
Rebirth of the Unparalleled Miss

Before her rebirth, Ouyang Xiasha, like her peers, enjoyed wild parties and fun times. By chance, she heard what was in her parents' hearts, and guilt led her to conform, suppressing her true nature to be the obedient daughter her parents wanted—she just couldn't bear to see disappointment in the eyes of her parents who had suffered for her sake! So she excelled in her studies, securing a spot at the prestigious X University’s combined bachelor's and master's degree program; she had good manners, the epitome of a lady; a beautiful face, and a great figure; she was even retained to teach at X University after graduation! Before she turned 25, Ouyang Xiasha was the pride of her parents, the envy of relatives, the object of other girls' jealousy, and an unattainable goddess for the boys who chased after her! Thus, Ouyang Xiasha didn't have many true friends, but fortunately, she had Fu Xinyu, a man who adored and loved her—they were childhood sweethearts, in love for thirteen years, now at the stage of discussing marriage. She also had Mu Qingchi, the only friend and confidante she was willing to open up to. She felt very content with her life! If that day's events hadn't happened, maybe Ouyang Xiasha wouldn't have become synonymous with tragedy. Her only friend and lover betrayed her, a shocking discovery made together with her family and friends! Ouyang Xiasha felt like the sky had fallen—her excellence had hurt her man's pride, and her ladylike demeanor was considered uninspired... Her parents swallowed their anger and lovingly took their daughter home, but disaster struck again. A truck running a red light hurtled towards them head-on. In the end, her parents could only do their best, swerving the steering wheel to save her at the cost of their own lives. Heartbroken and guilt-ridden, and discovering that her parents' death was very mysterious, she resolved to live on for their sake and to uncover the truth behind their murder. But just as the determined Ouyang Xiasha stepped out of the hospital, a speeding Porsche came crashing towards her... After her rebirth, Ouyang Xiasha returned to being twelve years old, the year she decided to change her personality. Given another chance, she resolved to only be herself! Rely on herself! And have enough strength to protect her loved ones. "In this world, the only person you can truly rely on is yourself!" She intended to make her parents proud, to reach even greater heights! And as for her parents' foes from the last life, she was set on seeking revenge with her own hands. Perhaps the heavens couldn't stand her lack of rewards for being a good person in her past life, so with her rebirth, they bestowed upon her an incredible mega space as well as the so-called 'Yin Yang Eye'! Even wanting to be ordinary was difficult for her! But why, with her commitment to remaining unmarried, were there more and more suitors chasing after her? Her former first love who had rejected her, the proud heartthrob, the scumbag Fu Xinyu... Why even the god-like man joined the pursuit? Sister is not into older guys, alright! Men are too frightening—can't I just hide from them? This is the story of a modern, high-quality woman who died and returned to life, wielding space and supernatural powers to reclaim her true self and rise like the phoenix. It's the tale of a heartbroken, high-quality woman who decided to stay away from love but ended up surrounded by suitors! Alright! Sorry for the lackluster introduction from Ziyi—as they say, just jump into the pit! Pre-rebirth might have a bit of angst, but post-rebirth, the female lead will decidedly face no suffering!

Xiao Ziyi · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 3 If Life Was Just Like When First Met (3)

Penerjemah: 549690339

But men have needs too, especially when a woman takes the initiative to climb into your bed and seduce you, that so-called willpower becomes bullshit. Over time, with a few whispered criticisms of Ouyang Xiasha each day, Ouyang Xiasha's grace in his eyes morphed into pretentiousness, her excellence into a violation of his dignity, and her demure persona into dullness, lacking in charm... The influence of Mu Qingchi's background played a part as well...

In Fu Xinyu's opinion, all that was good about Ouyang Xiasha turned bad, but to say there were no feelings at all would be a lie. So he just looked at Ouyang Xiasha, unsure whether he didn't know what to say or was contemplating what to say.

As for such a turn of events, Mu Qingchi was happy to see it, but the silence between the two individuals was not something she wished for. Wrapping the bedsheet around herself, she stepped forward, hooked her arm around Fu Xinyu's, and said weakly, "I'm sorry! Sasha, since you've seen it, I might as well tell you the truth! We've been together for over a year now, and we truly love each other. But seeing how much you love Xinyu, and you two had a relationship of thirteen years, and you are my best friend, I told Xinyu I was willing to be Xiao San, someone who cannot see the light, rather than to tell you. I just hoped you would be happy! Really, Xinyu didn't want it to end up like this either. We have thought about ending it, but you know how it goes with feelings; they're beyond our control! So we thought it best to keep it from you! Sasha, can you forgive us, please?"

"Sasha, I'm sorry. You know, sometimes a man has needs, we both drank too much that day! Over time, feelings developed! I've wronged you! Qingchi didn't do it on purpose, it's just that matters of the heart are really hard to define who comes first! So..." Fu Xinyu also seemed a bit at a loss for words.

Watching her former friend vividly describe the situation, Ouyang Xiasha laughed at herself mockingly. After all this time, it was she, Ouyang Xiasha, who had become the home-wrecker, the Xiao San! Mu Qingchi had become the noble one, and the wife was stepping aside for the mistress. They had already been together for more than a year; if it weren't for her parents' idea today, how long would they have kept it from her?

Looking at the man in front of her, his silence an admission, Ouyang Xiasha felt as if she had never known him, truly, men are creatures that think with their lower half!

Father Ouyang pulled his daughter aside, his face full of distress, and said, "Let's go! Let's call off this wedding. There's no point in saying more. Sasha, let's leave!"

Ouyang Xiasha nodded, supporting her infuriated Mother Ouyang, and turned towards the front door. Indeed! What use was there in saying more? What had happened had already happened. Staying here was only adding to her frustration, and it's not like she could kill him; why stay and make herself sad, make her parents look bad, and make relatives angry?

The Earth wouldn't stop spinning without someone, and tomorrow the sun would still rise in the east and set in the west. She, Ouyang Xiasha, had her own pride too!

As she neared the front door, Ouyang Xiasha suddenly turned, took a key from her bag, placed it on the shoe cabinet by the door, and walked towards her parents.

"Sasha, I… you…" Fu Xinyu suddenly seemed nervous. He felt like he was about to lose something very important to him!

"If life were but as it is at first meeting!" Ouyang Xiasha left him with just that one sentence. Then she walked out the door without looking back.

Muttering these words to himself, Fu Xinyu stood there for a long time, stunned…