
It's me?

Liam went to the garage and parked his car. After turning off the car, he came out and locked the shutter of the garage.

As soon as he had stepped out of the garage, he looked at the grey sky that gave off a sad feeling as if it was mourning something.

"Good grief..It's such a bad weather today." He let out a sigh and placed his hands inside his pocket.

"Wait.." he suddenly stopped himself on his tracks and looked at his pocket. His pocket felt empty. He  dug deep inside the pocket but in vain.

It was as empty as it could be.

"Where did it go?" He was a little bit in panic as he tried searching all over his pockets and even inside the pocket of his jacket, but it was empty.

"Where did it go? Did I drop it somewhere?" Liam thought about the time line from the moment he had stepped outside the house until now but there was no such incident where he thought he could have lost it.