
Chapter 319 Lost All Face

"What are you doing? You see our Baohe is injured now, and you still want to bully him, don't you?" Ho Laidi didn't care about anything, and as soon as she arrived, she reached out and scratched at the villager's face.

It just so happened that the villager's child was called by his mother to wait for his father at the entrance of the village, and he saw this scene, immediately ran back, and started shouting even before he got home.

"Mom! Someone's going to hit my dad!"

That woman was fierce as well, and in an instant, she grabbed a broom and ran outside, "Who? I'm going to whip their ass!"

A few neighbors heard this, just having eaten and having nothing to do, a time for idle gossip instead of sleep, and immediately followed to watch the drama.

As a result, they saw the villager being pushed back step by step by Ho Laidi.

"Uncle Songtao! Look at your wife! I'm not taking this up with another old woman! Push me further, and if I really do something, don't blame me!"