
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

CHAPTER 53(Yamato's Plan)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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"This is so nice, can't believe I've never been to one of these before," Jin says as he sinks lower into the hot springs, Yamato and Naruto as his sides.

"Hmm, pervy sage and I do this a lot, he uses it for...research."

"None of that under my watch Naruto," Yamato orders.

"Having some time to relax is pretty fun, well I guess this entire mission is a vacation for me huh..." Jin muses.

"What?" Yamato asks, clearly confused.

"My orders don't need me to ack unless something is about to happen to Naruto, that probably won't happen since we're just meeting a middle man first, I'm just here for insurance," Jin shrugs.

"You shouldn't be so lax, and do you really need to have that in here?" Yamato points at his visor.

"It comfortable, does it bother you?"

"It's kinda creepy..."

"Says the man that's normally in an Anbu mask," Jin gives him a knowing smirk.

Yamato whips around to looks at Jin harshly.


"I'm Konoha's best sensor remember, think I wouldn't notice you," he shrugs and sinks a bit further into the water.

"Jin's always been a bit weird, but he's fun at least. And strong too!" Naruto adds in.

"Yeah, that tends to be a trend with geniuses..." Yamato mutters.

'You won't have to worry about that much longer Mr wood style. With you out of the way, Naruto gets no rasenshuriken and that's one less obstacle in my future' Jin muses as he allows a small smile to take hold of his face.

Later that night, their small team gathered in the woods closer to Tenchi Bridge.

"Alright, this is where we'll be camping tonight, Wood Style Four Pillar House."

Clasping both his hands together, a two-story wooden house rises out of the ground.

"Holy shit!" Jin exclaims, this draws the attention of Sakura and Naruto immediately, he's never been impressed before to their knowledge.

"Thanks!" Yamato gives him a warm smile.

"No, thank you..."

"Uh, what?" Yamato is a bit confused at this.

"I can copy jutsu if I feel the chakra circulate enough, that means if I practice enough, I can have that too," he points at the house.

"Uh..." Yamato gapes at his announcement ," that's not how this works, mokuton is a bloodline limit, you can't just learn it like that. The chakra it needs is unique."

"I know, but that's the thing, all chakra come from Nature right," he gives Yamato a devious grin while taking off his visor.

"That!" he's shocked to see the orange around Jin's eyes, only a few people know what this means exactly.

"Uh, are we missing something here," Sakura asks as she and Naruto just look at the two jounin in confusion.

"Nah, gimme!" Jin says as he reaches out and grabs Yamato's arm, with his grip like a vice he drains some of the man's chakra before a kunai is swung at him causing him to leap backward.

"What did you do!"

"Simmer down, just wanted to try something," he casually says while copying Yamato's earlier movements.

He can feel his chakra moving, not his regular chakra, but the senjutsu. It's the only chakra reacting to his commands.

As he separates his hands, a small leaf is growing out of his palm.

"WOW!" Naruto is the first to reach out and touch the leaf.

"That's not supposed to happen, if I kept going I'd of transformed into a tree, shit..." Jin mutters.

"Told you, but still that's amazing, you managed to do that much with just a few seconds, the potential is there," Yamato rubs his chin as he looks at the leaf.

"Nah, if I keep going this'll kill me, I don't have enough senjutsu to support it, a leaf took all," Jin shrugs as he plucks the leaf and walks toward the house.

"He really is something else, no wonder they trust him to protect you Naruto."

"Huh, what?" Naruto misses the main takeaway from the discovery.

"I'll explain later, lets go inside," Sakura says as she walks toward the house.

Later that night the team gathered inside the house on the floor. Jin was currently snacking on some potato chips while Yamato was explaining the plan.

"We need to capture the enemy, not kill. That makes this much more difficult. I'll have Sakura tell me everything she can about Sasori so I can use a special jutsu I have to get in close, if that fails it will turn into a combat encounter, I need to know everything I can about all of you before that."

"I don't think I'll be of much use in that," Jin blurts out.

"Care to elaborate, even if it's not your primary objective, I expect you to work with us." Yamato's voice was commanding, it sent a shiver down Naruto and Sakura's spine.

"Orochimaru knows some of what I'm capable of, his spies will know too. Any good spy will give up on escaping the moment I show up and just kill himself," he shrugs.

"Hmm, that makes sense, I suppose I'll have you and the others stay back, should we engage, unless things get dire don't show yourself, understood?"

"Got it, what else?"

"Next we'll just have to plan our formation. I'll be in the front as the decoy while you three stay back, if a fight breaks out I want Naruto and I to take point while Sakura acts as support. We can't have our only medic injured in the fight, if Jin has to intervene we've already lost, tomorrow we'll try some simulations to get a bitter grasp of how well we work together."

"That's a really good plan, nice job captain Yamato," Sakura can't help but compliment him.

"Yeah, and it gives me a chance to show Jin how much stronger I am now, we'll capture him no problem!"

"Uh-huh, if you can capture me then some lackey spy will be light work, if we're done here I'd like to get some sleep," Jin looks to Yamato for confirmation.

"Yeah you two can go sleep while Sakura and I discuss my disguise," Yamato gives Sakura a nod as he prepares to take notes.

---The following day, sunrise...

"Oh noo an ambush, what ever shall I do," Jin's sarcastic words call out in the opening beside their camp.

Within a few moments, Naruto appears before him, running as fast as he can while brandishing a kunai.

He swings at Jin, only to be casually brushed aside, every blow simply diverted with light taps by the redhead.

"Move faster Naruto." Jin teases as he punches the blonde in the gut, sending him tumbling across the floor.

"Naruto!" Sakura cries out as she charges forward aiming to land a punch.

Jin can see the chakra tightly packed on her fist, the same thing he uses with his chakra control for superhuman taijutsu and athletics.

"CHA!" her battle cry is ignored as he reaches up and catches his fist in his palm.

Absorbing the offending chakra immediately causes her immense power to become that of a regular 16-year-old girl, useless against him.

With a deft motion, he reaches up and grabs her throat with his remaining hand, locking it around her like a vice just as he did with Kurenai's leg.

Steeling herself she swings a kick directly at his face, only for him to react and ragdoll her across the clearing into Naruto.

'Seems like I like beating people with people, weird...' he muses while dropping into a low crouch.

A tendril of wood narrowly misses his mead as he rolls to the side and turns to Yamato.

Wasting no time Yamato rushes forward with a kunai in hand.

For the first time, Jin finds someone who he can say is competent in taijutsu, compared to himself that is. Admittedly his fighting style is a bit crude and straightforward to anyone with a trained eye. But compared to most he's simply too much with all his chakra enhancement moves.

They trade blows as Jin focuses on keeping Yamato between himself and the other opponents to avoid projectiles.

'Damn it, can't feel my arms,' Yamato thinks as he leaps to the side.

Naruto appears from behind him with a Rasengan in hand already prepared.

"Rasengan!" he cries out while driving it directly toward Jin.

"Cute," Jin jokes as he reaches up, cupping his hand between the Rasengan and Naruto's palm he spins on his heel and kicks Naruto in the side.

The blonde rolls across the clearing before coming to a stop holding his side. As he looks up he sees Jin holding his Rasengan, the sphere changed from a light blue to intense ocean blue in his friend's hand.

"You need to concentrate your chakra more Naruto," he jokes while raising it to his right.

As tendrils of wood rush toward him from that side the Rasengan expands into a Big Ball Rasengan, the size of a small boulder allowing the wood prison jutsu to be destroyed as it slams against it.

"Nice try captain but your jutsu is really slow," Jin shrugs.

With a slight frown, Yamato rises to his feet, "Thankfully you aren't the person we need to capture, your chakra control is something else," Yamato points out.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. We done?"

"Yeah, I've got a good grasp on how everyone fights, and I can't feel my arms," he releases a deep sigh.

"Nice, breakfast time..." Naruto cheers.

As they sit at the house eating their small meals, Sakura sits moves to sit beside Jin.

"How did you get so strong?" She starts a small conversation.

"Started earlier than all our friends, never stopped. Lots of training," he shrugs as they continue eating.

"When all of us were playing Jin was training, every day, if I knew how important it would be, I would've joined him when he asked me to," Naruto frowns as he airs his regrets.

"Well we aren't all workaholics, that's fine Naruto," Jin reassures him.

"Jin of the five elements, might I speak honestly for a moment?" Yamato asks, receiving a nod from Jin. "When I read about you, I assumed it was fake, I wasn't in the village when the last attack happened so I assumed the report was exaggerated. 'Perfect' chakra control, all the base nature types. A massive summoning snake. Flawless combat prowess, seemed like a bit much even for a genius. And I was assigned by lord third to investigate Kuni, which helped to convince me."

"Heh, some of my best work," Jin shrugs.

"If that's what you call a shinobi genocide, the only reason lord third didn't have you executed for that was because he saw your loyalty, and Lord Jiraiya also pleaded your case a while after. But you're not what I expected."

"Did you expect someone super serious and strict, because I am when it's go time. I'm only like this around my friends," Jin gives him a small smile.

"Hmm, well let's hope I never have to see you get serious then..."