Noir's eyebrows shot up in surprise at my dramatic entrance, a mix of awe and amusement evident in his expression. He couldn't help but admire the flair with which I made my grand entrance, even if it bordered on the theatrical.

Ladybug watched with a mixture of skepticism and fascination as I left my fiery mark on the ground, her lips quirking in a faint smile despite herself. While my flamboyant attitude grated on her nerves, she couldn't deny the undeniable impact of my dramatic entrance. Or does she just find it annoying, I honestly didn't know.

"Show-off," Cat Noir muttered under his breath with a smirk, his tone teasing as he exchanged a knowing glance with Ladybug.

Ladybug rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a small smirk of her own. "Let's just hope he's as effective in battle as he is at making an entrance," she replied dryly, her skepticism still lingering but tempered by a hint of reluctant admiration.

We together rushed into the building and the first thing that Cat Noir noticed was a picture of Aurore before she got akumatized into a villainess. He pointed to the Picture before he started to talk to us."Hey. That girl reminds me of someone." He said to us before we looked up at the giant TV.

"It's her." Ladybug stated as she realized how that girl was. "The Akuma must be in her parasol." Ladybug said, and I and Cat Noir agreed with her, that her Akuma was in her parasol. Then the three of us move along, running to the recording area, and busting open the doors on the way. They find it empty and learn that the weather forecast was prerecorded.

"Oh my god, we've been tricked, we've been backstabbed," I exclaimed dramatically, my tone laced with mock disbelief. "And we've been quite possibly, bamboozled!" I punctuated my words with an exaggerated gasp and a theatrical slap to my cheeks.

Of course, both Cat Noir and Ladybug groan in annoyance about my dramatic action.

"Oh, come on, not the dramatics again," Cat Noir groaned, rolling his eyes as he watched my exaggerated reaction to our predicament. Ladybug let out an exasperated sigh, her patience wearing thin with my theatrics.

As Stormy Weather made her surprise appearance and unleashed chaos upon the room, Cat Noir and Ladybug sprang into action, dodging the falling lights with practiced agility. Meanwhile, I summoned flames to incinerate the lights hurtling toward me, ensuring they turned to ashes before they could pose a threat.

As Stormy Weather plunged the room into darkness with her attack, however, with my fire powers, I light up the room rather quickly. However, I wasn't about to let her running away without some payback for hitting me with the gust of wind.

"Hey, come back." I shouted out loud and blasted fire underneath my feet, propelling me forward at blinding speed toward her, leaving Ladybug and Cat Noir behind me. I blast through the building and up two flights of stairs to keep up with her.

As I burst through the door to the rooftop with flames engulfing my body and a mad grin on my face, Stormy Weather's expression shifted from amusement to annoyance. She hadn't anticipated the arrival of another Miraculous holder, especially one as flamboyant and confident as me.

Her eyes narrowed with determination as she summoned a powerful bolt of lightning, aiming it directly at me. But her attack was met with unexpected resistance as I swiftly erected a shield of fire, blocking the lightning with my construction of flames. The force of the impact caused me to slide back a few feet, but I otherwise maintained my ground, and a smug expression on my face, which infuriated Stormy Weather further.

With a frustrated growl, Stormy Weather unleashed another barrage of lightning, this time with even greater intensity. As a counter, I unleashed a barrage of fire out of my hands, toward her lightning with the same intensity.

The air crackled with energy as the two of us clashed, our powers colliding in a dazzling display of light and heat. Each maneuver was met with a swift counter, as Stormy Weather and I engaged in a fierce battle of elemental forces, neither willing to back down until one emerged victorious.

As Cat Noir and Ladybug ascended to the rooftop, their eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before them. The air crackled with energy as I and Stormy Weather clashed, our powers colliding in a dazzling display of elemental powers.

Cat Noir's jaw dropped slightly as he took in the intensity of the battle unfolding before him. His eyes flickered between my fiery display and Stormy Weather's tempestuous onslaught, marveling at the sheer power being unleashed.

Ladybug's expression hardened as she assessed the situation, her focus sharpening as she prepared to join the fray. Her eyes narrowed with determination as she observed my and Stormy Weather's elemental duel, her mind racing to formulate a plan of action.

Meanwhile, Stormy Weather's lips curled into a wicked grin as she relished the challenge presented by my fire powers. The thrill of battle coursed through her veins as she unleashed another barrage of lightning, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"Phoenix, how long can you hold her for." Ladybug asked me as a plan came into her mind, and I simply grinned at her, before I blasted off into the air, soaring above the battlefield to take our battle to new heights.

Meanwhile, Ladybug wasted no time in putting her plan into action. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned her Lucky Charm, and a bath towel materialized in her hands. Wrapping it around her arm, she assessed her surroundings, her mind working quickly to formulate the next step.

Spotting several pipes and a billboard nearby, Ladybug directed Cat Noir to destroy the billboard, setting the stage for her next move. Cat Noir prepares himself by using Cataclysm as he runs his hand along the billboard.

Meanwhile, I moved swiftly around Stormy Weather, utilizing the flames beneath my feet to propel myself through the air with lightning speed. With a swift axe kick aimed at her face, I sought to gain the upper hand in our aerial duel. But Stormy Weather proved to be a formidable opponent, dodging my attack with agility.

Undeterred, I adjusted my trajectory mid-air, using my fiery powers to change direction and keep pace with her elusive movements. As I continued to engage Stormy Weather in our aerial dance of combat, the fluid movements of Capoeira flowed through me, guiding my attacks as I swung my legs with precision and agility. The fiery energy propelling me through the air made it effortless to utilize my legs in this manner, allowing me to maintain my momentum while striking at my opponent.

Amid our intense battle, Cat Noir's Cataclysm tore through the billboard, sending it hurtling toward Stormy Weather. But with a swift blast of lightning, she blasted a hole through the falling debris, narrowly avoiding the danger.

Ladybug seized the opportunity, swiftly wrapping her yo-yo around Stormy Weather's ankle before darting off with incredible speed. Maneuvering effortlessly through the obstacles in her path, she executed a daring aerial maneuver, using the bath towel to soar into the air and pull Stormy Weather down with her.

It was in that crucial moment of distraction that I saw my opening. With my flames burning at maximum intensity, I accelerated toward Stormy Weather with blinding speed. In an instant, I appeared behind her, seizing her parasol with one hand before igniting my other hand with a brilliant blaze.

The flames engulfed the parasol, reducing it to nothing but black smoke and ashes, leaving Stormy Weather defenseless against our combined onslaught. I then blasted fire to catch Stormy Weather before she fell to the ground and hurt herself.

I landed back on the ground and placed Stormy Weather onto the ground gently while Ladybug opened her Yo-yo, captured the Akuma, and purified it. She throws the towel into the air, repairing all the damage that Stormy Weather had created and cleansing the city.

"See you, around Kitty." I kept calling Cat Noir Kitty and turned to Ladybug before I decided to be dramatic. "Farewell, Lady." I gave her a mock bow in front of her, going low before I blast away with my fire, flying through the air.

Both of them rolled their eyes at me after seeing my dramatic actions. They watched me disappear into the distance. Ladybug exchanged a knowing glance with Cat Noir, their eyes reflecting a shared amusement at their quirky ally's antics. As they watched Phoenix disappear into the sky.

Such a weird guy.

"So, this is the location." I asked myself with a calm expression and looked down at the papers since it was getting pretty late at night. I was standing in front of a bakery, as this was the location where the papers that I had given me.

There was nothing special about the bakery just an average bakery, and I could smell all the goodish that was currently in the bakery. But I didn't know what I was meant to do since the papers only gave me a location, and nothing else. Then Ignius flew in front of my face.

Ignius's fiery form flickered into view, his red and orange hues standing out against the dimly lit night. With a fierce expression, he hovered before you, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Finally! Time to spice things up a bit!" Ignius exclaimed, his voice crackling with excitement. "Forget the papers, forget the details. We're here for action!"

He darted around, his dragon-like tail swishing behind him as he surveyed the scene. "This bakery may look ordinary, but who knows what secrets it holds? Let's find out!" Ignius urged, his impulsive nature evident in his eagerness to jump into the unknown.

I sighed and walked into the bakery.


I know this isn't a new chapter. But I didn't like how the story went and decided to change it. Chloe and Cruel Hart will still become partners/duo but later in the story. But I didn't like how I wrote them, I felt like they became friends too quickly and started having feelings for each other too quickly. I also felt like Cruel was too one-dimensional with his personality. So I'm rewriting the story, and scrapping the old story. I'm creating a whole new story.