
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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Serene City Conspiracy

Alex found himself strolling through the bustling decentralized market alone, his attention captivated by a peculiar stall. The stall, quite disorganized and lackluster, displayed an assortment of items haphazardly scattered across a cloth on the floor. Despite its unappealing appearance, it held a mysterious allure for Alex.

Curiosity piqued, Alex made his way towards the stall. Even before he had a chance to examine the items on offer, the stall owner's voice broke through, "Anything you pick is 10 silver coins with no room for haggling." The price caught Alex off guard, as 10 silver coins translated to a significant sum of 1000 copper coins. In this decentralized market, falling prey to a scam was a concern that hung heavily over his head.

Despite the seller's lackluster reputation and the doubting murmurs of others nearby, Alex's attention was caught by a parchment lying amidst the array of goods on display. Its presence stood out distinctly among the mishmash of items.

Seizing the parchment, Alex paid the required silver coins, enduring the ridicule of those around him who mocked him as another fool falling for a supposed rare treasure map. Unperturbed by their taunts, he left the market and sought solace in a secluded corner to study the map's contents.

To his surprise, as Alex unfolded the parchment, he discovered a congratulatory message addressed to him: [Congratulations to player Alex for finding the map to an old forgotten forge tucked away in a remote corner. Would you like to activate the map? Yes/No? If the player chooses Yes, 20 EXP will be deducted.]

Excitement surged within Alex as he laughed away his previous feelings of despondency. Despite the relentless mockery, he had stumbled upon treasure—a map leading to the fabled, long-forgotten forge. Without hesitation, Alex confirmed his decision to activate the map, fully aware that it would come at a nominal cost of 20 EXP.

Alex was well aware of Devin's ambitions in the field of pharmacy. However, he also yearned for a skill of his own, one that felt elusive within the confines of the game. Obtaining skills wasn't as straightforward as in other games. Instead, one had to learn each skill individually, often requiring the trust and favor of the natives who guarded their knowledge closely. Treating them like mere NPCs would get him nowhere. The natives seemed astute, and meeting their expectations meant treating the game as an authentic world, just as Devin had advised. After all, in the real world, people wouldn't readily teach a stranger their hard-earned knowledge for no reason. This perspective shed light on the game designers' intentions.

Without hesitation, Alex selected "Yes" to activate the map. Truth be told, he was not adept at deciphering maps, and the layout of the city eluded him.

To his surprise, the map sprang to life, displaying illuminated arrows indicating Alex's current location and the destination he needed to reach. Following the guidance of the map, Alex maneuvered through the dense forest until he stumbled upon a hidden clearing.

Nestled within this secluded spot was a house, cloaked by an enchantment that prevented entry. Alex realized that, without the map, he would have no way to gain access to the house. Just as this realization hit him, the map transformed into a radiant light and seamlessly passed through the enchantment.

As Alex stepped into the house, the enchantment dissipated, revealing before him a fully equipped forge. His eyes fell upon a burly figure sitting in a lotus position within the forge's confines. Initially, Alex assumed he had stumbled upon a senior forger engaged in deep meditation. However, to his astonishment, he heard a voice resonate in his mind.

"Finally, someone has found their way here. I am unsure if there is still time, so listen attentively," the voice intoned. "My name is Byron Byrd, a Grandmaster forger. I have stumbled upon a gruesome secret regarding the Kramer family, whose patriarch happens to be a dear friend of mine. He had invited me to his estate to discuss the discovery of a new ore, igniting my excitement as a Grandmaster forger. I accepted the invitation, unaware of his ulterior motives."

Byron's voice carried a mix of urgency and melancholy as he continued his tale. "Upon my arrival at the estate, I discovered that the Kramer family had cunningly lured several forgers, including two other masters and thirty junior forgers. We were all captivated by the prospect of working with rare materials and crafting a magnificent artifact. Little did we know that this seemingly innocuous project masked darker intentions."

"As we delved deeper into the creation of the artifact, a disturbing phenomenon unfolded before our eyes. People began experiencing a gradual loss of vitality, their life force draining away. At first, we attributed it to the immense challenge of crafting a powerful and special artifact that surpassed our usual capabilities. Such an endeavor was bound to take a toll on our stamina and essence."

"However, the situation took a sinister turn when the junior forgers started succumbing to this vitality drain, unable to hold on any longer. We were forced to constantly replace them, their energy depleted to near extinction. Then, in a horrifying moment, one of the masters abruptly collapsed, his life force instantly extinguished as if it had been mercilessly sucked out. It was at that moment that suspicion began to cloud my mind."

"Driven by a desperate need for answers, I confronted my friend, the head of the Kramer family, about the true nature of the artifact we were crafting. All he would reveal was that it was of utmost importance. Even with my vast expertise as a grandMaster forger, I couldn't ascertain the artifact's ultimate grade. There was an air of secrecy that shrouded the entire project, amplifying my growing unease."

"On a fateful night, after completing a deep meditation session, I wandered outside, seeking solace and clarity. That's when I accidentally overheard a conversation, a revelation of secrets that would seal the fate of all involved. The weight of this knowledge hung heavily upon me, realizing that it had cost us all our lives."

"My heart raced as I eavesdropped on my friend's conversation, his tone overshadowed by subservience and a sense of urgency. The other man, filled with impatience, complained bitterly about our prolonged efforts, warning that the sacrifice was imminent and couldn't afford any further delays. My blood turned cold as I realized the magnitude of their intentions. They aimed to awaken Lord Jekyll, an entity of great power."

Grandmaster Byron Byrd continuednto narrate the events of the past, "Caught between fear and disbelief, I listened attentively as my friend cautioned the man to remain cautious of the city lord, implying potential consequences if their plans were discovered. However, the man seemed dismissive of such concerns, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the artifact and the repercussions he would face if he continued to impede progress. He ominously alluded to the fact that his and his family's lives were indebted to the organization, implying that they had been granted all they possessed in exchange for unwavering loyalty.

My worst fears were confirmed as I pieced together the fragments of their conversation. The shocking truth unfolded before my ears—they intended to sacrifice the entirety of Serene City in their sinister plot to awaken an ancient, sealed spirit that lay dormant underground."

As Byron, the Grandmaster forger, reflected on his cautiously executed plan to delay the artifact forging, he realized that his efforts had ultimately been in vain. Despite his careful maneuvers, the persistent man within the organization had been equally carefully observing Byron's every move.

In a last-ditch effort to warn the city lord about the impending peril, Byron decided to approach him. Unbeknownst to him, the man standing beside the city lord was under the organization's influence, serving as their pawn. Caught off guard, Byron fell into a treacherous ambush. The injuries inflicted upon him proved to be fatal, but through sheer resilience, he managed to escape and find refuge in his current location. However, the dark aura embedded within his wounds prevented natural healing, leaving him suspended in a state of animation, fighting to stay alive until help arrived.

"Young Adventurer I need your help to help inform the city lord about this plan as you uncover this secret organization and prevent them from carrying out the sacrifice." Byron implored.

As Alex listened to the plea of the Grandmaster forger, Byron, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The weight of the situation pressed upon him heavily. Alex understood the truth in Byron's words. He was a low-level adventurer with no direct access to the city lord, and stopping a secret organization seemed like an insurmountable task.

"Senior it's not that I don't want to help but there are many things involved. I don't know the City lord so how could I have access to him? Senior is a grandmaster and couldn't stop the organization. I am nothing but a low level adventurer" Alex said as he pointed out the fact.

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