
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

CHAPTER 22(Forest of Death Pt.2-Just a taste)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Leaping through the trees of the Forest of Death team Kurenai can be seen moving at a casual pace toward their destination. Wiping the blood of their last opponents, or more accurately, their last victims off his kunai Jin leads at the front of their simple formation.

"Hinata what do you see?"

"Naruto and Sasuke are still unconscious, team Asuma just stepped in to defend them,"

"Alright when we get there set up a perimeter and try to treat them, Shino will protect you. Leave the sound nin to me."

Jin immediately quickened his pace toward his fellow leaf genin. 'I hope I don't miss my chance because of that last team, damn it'.

---Meanwhile at the current battle of the Konoha Genin Teams...

Looking at the backs of her friends. A completely exhausted and sleep-deprived Sakura is extremely grateful for all the people that came to help her. Holding her kunai to defend against any surprise attack she stands guard over her unconscious teammates.

Looking over her shoulder for a moment, a small smile appears on Ino's face as she turns back to her opponents while addressing her friend.

"Hey Sakura, we don't have to be rivals in love anymore, so if we somehow survive this. Let's go back to being friends ok." She says while drawing her kunai.

"Mmm, yeah. I miss having my best friend." The pink-haired girl responded to her friend.

Breaking up the touching moment, Zaku decides to bait his opponents. Understanding the lethality of the cannons built into his arms and deciding to bring a target toward him he uses the simplest choice, Choji.

"Whatever just get out of our way, especially you FATTY!" he taunts his new opponents. Surprising even him however is how strong the reaction of this simple taunt truly is.

"FATTY? NOBODY CALLS ME FATTY?!" Choji yells out as he leaps toward Zaku.

As Choji is about to make a hand seal for activation of his clan jutsu, before he can act Zaku already fires two shots of air directly at him, being in mid-air he has no way to dodge and simply raises his hands to take the hit. Everyone looks on in horror as the terrifyingly powerful attack closes in, when suddenly. Choji disappears.

"Didn't I tell you not to fall for bait so easily Choji," A familiar voice says from behind Sasuke.

Turning around the leaf genin see Jin holding Choji over his shoulder as he stands above Sasuke. Quickly dropping Choji he casually walks up to Ino to greet her.

"Hey, can't have you dying before our date you know. Hinata and Shino are almost here so just focus on helping sakura, for now, I'll deal with these guys" he says as he steps in front of the sound ninja team. "So, who wants to die first?" he questions as he flashes a savage grin.

Immediately realizing what's about to happen, the bandage covered Dosu brings out his team's scroll and begins bartering. "Jin Satsujin, in exchange for our scroll we'll leave you alone. I don't believe this kind of fight is worth your time, or worth my team's lives for." Dosu says as he slowly places the scroll on the ground.

Watching from the trees above, Neji and Tenten are laser-focused on the newcomer, their sensei told them about Jin partly because of Kurenai always bragging, but mostly because he showed them the bingo book entry. even Neji was curious about what he could do.

"Mmm," Jin hums lightly as he draws a kunai from his pouch and brandishes it, "No. You three have to die, nothing personal just business and all that, I'm sure you understand."

As his words reach them Zaku immediately raises his hands to fire a shot of air. Before his hands can even be fully raised a kunai flies into his face, faster than he can react, and amplified by wind chakra it exits the back of his head before anyone realizes what just happened.

'Man I love using almighty push like a railgun' Jin thinks to himself. "I'd like at least one of you for interrogation if you don't mind" He manages to say a second before Zaku's corpse hits the ground. "Well, who wants to play prisoner?"

As Dosu and Kin, the female sound ninja, look at each other for a moment they both immediately disappear from their positions.

Raising his left hand instinctively Jin makes to block a strike from Dosu's arm, realizing his mistake he quickly leaps to the side and completely avoids the sound amplified attack before kicking Dosu in the left shin, completely snapping it. Holding him by the shattered bone he then slams him hard into the ground. Cracking the forest floor and knocking him out in the process.

As Dosu's consciousness fades away Jin feels something hit the back of his neck, reaching around and looking at the floor behind him he sees some senbon needles.

"Senbon, really. Good thing you're cute cuz you sure are dumb." He says before disappearing from the spot, moments later he reappears on a branch above the ground with up to his elbow through the chest of Kin, completely destroying her insides. 'Ok asura is definitely overkilling on weaklings, ' He thinks to himself as he removes his hand and drops down to Dosu.

Looking at his friends now joined by Hinata who is kneeling near Naruto and applying ointment to his cuts and Shino looking around the area, he notices that Ino is staring at his arm. "What?" He asks before looking down, his right arm up to the bicep is stained with blood and bits of flesh. His baggy overcoat is soaked through, the different shades of red contrasting very obviously.

Taking a deep breath he exhales and 'Water shockwave' a small stream of water exits his mouth and washes away the blood and bits from his clothes with his pressure water.

As Jin cleans himself, in the trees a certain Hyuga was observing with his Byakugan active, "His chakra control is quite literally perfect, Tenten we need to get lee and get out of here, somethings happening with Sasuke."

Suddenly, before everyones' eyes, Sasuke was on his feet, his left side covered in what would appear to be a massive tattoo of small wisps of flames.

"Nice to see you finally get up after everyone has to save your ass!" Jin intentionally taunts.

"I, I feel...?" Sasuke says in a low voice before being interrupted.

"SASUKE! ARE YOU OK?" Sakura immediately says as she slowly tries to get to her feet.

"I feel, strong. Much stronger. Strong enough to be the avenger for my clan. No matter what I must get more of this power. I must become the avenger."

"Huh, avenger and you can't even beat me still. Chill out a bit Sasuke," Jin teases Sasuke.

In response to his words, Sasuke turns to look fully at Jin as he raises a kunai at his rival.

"What you finally lost it or something, I guess the last crazy Uchiha wasn't ITACHI huh"

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Sasuke screams as he disappears from everyones' sight and attempts to kick Jin's head.

Simply raising his hand Jin blocks the full force of the kick without even looking. Grabbing the same foot and spinning on his heel he slams Sasuke into the ground, a small crater is formed as he absorbs Sasuke's chakra using the Preta path. A small tingling sensation flows through him for just a moment as he feels the senjutsu, but it quickly fades as his rinnegan completely assimilates the chakra.

'Damn, either I need more or I need an original source' He thinks to himself as he walks away from the now unconscious Sasuke and toward Sakura as she is left shocked by what she just saw.

'He, he took him down in one hit,' All the genin thought.

"Take Sasuke to Kakashi, give him this," Taking a moment Jin quickly writes some instructions on a scroll and hands it to Sakura. "This is only for Kakashi or Lord Hokage, also take any of these that you need, that goes for you too Neji!" He says while looking at Neji and Tenten in the trees.

Opening his overcoat a stack of 10 scrolls falls to the floor in front of everyone, completely shocking everyone. Walking over to Dosu Jin quickly slits his throat before speaking to his teammates.

"Hinata, how long do you need here, it's time we get to the tower."

"Uh, one more minute and we can go," she says to Jin, clear worry in her voice as she looks over Naruto.

"Fine just, I'll carry those two let's all get to the tower, there are definitely teams waiting to ambush us there and if Sakura goes with those two they are gonna die. Let's move."

"Why did you fight so many teams, at least now we know why we couldn't find any weaker teams to pick off," Shikamaru says as he walks by and takes a heaven scroll.

"Dealing with some rotten apples, that's all. Lets get going to the tower. Ino are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I was totally about to kick their asses," She says, her words completely betrayed by her shaking lets.


As Jin hauled Naruto and Sasuke over each shoulder he left Lee and the scrolls for Neji and Tenten as teams 7,8 and 10 moved together toward the tower.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Had to change some stuff for him to have a good entrance honestly.

---This chapter was pretty straight forward,

---The senjutsu didn't last long because apparently curse marks are weird.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts