
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

Shuregurl · Game
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78 Chs

Unleashing Origin Power

The magic circle continued to glow brighter as the first entity emerged from its bounds. Devin quickly urged City Lord Philip to leave the scene and return to the city to protect its inhabitants.

"City lord, leave this place to us. You need to go back to the city and protect it," Devin said, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the city. He wasn't trying to be an hero, it's because the highest that can happen to a player is slight damage to soul and penalty, they don't die for real but the inhabitants of Oasis aren't that lucky.

Philip wasted no time and swiftly made his way back to the city through the Covington house. Once there, he activated the emergency plan, causing the city-wide protection formation to come alive. This involved burning high-level magic crystals, a measure that was only reserved for the most dire of situations.

Meanwhile, the entity that had emerged from the magic circle found itself disappointed with the meager sacrifice that had summoned it. It scoffed at the feeble attempt, causing the magic circle to lose its glow and start to dim.

"These weaklings summoned me with this little sacrifice. No wonder the magic circle couldn't hold on. I had to expend power for only myself to pass through. Well, the sacrifice at the end was quite delicious," the entity remarked with nonchalance, its attention shifting away from the people facing it.

However, it soon realized that something was amiss. It sniffed the air, searching for the presence of its brother, but to no avail. Confusion spread across its face as it spoke with a mixture of anger and frustration.

"Ehn, why can't I feel that bastard? Not only has his aura disappeared, but I can't even sense his breath. Who dared to kill my brother? Come out now before I massacre your whole generation to the twentieth descendants!" the entity growled, its voice dripping with malice.

The entity's lifeless, dark eyes, capable of stealing a soul, scanned the area, leaving people trembling in fear. Its sinister smile widened as it began to devour their souls, leaving them lifeless and devoid of any trace of vitality.

Devin, witnessing the horrifying scene and aware that time was running out, shouted at everyone to stop standing idly by. He could sense the enigmatic figure before them, a tall creature with a bull's head atop a human body wrapped in golden attire that covered its body. It emanated an aura that defied the boundaries of the natural world, blending animalistic power with the elegance and grace of a humanoid form.

Facing this formidable opponent, Devin knew they had to act swiftly and decisively if they hoped to stand a chance against such overwhelming power.

"Where do you think you can escape to? You are all Lord Jekyll's sacrifices!" Jekyll declared, launching an attack on the retreating guards. His movements were so swift that no one could see them.

In a single strike, Elder Ingram was no match for Jekyll. Just as he was about to deliver the final blow, Jekyll effortlessly stopped an arrow and a sword attack, displaying his grace and ease.

With a flick of his hand, Jekyll tossed Elder Ingram aside, now fully focused on Devin and Alex. He regarded them with interest, acknowledging their presence.

"You two are more interesting than the others," Jekyll remarked as he fixed his gaze on the duo.

"Weren't you asking for the person who killed your brother? Well, I killed him. He begged for his pitiful life, crying out for his brother who didn't have the courage to save him," Devin taunted, attempting to divert Jekyll's attention towards himself, creating an opportunity for the others to escape.

"You're lying! Although Hyde may be weak, he would never beg for his life. He carries the honor of the Shadow. But, human, nice try. You have certainly captured my attention," Jekyll responded, his voice laced with skepticism.

[Task release players have triggered the task "one of the forgotten Shadows' ' Jekyll. Facing him is an insurmountable feat, players are at risk of dying please proceed with caution as there will be a consequence for death. Exp will be calculated based on completion]

"Whether you believe me or not is your business," Devin replied, his tone resolute.

Jekyll chuckled, an unsettling sound, as he gazed upon the duo. "You can stop with the taunts. They have all managed to escape, but the same cannot be said for you two. I will fulfill my promise, and I hope your families are prepared to meet their demise."

Devin and Alex would have laughed at Jekyll's threat if their circumstances were different. In truth, they did not have families to worry about.

"Ah, the Shadow family nonsense. How you all love to boast about your skills and revel in the methods of maiming your enemies. Your brother was the same, and look where it got him - his life extinguished," Alex remarked, his words laced with a hint of contempt.

"You're right. No more talking. It's time for you to die," Jekyll declared, his voice filled with cold determination.

Jekyll teleported instantly, disappearing and reappearing in front of Alex. However, thanks to Devin's keen perception and quick thinking, Alex managed to evade the attack just in time. But their reprieve was short-lived as Jekyll launched a relentless assault, delivering blow after vicious blow, leaving the duo defenseless.

With a dark, ominous rod in hand, Jekyll immobilized Devin, stabbing him mercilessly. Then, slowly, he walked towards Alex, taunting them as he spoke. "I thought you two would be strong enough to entertain me with your incessant yapping, but you're nothing more than weak ants who overestimated your own strength," Jekyll jeered.

He forcefully stabbed Alex in the leg with the rod, eliciting a scream of agony that resonated down to his very soul. Jekyll continued his sadistic mockery, reveling in the pain and helplessness he inflicted. "How does it feel to watch me torture your brother, as you pathetically stand by, unable to do a thing? You're weak, unable to summon the courage to save him," Jekyll laughed mockingly.

Once again, he plunged the rod into Alex's body, causing him to grit his teeth in pain, determined not to give Jekyll the satisfaction of a scream. "So brave, unwilling to scream. But oh, how I delight in the scream." Jekyll taunted, relishing every moment as he continued to torment Alex, turning him into a bloody mess.

Then, in a sudden shift of atmosphere, Devin's anger reached its boiling point. He felt a power coursing through his body as his body underwent changes. Devin didn't resist the power as he felt the familiar power coursing through his veins. It's the dormant power of the seed within him, undergoing an astounding transformation. His hair grew out, turning a vibrant shade of green, while his eyes took on a liquid golden hue, captivating and enchanting. The rod that impaled Devin fell to the ground, as if it considered itself unworthy to touch his body.

An aura of pure and overwhelming power emanated from Devin, drawing everything towards him, as if every being rejoiced in his presence. Jekyll was taken aback by this unexpected transformation, but the surprises didn't end there. A towering and majestic illusory tree materialized behind Devin, so massive it seemed capable of enveloping the entire world.

As Devin coldly stared at Jekyll, devoid of any emotion, a sense of fear consumed the malevolent entity. He felt as though he were on a chopping block, moments away from being cleaved. In a panic, Jekyll exclaimed, bewildered, "How is this possible? How can this exist in the human world? I'll never forget this aura, the Origin. Isn't it sealed with the Lord?"

Panic and confusion reigned within Jekyll as he confronted the extraordinary power radiating from Devin, now fully awakened in its daunting magnificence.

Without wasting a moment, Devin engaged Jekyll in a fierce and dynamic battle, unleashing his newfound powers with precision. The clash between them was both relentless and destructive, their movements blurring as they exchanged blows and unleashed powerful abilities.

Jekyll laughed maniacally, taunting Devin. "I understand now. You're different from Origin. You can't fully harness your powers yet. That means I must kill you before you have a chance to grow."

Devin's eyes remained emotionless as he stared at Jekyll, as if seeing through him. Raising his finger, Devin initiated a spell, causing the illusory tree behind him to shake. He began weaving a complex magic circle in the air.

Jekyll's expression finally changed as he screamed, "I won't allow it!" He unleashed his full force, attacking Devin with all his power. However, Jekyll was unable to touch Devin, as the tree acted as a shield, encompassing and protecting him.

Devin continued to weave the intricate magic circle, even as the surroundings were torn apart by the sheer force of their attacks. If it weren't for the tree's protective domain, Alex would have been torn to shreds.

The volatile power in the air carried a sense of impending obliteration. As Devin completed the weaving, Jekyll attempted to flee, but one of the tree's branches swiftly ensnared and restrained him.

"No matter Origin's plans, nothing can thwart the return of the Lord," Jekyll proclaimed with a maniacal laugh. "You may kill me, but I am but one of many who share and carry the will of the Lord. As long as there is resentment, carnage, desire, greed, and all the filthy human emotions, along with chaos, I will be reborn with the Lord."

With that, the magic circle unleashed its final onslaught, obliterating Jekyll's physical form and eradicating his very soul. The artifact that had fueled his power flew into Devin's hand, and he promptly destroyed it, leaving behind a white crystal.

Devin approached Alex, his healing powers enveloping his friend in a soothing aura. It felt like being embraced by a warm cocoon, as all of Alex's wounds, both physical and soul, began to rapidly mend.

As Devin surveyed the aftermath, he made a magical gesture that caused a sign to vanish into the air. The illusory tree dispersed, signaling the end of the transformative power. However, Devin felt weakened, his thoughts muddled by the overwhelming events that had just unfolded. Suddenly, a sharp, pounding pain surged throughout his body, his skull feeling as if hammered from within.

He was experiencing a backlash from wielding the power of the seed, a force that surpassed the limits of his mental and physical capacity. Overwhelmed by the pain, Devin screamed while clutching his head, before eventually losing consciousness.

Somewhere else in the Zephyria Kingdom, ten men dressed in black robes surrounded a magical circle. They bowed in reverence as an entity emerged from within the circle.

"Welcome, Lord Phyria," the ten men greeted in unison. Phyria, a tall and slender man with fiery red hair flowing down his back, stood before them. Wrapped in a billowing black robe, he exuded an air of mystery and intrigue. The dark fabric seemed to be woven from the depths of the night, embracing him with enigmatic allure. Golden accents adorned the robe, adding a touch of opulence and highlighting his regal elegance. These gilded details shimmered, as if whispering hidden secrets within their metallic threads.

Phyria stepped out of the circle without acknowledging the bowing men. Instead, he made a calculation with his finger, initially frowning before a wry smile emerged on his face. "I had warned those impatient fools about the ominous feeling surrounding the plan, but they never listened. If it weren't for the calculation, I wouldn't even bother," Phyria remarked.

"You gentlemen are truly audacious to use a shadow royalty as a decoy," Phyria continued, addressing the men.

"We do not dare, Lord. It was a risky gamble to ensure at least one of the plans would bear fruit," one of the men, wearing an Elder robe, replied.

Phyria stared at the men, his gaze growing intense before suddenly causing the head of the speaking Elder to explode. The remaining Elders trembled in fear.

"I detest lies the most. Remember that," Phyria stated with an authoritative tone.

"Yes, Lord Phyria," the ten men responded in unison.

"Let us find a suitable location to summon the troops," Phyria commanded as he destroyed the magic circle not leaving evidence behind.

Unbeknownst to the people of the Zephyria Kingdom, a crisis was about to descend upon them. While some may view it as a blessing, others will perceive it as a curse.

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