
Chapter 13 Tense Preparation (Please Collect! Please Recommend!) _1


Tang Qing and Li Jianguo signed the contract at his home.

He also took the opportunity to collect money.

The moment the contract was signed, Tang Qing checked his personal information:

Host Name: Tang Qing

Level:Level 1


This Month's Loan Quota:50/50000

This Month's Personal Quota:30/10000

Withdrawable Assets: 80000


Physical Fitness:49+15

Origin Qi Value:15

Next month.

After Zhang Dongqing and Li Jianguo repaid the money.

He could gain fifty experience points. If he finished the report tonight and gained another five points for completing 'Task One', he would have eighty experience points. He only needed twenty more points to level up.

However, he was unsure about the task for next month.

After all, the system only updated the tasks after the monthly assessment on the first day of each month.

Half an hour later.

After signing the contract and verifying the fund accuracy.

Tang Qing and his group returned to the store. At the time, Yang Chengjun was chatting leisurely with a wealthy middle-aged woman wearing an unusual, multi-layered necklace.

After exchanging a few brief courtesies.

They got down to business.

With the verification of funds, the contract was signed within half an hour.

After saying something about treating them to a meal next time, Yang Chengjun left quickly with 800,000 in cash.

He needed to obtain a letter of forgiveness from the victim's family soon. According to the law for traffic accidents resulting in death, as long as he didn't flee the scene, he would get no more than three years. If he got the family's forgiveness, his punishment could be reduced.

The crucial point was that his son fled the scene after hitting the person.

He was furious at his incompetent son. For fleeing the scene, the penalty was usually over three years of imprisonment. Thankfully, it wasn't because of fleeing that caused the death, otherwise, the sentence would be over seven years.

After the landlord signed the contract.

He complimented Tang Qing a few times before leaving.

Tang Qing heard that he went to play cards since he had been losing money due to bad luck recently.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let Yang Chengjun pay two years' rent upfront.

Considering that Yang Chengjun had a good impression of the store, had some money, and the fact that the landlord had made significant concessions on the contract term and rent increases, he agreed to the contract.

Having finally gotten the store

Tang Qing and Li Jianguo sighed in relief.

Immediately after.

Tang Qing and Li Jianguo discussed the shareholding issue.

Although the store was decorated, it had no kitchen utensils, tableware, or commodities, and the kitchen needed some adjustments as it was previously a hot pot restaurant, which was quite different from a stir-fry restaurant.

Then, they also had to deal with employee recruitment, accommodation, clothing, training, etc.

In the end.

The two agreed that Tang Qing would invest an additional 70,000 RMB, and Li Jianguo would invest 30,000 RMB, totaling 100,000 RMB to serve as the preparatory and operating funds for the store.

In total, Tang Qing invested 370,000 RMB, and Li Jianguo invested 530,000 RMB, making a total of 900,000 RMB. Li Jianguo's skills were not included in the shares but were taken as his wages instead.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to determine the value.

In other words.

Li Jianguo had both wages and dividend shares.

Hence, the share structure of the restaurant was:

Tang Qing: Thirty percent.

Li Jianguo: Seventy percent.

Even though by money invested, Tang Qing should have over forty percent shares, considering that Li Jianguo was also managing the store, management accounted for ten percent of the shares. In the end, they rounded the numbers to a seventy-thirty split.

Li Jianguo also voluntarily suggested that Tang Qing should find someone trustworthy to handle the finances.

It wasn't for a full-time finance position, but for a cashier. Li Jianguo wasn't foolish. Naturally, it would be best to suggest this himself, as not all matters are dealt with in a win-win fashion.

The initial trust between them was based on the fact that Li's son and Tang were classmates.

But that was a personal relationship.

In business.

The basis of their trust became financial transparency.

If Tang Qing would really not arrange anyone to come over, that would make him uneasy.

Tang Qing also knew they indeed needed a basis of trust in business, so he agreed to find a cashier, and Li Jianguo would find another staff member. They could then supervise each other and take turns.

Next, they had to recruit employees.

With time pressing, Li Jianguo bought some large red paper and ink and wrote the hiring requirements and benefits, then posted it on the large glass window of the store, indicating interviews would be held tomorrow morning.

Across the street, there was a large residential district.

With such a large population.

Finding workers wouldn't be difficult.

They had a lot to do today.

After posting the recruitment information, the impatient Li Jianguo...Tang Qing was quickly led to order tables, chairs, pots and pans, and some kitchen utensils. Li Kai stayed at the shop to guard it and answer questions from potential applicants who came after seeing the recruitment information.

Li Jianguo planned to order all the necessary items today, and in the next few days he would negotiate with several suppliers of various goods, and also make arrangements for the signs.


Wanting to open in two weeks,

Would be purely wishful thinking.

Li Jianguo planned to apply for a license right after the National Day holiday when the industrial and commercial bureau resumed work. By spending a bit of money, he hoped to get it done within a week.

As a local resident of Qingyan City, although he didn't have many friends to borrow money from, he did have a few friends who could help him. Even if they were just friends with benefits, they remained friends.

Having friends who can be influenced by personal gain is not shameful.

Instead, if you don't even have such friends, you should think about it.

Li Jianguo is planning to contact his former apprentices. After all, they were his trustworthy trainees and they were easy to work with. There's also the hiring of some kitchen staff.

It's not like waitstaff that could just do errands.

There are certain requirements for various crafts, so there are a lot of things involved.

As for Tang Qing?

He made one phone call and asked the real estate agent in the neighborhood to find a dormitory for him.

In the end, they rented a place right upstairs.

There were two units, not in the same building. They separated men and women to avoid problems, and as for the contract, Li Jianguo was going to sign it tomorrow.

Now, all the money is with Li Jianguo, he is the manager of all the money, Tang Qing doesn't want to get involved in this part.

Of course, he's not completely uninvolved.

Li Jianguo had previously told him to find someone he trusts to handle the cashier.

Having seen many small business owners in his past life, Tang Qing understood the nuances in the food and beverage industry. If procurement wasn't managed well, the business won't make money, it would all go to procurement.

Especially as Li Jianguo is a chef.

Tang Qing couldn't stop him if he wanted to play some tricks.

Of course.

Even if Li Jianguo did play some tricks,

Tang Qing was not interested in quibbling as long as the overall direction was right. For example, for a business that could earn one billion, spending 100 to 200 million on PR was acceptable.

In the future, he wanted to do big business. This time it was just to find a person to loan money and to find a small business for his own money. It was a half-hearted effort, he didn't plan to make a lot of money with this.

He thought it was quite good.

Having money without being bothered by anything. He also trusted Li Jianguo's character. After all, a five-star rating from the system didn't come cheaply. This was also checked by Tang Qing just before signing the loan agreement.

Name: Li Jianguo

Age: 38

Profession: Individual

Customer Historical Comprehensive Credit Rating: Five-star Level(92).

As Tang Qing thought before, the contact information was gone.

But having the name was enough.

This would be useful for knowing or investigating a person in the future.

After deducting the additional investment of 70,000, he was left with just over 10,000, it was like returning to the liberation.

The system is really black.

But compared to its function,

The 10,000 yuan was worth it.

It eased a lot of his worries.

Tang Qing thought that the system's evaluation couldn't be taken as an absolute reference. After all, wealth can change a person's heart.

Just like a person won't keep a mistress or embezzle national assets when they have nothing. Because there's no opportunity, the credit evaluation might be high. But what about when there is an opportunity? What will human nature be like then?

Tang Qing couldn't be sure, it's too unpredictable.

Thinking about this,

gave him a reminder.

That is: just because someone hasn't done anything wrong doesn't mean they don't want to. It also doesn't mean they will keep their original intentions when there are bigger interests in the future.

If you really think about it,

The bigger the business,

The more accurate the credit rating. After all, having access to a large number of opportunities to participate in various business transactions, provides many opportunities to default. Maintaining such a high score is no easy feat.

But the smaller the business,

The fewer business transactions one participates in, the fewer opportunities for default. So, the credit rating may be higher and less reliable, making one have to be more careful.

But this is not something that Tang Qing should consider now. It's a small business, why think so much about it?

Right now, what troubles Tang Qing is the issue of the person at the front desk.

As for this person, Tang Qing couldn't quite decide. After all, in Qingyan City, he didn't have anyone that he trusted, knew well and could do this job.

Thinking about it,


A figure appeared in Tang Qing's mind.

Zhang Jing.

A beautiful woman who left a deep impression.

Tang Qing admired her commitment and seriousness, even if it was just for selling products. He believed that as long as a person had the right attitude and found their place,

They were worth using.

As for Zhang Jing's ability, he had asked about it in their previous conversation. She was a high school graduate with a difficult family situation and didn't continue her studies, she had been working for two years. Although her education was not high, she should be able to handle the accounts.

Such a beautiful girl who had been in society for two years and had not fallen from grace.

That's why he made up his mind to hire Zhang Jing.